The Storm God

Chapter 3911 Ask for permission! (Please subscribe!)


The high-level figures in charge of waiting and receiving Bai Xiaofei and others here are Darkseid's second son, Prince Orion, and his kind grandmother.

As for the others, Bai Xiaofei didn't know them.

In short.

The welcome ceremony was grand.

After all, this is Bai Xiaofei, one of the top super bosses in the entire universe, who dares to underestimate him?

not to mention……

Apocalypse still needs people.

No matter what the reason is, this face-saving effort must be done anyway.


There is also a sense of caution.

If Bai Xiaofei used the excuse of helping to send troops to invade on a large scale, and there is no defense here, wouldn't it be completely cold?

"Mr. Bai, welcome to Apocalypse..."

Prince Orion is very enthusiastic.

After Bai Xiaofei and the others showed up, they walked up directly and sent cordial greetings. There were also several beauties who were quite good in figure, appearance, or temperament...

These beauties seem to have been instructed by Prince Orlean, and they are also very enthusiastic. As soon as they come up, they surround Bai Xiaofei, and their demeanor is so intimate.

As for Sinestro, Aya and others?

They were not neglected either. Although the quality of the people who greeted them was a little bit worse, it was justified.

Although it was a little too much to do so, it at least showed Prince Orion's respect and attitude towards Bai Xiaofei and others.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his hand, signaling Orion to call these people away, after all, they did not enjoy coming here.


Prince Orion understood.

After waving their palms, the rest of the entourage retreated sensibly.


The prince brought everyone to a very large meeting room.

Without Bai Xiaofei opening his mouth, Olean took the initiative to send someone the latest information on the battle situation of Apocalypse.

And explained to everyone: "The current Black Lantern Corps is not what it used to be, and my Apocalypse masters were taken away by my father, so the battle situation is very bad..."


"The most dangerous target locations are the mechanical fortress, the outer defense of Apocalypse, and the planet Alte..."

"Especially on the mechanical fortress..."


Bai Xiaofei and the others listened carefully.

During the period, many questions were raised, such as where did Darkseid go? When can I come back?

What level does Tianqixing hope Bai Xiaofei and others can achieve, and what kind of help the other party can provide them...

Most importantly, what is the highest reward that Apocalypse can pay? After all, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Even if the two parties are now in a cooperative relationship, it is the same.

To know.

Bai Xiaofei's territory is not very safe now. Everyone knows the ambition of the Black Lantern Corps. They also risked great dedication to help Apocalypse tide over the difficulties...

It can't be over with just a thank you, can it?


Prince Orion was silent for a while, and thought: "Sure enough, it's still here, no matter what, this question can't be avoided anyway, since the other party has asked, let's explain it once and for all!"

With that in mind.

He didn't hide it, and said bluntly: "Everyone, Tian Qixing is in danger now, and my father is missing, so the conditions I can offer may not satisfy everyone..."

"As long as everyone's conditions are not too harsh, I will try my best to satisfy everyone even if I risk everything..."


That's all for now.

The attitude is very clear, what are the conditions, you open!

As for whether I can give it to you, I can't guarantee it. I can only say that I am as satisfied as possible. After all, it is not me who is in charge of Apocalypse now, but my father.

I was just in danger.

I hope everyone understands.


Bai Xiaofei took a deep look at Olean, with a smile on his face all the time, but in his heart he gave a very high evaluation to this son of Darkseid.

He didn't speak right away.

Instead, he looked at Sinestro and Aya at the side, implying that what you want is to seize the opportunity!


Bai Xiaofei is going to hand over the opportunity to rob Apocalypse to Sinestro and Aya, after all, he is already very strong now.

A mere Orion, I'm afraid it will be difficult to give Bai Xiaofei what he wants.

Not even Darkseid.


It's better to use this opportunity to gather a wave of wool and help the two generals under him become stronger as much as possible.

Sinestro and Aya knew each other instantly.

The two looked at each other tacitly, and then with a cruel smile, Qi Qi looked at Prince Orion.

"We want the raw material development and collection rights of all Destroyers in the area ruled by your Apocalypse..."

The two generals spoke in unison.


Long before this, they had already reached some kind of consensus.

When Bai Xiaofei heard this, the smile on his face couldn't help becoming brighter, because they knew very well what the two of them were asking for this condition.

As an almost universal applicable element, the Ultimate Destroyer not only has great development value for Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps, but also for Bai Xiaofei.

Up to now.

Bai Xiaofei only used it to create the type of Cell, other types, due to time and other factors, have not yet been carried out.

But it is conceivable that as long as there is enough time and enough raw materials, Bai Xiaofei can develop and create a large wave of super strong biological fighters.

And it's the kind with amazing potential and strength.

Even Bai Xiaofei couldn't ignore the impact and great value of this project...

Bai Xiaofei's original intention was to make Sinestro and Aya stronger, but the two younger brothers did not follow his wishes, but planned to use this opportunity to further expand Bai Xiaofei's power...

Having such a little brother, Bai Xiaofei just wants to say that he is very happy.

On the other hand, Prince Orion, after hearing Sinestro and Aya's request, was immediately stunned.

after all.

He's not stupid either.

Orion knew very well what the Destroyer's raw materials meant. If he really agreed to this request, the blow to Apocalypse in the future would be unimaginably terrifying.


If you don't agree, it's still up to you whether Tian Qixing will have a future.

This makes him difficult to deal with.

This moment.

Olean was in a dilemma and didn't know how to answer it. This question was indeed difficult.


He is not the actual ruler of Apocalypse yet, but a character who is in danger. Orion does not have complete decision-making power for similar major decisions.

What if he agrees, but one day Darkseid comes back and refuses to accept it at all, what's the matter?

There is no doubt that the two sides will definitely have huge conflicts because of this, and even fierce battles will break out.

Regardless of the outcome, Orion, as a decision-maker, will suffer from various criticisms and crusades from both sides.

To this.

Prince Orlean just wanted to say, I am too difficult!

Father, where have you been? Come back quickly, I really don't want to take the blame of Apocalypse!

As everyone knows.

On the edge of the universe, the wall of origin here.

Darkside, as well as the generals and masters who led them, are now fighting fiercely with the black-robed army stationed by the Black Lantern Legion.

And because of the sufficient preparation, Dakseid had a huge advantage, and he was about to kill all the black-robed army.

Taking advantage of a blank opportunity.

Dakseid rushed to a certain area of ​​the wall of origin desperately, and launched a frenzied attack on one of the figures.

The omega rays in his eyes seemed to be free of money, and the bombardment release was called a turbulence!

With Darkseid's efforts, a crack slowly appeared on the edge of the huge figure stuck to the wall...


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