The Storm God

Chapter 3910 White Lantern Corps! (Please subscribe!)

Of course Aya has a mission.

Moreover, it is a very important main attack task. After all, her subordinates are all mechanical troops, and it is most suitable to fight against the Black Lantern Army.

Bai Xiaofei said: "The scope of Apocalypse's rule is larger than ours, and the Black Lantern Legion is naturally distributed more widely. Those parts of the peripheral area will be dealt with by your mechanical army..."


Aya nodded, expressing her understanding.

Such a plan is a routine operation, there is nothing wrong with it, and there is no better way or strategy.

Because to a certain extent, there is almost no difference between the mechanical army and the Black Lantern Army, such as the fearlessness of death in action, and there is no need to care about the waste of cannon fodder and so on.


The latter is undoubtedly stronger.

At the very least, their creative materials can be seen almost everywhere, and the strength of the resurrected undead depends entirely on their lifetime.

Unlike mechanical warriors, each ability and upper limit is already set almost when they appear on the stage.

There will be no surprises and changes for the most part.

The fighters of the Black Lantern Legion are different. As long as the Black Lantern is strong enough, they can almost keep fighting, and even become stronger and stronger.

The mechanical army is better than the Black Lantern Legion, and its abilities are more versatile, so there will not be too much restriction.

Even if the opponent is not the black lamp, but some other enemy, the combat power is still very terrifying...

In short.

The pros and cons of both sides are fooling around.

On the whole, it is basically the same.

Of course, this is only when the number is about the same, otherwise, with their attributes, they will definitely kill more dinosaurs!

"What about other aspects?"

Aya asked.

In fact, she didn't take the ordinary Black Lantern Corps fighters to heart, and the ones who were really difficult to deal with were undoubtedly those black-robed masters.

Especially the current black robe is more terrifying than before.

Even if Sinestro turned into a white lamp, it would probably be difficult to reverse the situation, because the inherently black lamp has a huge advantage.

It is the so-called preemptive strike, and the latter is controlled by others.

What's more, it's an away game.

In short.

Aya attaches great importance to the threat of the black-robed master.

She felt that in order to solve these threats, she might have to use some trump cards on her side.

Like Cell the Destroyer.


Bai Xiaofei was silent for a while.

Why didn't he know the current situation, but Bai Xiaofei always felt that it was too early to show the trump card of Shalu the Destroyer as soon as he appeared on the stage.


Shaking his head, Bai Xiaofei said in a deep voice: "It's too early to make a decision. Let's wait until we go to Tian Qixing and see the specific situation."

The Destroyer Shalu is different from the mechanical army, it is a fusion transformation creature specially created by using the super gene to cooperate with the creation library, supplemented by the sub-biological engine.

Although theoretically speaking, there is a certain resistance to the black lamp, and its infection and assimilation can be ignored, but nothing is absolute.

For example, when encountering the Black Hand, or the stronger Black Death Emperor, Bai Xiaofei dare not say that the Destroyer Sharu he created will definitely be able to withstand it.

If it is unable to resist its infection and assimilation, it is a serious enemy, so it must be handled with caution.

Not only Sharu the Destroyer, but also the ability of the white lamp.

If it is not a last resort, it is best not to use it lightly. If this thing is used well, it can definitely deal a heavy blow to the Black Lantern Corps at critical moments.


Bai Xiaofei changed the subject, and said again: "The preparations that should be made must be done, and it is best to make more backup plans. The more preparations, the easier it is for us to deal with it."


Sinestro responded.

Then he turned around and left. As the boss of Kruga Star, he undoubtedly had a lot of things to deal with now.

Whether it is staying behind or following the attack, you have to carefully select the manpower. What if this is the enemy's diversion?

after all……

It's not like those guys haven't done it before.

This time, Sinestro intends to make a good plan. If the enemy doesn't come, it's fine.


Aya also has a lot of work to do.

Even if she is an intelligent life, she can assign countless instructions with one thought, but there are some tasks that must be done by herself.

For example, the detection of the anti-surveillance armor, as well as maintenance and strengthening, she would not normally hand over such things to others.

Not just Aya.

The same is true for Xiao Wang, after all, this involves his own wealth and life, who dares to be careless?

Especially since the enemy they are facing this time is the Black Lantern Legion, which is becoming more and more terrifying and powerful, so they can't be sloppy.

Before setting off, you must adjust the state of the battle armor as soon as possible, so as not to lose the chain at a critical moment, not to mention embarrassment, and possibly harm yourself.

On the contrary, Bai Xiaofei, the boss, is the most relaxed one now, basically there is nothing to do.


The so-called ease is only superficial.

Actually, even though Bai Xiaofei stayed here and did nothing, but in his mind, he was never idle.

Not only must we consider the current situation and possible changes in the battlefield, but we must also communicate with the spirit of existence and prepare for more power and authority.

Because in the future, he may create a large number of white lights for emergencies, all of which need the affirmation of the spirit of existence.

Otherwise, even with Bai Xiaofei's power supply and support, they would not be able to fully display the true power of Bai Deng.

To put it bluntly, just like the in-app purchases in some apps, although they can be used normally, there is absolutely no need to charge money.

The so-called recharging cannot mean opening a series of permissions.

The spirit of existence, to Bai Deng, is a GM-like existence. As long as you get his authorization and affirmation, you can kill 999...

Bai Xiaofei just created a perfect platform for him to play and various follow-up support services.

It can be regarded as a certain degree of tool man.


The benefits are not without.

Even Bai Xiaofei obtained far more than the spirit of existence.

For example, the huge amount of beliefs, the power of merit, etc. that have been generated because of this, these are worthy of the "ticket price" that Bai Xiaofei paid.

What's more, there are other additional income.

Two hours later.

Sinestro and Aya are ready.

Bai Xiaofei and the others came to a secret space where more than two hundred carefully selected Lantern Warriors had already gathered.

This moment.

They will accept Bai Xiaofei's baptism, and on the basis of the original color lamp, they will go a step further and become white lamps.

The ability of Bai Lantern is very compatible, and it can integrate almost all Lantern series, unlike other Lantern rings, almost all of them have a certain degree of exclusion.

This greatly facilitated Bai Xiaofei's operation.

Coupled with the assistance of the spirit of existence, it didn't take a while for the more than two hundred lantern men in front of them to successfully transform into white lanterns.

so far.

Bai Xiaofei has another trump card to deal with Heileng under his command.

More than two hundred white lights were directly divided into three waves. Yibo followed Bai Xiaofei and headed to Apocalypse together.

A wave of staying on Kruga star to prevent the enemy from pulling the tiger away from the mountain.

The rest of the wave.

It was Dust Star who was assigned to the mechanical field.

After all, there is the core of the mechanical field, and its importance is self-evident. Although it is deeply protected by countless mechanical armies, it cannot be ignored.

And the restraint and lethality of the white lamp against the black lamp, there is no doubt that it is definitely above the mechanical warrior.

Although this wave of white lights may not necessarily be the opponent of the Black Lantern Legion, their role is mainly to delay time. As long as he is not wiped out by the group all at once, Bai Xiaofei will be able to come back in time.

After doing these.

Bai Xiaofei let Aya rule over Apocalypse, then directly tore apart the space, and led the generals across the past.


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