The Storm God

Chapter 3912 This wave is stable! (Please subscribe!)

"At most half!"

Apocalypse, Prince Orion, finally gave Bai Xiaofei and others such an answer after a difficult decision.

The attitude is very firm.

Just do it.


Then there is no need to talk about it.

After all, everyone knows what the raw materials of the Destroyer mean. No matter how difficult it is for Apocalypse now, it is impossible to hand over all the benefits to others.

If this is the case, there will be no need for Apocalypse to exist in the future, and it will be surpassed and destroyed anyway, sooner or later.


As a result, Sinestro and Aya did not give up their cooperation with Apocalypse because of this, but agreed to it.


They have already guessed Apocalypse's attitude.

Even in their expectations, they never imagined that they would get so many shares and half of the development and collection rights, which was beyond expectations.


And seeing the two of them like this, Olean's mood became complicated.

He suddenly felt as if he had been tricked.


It seems that I am really not good at bargaining.

This kind of thing should be done by more professional people. It's okay now, it's sloppy, and I just gave up half of the share...

what to do?


What a joke!

Not to mention whether the other party will agree, the consequences of doing so are definitely not something Tian Qixing can bear.

Even if Bai Xiaofei and the others don't get angry and vent their anger, just slapping their ass and leaving, it is definitely enough for Tian Qixing to drink a pot.

"That's all!"

"This is the end of the matter, and this is the only way to go."

"If you lose, you lose!"


Prince Orion thought in distress.

No matter how hard the path he chooses, he must finish it. This is not only for himself, but also for the future of Apocalypse.


The two parties signed an agreement and a contract in this regard.

It clearly stipulates the responsibilities and obligations that both parties should perform. If there is a violation of the contract, they will be severely punished.

It's worth mentioning that, in order to prevent Apocalypse from reneging on his debts, Bai Xiaofei made a contract with Heaven.

In this way, with Tian Dao as the referee, there is no need to worry about Tian Qixing's tricks.

If the other party really dared to breach the contract, Heavenly Dao would not care whether the person in charge of Apocalypse was Olean.

After all, he represents the entire Apocalypse, not an individual.


The most important thing is.

Olean's identity and status, he is Darkseid's own son, a veritable legal heir.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for any other guy to successfully conclude this heavenly contract...

To know.

People can be deceived, but the way of heaven cannot be deceived.

After the contract was established, Olean sighed heavily, and then put all the depression behind him.

Then change the subject and talk about business.

In short.

He means.

Let Bai Xiaofei and others contribute first to help Apocalypse fight against the invasion of the Black Lantern Legion, and we will talk about the reward later.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then, considering the current situation, he suggested: "Why don't you start with the mechanical fortress first, after all, it is almost the most important place for you..."

Of course.

This so-called degree of righteousness is worth fighting against the Black Lantern Corps, not against the Apocalypse.

On the other side of the mechanical fortress, there are some latest scientific research results, and there are countless mechanical life forms.

It is the location of the main force used by Apocalypse to fight against the Black Lantern Legion.


The Black Lantern Legion also attached great importance to the mechanical fortress, and directly dispatched dozens of black-robed masters to besiege the mechanical fortress.

Apocalypse is powerful, but without Darkseid and a group of top experts, it can be said that there is no leader.

Facing the enhanced black-robed army, they naturally have no resistance. The key mechanical fortress has suffered heavy damage more than once, and it has not fully recovered until now.

The Black Lantern Legion also took a fancy to this point, so they wanted to take this opportunity to completely destroy it.

Once Apocalypse has no mechanical fortress as the source of strength for the mechanical army, then Apocalypse will be directly cut off its left and right arms in the main force against the Black Lantern Legion...

This is far more serious than going to war without a gun.


Prince Orion agreed with Bai Xiaofei's proposal very much, nodded and said: "It is indeed very important there, our Apocalypse is short of manpower, so we can only ask you for help..."

The implication is that you have the final say on what you want to do, we Apocalypse do not express opinions, we only look at the results.


Bai Xiaofei instantly understood.

Then he looked at Aiya and ordered: "You are better at the mechanical field. If that's the case, then this task will be entrusted to you. Are you sure?"

"no problem!"

Aiya looked confident, expressing no pressure at all, and said: "There are only a few dozen black robes in the area, and Xiao Wang and I will be the ones, what a joke!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

But just in case, Aya was assigned more than a dozen Lantern Warriors who could turn into White Lanterns, just in case.

As for the other important areas of Apocalypse, it will be confronted by Sinestro and others in conjunction with the local forces of Apocalypse.

Bai Xiaofei believed it.

If nothing else, you should see results soon.

As for him...

It is preparing to sit in the base camp of Apocalypse.

After all, Black Hand, the leader of the Black Lantern Legion, and others don't have accurate information yet, and they don't know what the other party is paying attention to.

Before the other party made a move, Bai Xiaofei, the marshal, would naturally not easily appear on the stage.

Otherwise, wouldn't it just weaken his own prestige.

The key is also more passive.

To this.

Olean also expressed his understanding, and didn't have any objections, and he didn't dare to have any objections. After all, his current role is a support, but the boss of Bai Xiaofei and others.

Even if he is now the temporary head of Apocalypse, it doesn't mean that Olean has the qualifications to be equal to Bai Xiaofei.

The magnitude difference between the two sides is too far!

His father is about the same.

This issue……

Olean felt depressed just thinking about it.

I thought, when will I be able to break through to my father's level? This situation of insufficient strength is really too aggrieved!

Regardless of what Orion thought.


Sinestro, Aya and the others were not idle at all. After determining the combat strategy, they started to act one after another.

Bai Xiaofei personally took action, tearing apart space, providing everyone with teleportation, long-range violent soldiers, and supporting the major regional battlefields of Apocalypse.

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei did not forget to pay attention to the safety of the mechanical field. Fortunately, it has been quite stable all along, and nothing abnormal happened.

But even so, don't let your guard down.

that's all.

Tian Qixing got Bai Xiaofei's help, and the regional battlefields that were invaded by the Black Lantern Legion soon poured in fresh blood, which directly caught the Black Lantern Legion by surprise.

With full firepower, Sinestro, Aya and others, who came here with careful preparation, killed and killed on the battlefield, invincible, and severely injured the soldiers of the Black Lantern Legion.

Ordinary black lantern fighters would not be able to hold out for a few rounds at all in their hands, and only those promoted black-robed masters could compete with them.

But even so, it is necessary to maintain a certain balance by bullying more and less, otherwise, you will only be completely abused.

after all……

Whether it is Sinestro or Aya's anti-surveillance mecha, they have been upgraded and strengthened several times, and their combat power is astonishing.

Although these black-robed masters also have a certain degree of strengthening and improvement, but the level is far inferior to the former, coupled with mental arithmetic and Wuxin, as well as Tian Qixing's strong cooperation and assistance...

The offensive of the Black Lantern Legion was effectively suppressed in a blink of an eye, and even began to retreat steadily, with heavy losses.

Prince Orion was overjoyed when he saw this.

This wave is stable!


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