The Storm God

Chapter 3909 Ready to go! (Please subscribe!)

"So strong!"

This is Sinestro's first feeling.

After all, the improvement of strength is the most obvious feature, like standing out from the crowd, the power of the white lamp just obtained is so awesome.


What shocked Sinestro was the enormous vitality.

It even gave him the illusion that he seemed to have an infinite lifespan, and he was not afraid of any harm.


It's not that he's bloated.

It was the frightening vitality that was actually enhanced, which caused Sinestro to make a certain misjudgment.

It's like a rich man in a small country who suddenly becomes so rich that he thinks he is the richest person.

It mainly depends on who you compare with.

Perhaps in this country, he is indeed a well-deserved leader. But if it is placed in other big countries, or even the civilization of the entire galaxy, it will be as insignificant as dust and gravel.

The same reason.

The reason why Sinestro has such an illusion is because of the sudden increase in strength and life, and the second is that his own realm is not determined enough.

For example, Bai Xiaofei.

When he transformed into the White Lantern Man for the first time, although he was amazed at the terrifying power and lifespan, he didn't have such an illusion.

This is because of Bai Xiaofei's strength and level, as well as his vision. Standing tall, he will naturally see farther, and he will not be confused by the benefits in front of him.

Although Sinestro's realm is not bad, but after all, it's a notch lower, so it's inevitable.

But it doesn't matter.

after all……

If it doesn't work, it's more than enough than the top and the bottom. It's absolutely no problem to deal with ordinary masters.


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei just smiled lightly, and explained: "This is just the beginning. In the future, as your understanding deepens, your level of strength will become stronger and stronger. It can be regarded as another form of you after the dual lamp mode..."

Quite a feeling of Versailles.

And this time.

Aya has already finished the task assigned by Bai Xiaofei. When she came back to her senses, looking at Sinestro who had transformed into a white lamp, her first reaction was...

"Start data analysis..."

"The target energy source is determined, and the attributes and characteristics of the power are being analyzed..."

"Explanation failed, began to try other solutions..."


Good guy.

As expected of an intelligent life form, her first reaction when she saw the White Lantern Man was to research and analyze it.

Seeing Sinestro, he was speechless for a while.

at the same time……

He is also very curious, how much stronger is his transformed form than his original self?

After all, it's one thing to feel it yourself, but it's another thing to make serious calculations and comprehensive analysis.

Sinestro still wants to know how much difference there is between the previous self and this brand new white lamp.


At this moment, Aya's eyes directly turned into countless streams of code information moving up and down at high speed, obviously trying to integrate various data information to check the accuracy of the data.

Until half an hour later.

Then he opened his mouth and replied: "According to the preliminary data analysis and statistics, in your current state, your comprehensive combat power should be about 2.5 times that of before..."


Hearing the result, Sinestro was taken aback immediately: "2.5 times? How could it be so little? I think it must be at least 5 times!"

"That's all an illusion!"

Aya replied coldly: "Anyway, my data analysis is like this. Although your energy quality has improved compared to before, the distance is not that big..."

"Of course."

"This is just pure data. As for the actual combat effect, this is another matter. After all, Bai Deng's ability is different from other lamp rings. It is especially effective against the Black Lantern Army..."

"But if it is another enemy, it may be normal."

"So your improvement is not very high in general, but I think that if the enemy is the Black Lantern Legion, then your strength now must be at least five times that of before, or even more..."

"Would you like to go out and test it?"


His tone was full of delusion.

"forget it!"

The corner of Sinestro's mouth twitched and said, "I have just become the White Lantern, and I have not yet fully controlled its power. Now I am looking for the Black Lantern Legion, maybe I am looking for abuse..."

"Let's wait a little longer."


He is not stupid.

How can you not know the danger that may be contained in it.

You know, even the husband didn't take it lightly, maybe he was planning something, and it's his turn to try it out.

What if you startle the snake?

With that in mind.

Sinestro couldn't help looking at Bai Xiaofei, his eyes were full of hints, implying: "Boss, what plan do you have? If not, can I actually test it?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded slightly.

I agreed with Sinestro's opinion, and then directly changed the subject: "I'll talk about the experiment later..."


"Tell me about the situation of Apocalypse. When you replied, what did they mean? Did they take the initiative, or were they evasive?"

"Is there a draft for cooperation?"


This question is very critical.

After all, they are not Bai Xiaofei's own people, so they must be scored clearly to avoid misunderstandings or even tragedies in the future.

Aya replied: "Sir, their attitude sounds very sincere, and some people even suggested that everything can be up to you, as long as you can go to help..."

"It seems that Apocalypse is facing an extremely difficult deadlock, and Bai Xiaofei's rescue is urgently needed."

"It also illustrates a problem from the side. The prestige of the current Darkseid is not as good as before."


This last point.

Bai Xiaofei agreed very much. After all, even the confidant general did not wait for his boss, but chose to rely on others. Doesn't this explain the problem?


The more chaotic there is, the more popular Bai Xiaofei will be here.

"As for the cooperation case..."

Aya grinned, and said helplessly: "They said that they have no way or idea. The thing they want to do most now is to lie down and win!"


Bai Xiaofei rolled his eyes depressedly, and said in his heart: "Fuck, I still want to lie down and win. This year's teammates are indeed the most difficult group!"

"Any news about Darkseid?" Bai Xiaofei asked after selectively ignoring the previous question.

"have no idea."

Aya shrugged and explained: "Apocalypse said that it has never given up contacting Darkseid and others, but all the news has disappeared, and there is no more information about Darkseid."

Anyway, people from Apocalypse don't have much hope now.


There are also some more loyal people.

Although they didn't say anything, they always believed that Darkseid would return in time, and beat up the Black Lantern Legion completely.

As for Bai Xiaofei and other so-called allies, die-hard fans obviously don't believe it...

In a word.

Even if they die, they will never run away from Darkseid.


After listening to Aya's report, Bai Xiaofei was silent for a while, and then he said: "It's not too late, since the other side said that they will fully cooperate with us, then what are you waiting for, why not take this opportunity to show us your new power!"

"By the way, we can also test the ability of the white lamp, how strong is the suppression effect on the black lamp, so that we can update the strength level of the white lamp."

"Sinestro, because of Bai Deng, in this battle, except for a few outstanding people, the rest can only be responsible for staying behind."

"Do you have anything to add to this?"


Sinestro shook his head.

express itself without any meaning.

Aiya looked at Bai Xiaofei expectantly, waiting for the other party to send him a new task.


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