The Storm God

Chapter 3913 Another purpose! (Please subscribe!)


The war didn't last long.

Seeing that the situation is not good for the Black Lantern Legion, Aya's mechanical army seems to be endless, and its combat power is amazing. It has obviously undergone another round of upgrades...

So he decisively chose to retreat.


In addition to this main reason, another factor is that their purpose has basically been achieved.

So there is no need to stay here now and continue to fight to the death with Bai Xiaofei's people.

Aiya only gave a symbolic chase, and then stopped the army, and changed to defense to clean up the mess.

Not only the Mechanical Fortress.

The other ruled areas of Apocalypse are almost in a similar situation. The Black Lantern Legion is very thieves. If the situation is not good, they turn around and run away.

There was absolutely no intention of being tough with Bai Xiaofei's subordinates.


When he heard the news, Prince Orion's mood was very complicated, and he even had a strange idea——


Could it be that Bai Xiaofei set up all of this?

Gou Ri's Black Lantern Corps attacked us Tianqi Star, but when Bai Xiaofei came, he was obedient, turned around and ran away...

Why do you really think we are soft persimmons!


Such thoughts.

He was just thinking about it in his heart, and he absolutely didn't dare to show it. Orion couldn't bear Bai Xiaofei's anger.

Don't say these are just his random guesses, even if it is true, what can he do? Just one Black Lantern Legion is enough for Apocalypse to drink a pot, let alone add a Bai Xiaofei!

To this.

Prince Orion could only pretend he didn't know anything.

Seeing that the crisis of the Black Lantern Corps is gradually extinguishing, at this moment, Orion only hopes that Bai Xiaofei and others will leave Apocalypse as soon as possible after receiving the benefits.


That would really lead the wolf into the house.

this day.

Olean came to the battle command room of Apocalypse as usual, and saw Bai Xiaofei sitting inside frowning, silent.

From the looks of it, it seems that there is a problem.


Orion was puzzled for a moment.

What's the situation? The Black Lantern Legion was about to be repelled, why did Bai Xiaofei become more and more worried?

He was very puzzled.

After entering, Prince Orion directly asked.

Bai Xiaofei pointed to a piece of information, frowned and said: "Things are not as simple as you think, the Black Lantern Corps is not an idiot, it is impossible to give up attacking you so easily, unless they do it to cover up other purposes... ..."

"Other purposes?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded and said, "For example, the raw materials of the Destroyer!"


Olean suddenly realized.

As a result, his face became extremely ugly, and he said in shock, "Mr. Bai, is this possibility high?"

"It shouldn't be too low!"

Bai Xiaofei sighed: "Before, I was only a little skeptical, but as the battle unfolded and the Black Lantern Corps withdrew quickly, I became more and more sure..."

"after all……"

"No one will do anything that is not beneficial. The Black Lantern Legion invaded Apocalypse with such a great fanfare, it must not be for revenge and happiness, right?"

"At present, the only obvious benefit lies in the raw materials of the Destroyer. After all, this stuff is directly related to the number of black-robed troops..."

"I have already sent someone to carry out investigation and analysis, and I believe the results will be obtained soon. If this is the case, then the situation will be complicated..."


That's all for now.

Orion is not an idiot, so he naturally knows what Bai Xiaofei means.

The support remuneration offered by Apocalypse to Bai Xiaofei and others is the right to develop and collect raw materials for the Destroyer.

Although it is only half, it is also very scary.

Because it involves a series of fundamental issues such as the division of high-end combat power in the future, it should not be underestimated.

If the Black Lantern Legion's large-scale invasion this time was not about drinking, but also for the raw materials of the Destroyer, Qixing would be forced that day.

after all……

There are only so many raw materials for the Destroyer in total.

About half of it had to be used to pay Bai Xiaofei and others. The more the Black Lantern Corps took away, the less they had, whether it was Apocalypse or Bai Xiaofei.

That's all for Apocalypse.

Who was the one being attacked? Even if they were all taken away, they could only say that it was their own fault, and they couldn't blame others.

But Bai Xiaofei can't do it, those are all his interests.

I could have gotten more, but it turned out to be several times less for no reason. Who would agree to it?

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei was determined not to do it.


This is not only related to his own interests, but also related to the structure and strength of the three major forces in the future.

Everyone knows the ambition of the Black Lantern Corps.

Now they are a little lawless and reckless. If they get more raw materials of the Destroyer and create more masters in black robes, who will still be their opponents in the future?

Even Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to say that he would be able to bear it.

And the best way to attack the enemy is undoubtedly to destroy the opponent's conspiracy and let the enemy's evil plan be aborted!

It's best to be able to take advantage of yourself while disgusting the enemy, so Bai Xiaofei's plan is to take advantage of the victory and pursue.

The Black Lantern Legion's invasion had just ended, and Bai Xiaofei guessed that if the other party really wanted to seize the raw materials of the Destroyer, they would definitely not transfer them all away so soon.

That is.

As long as they act fast enough, they can recover a certain amount of losses. Otherwise, the longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable the situation will be for them.

At this time, the people sent by Bai Xiaofei also sent back news. Everything was just as Bai Xiaofei expected. Those areas that were invaded by the Black Lantern Legion, and even other areas where there were no rumors of war, were destroyed to varying degrees. Or raw materials were robbed, stolen things.

"Sure enough!"

Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes immediately.

Then, without looking at Prince Orion, who had the same decoration, he immediately gave an order to Sinestro, Aya and others: "Recover the raw materials of the Destroyer as much as possible at all costs!"


Neither Sinestro nor Aya are mediocre.

How could he not understand what the raw materials of the Destroyer meant? After hearing the news, even if Bai Xiaofei didn't say anything, they wouldn't let it go.

Regardless of how the generals under his command act.

Apocalypse here.

When Olean came back to his senses, there was no delay, and he quickly issued a new order to his subordinates.

After that.

He found that Bai Xiaofei was looking at him with squinted eyes.

"Mr. Bai, you are..."


Bai Xiaofei grinned and said, "Your Highness Prince Orlean, do you still remember our previous agreement?"


Orion nodded.

Isn't it that the raw materials of the Destroyer have to be shared equally with Apocalypse?

Bai Xiaofei continued: "The current situation has changed a bit, so I think it is necessary to tell you again, rewards are rewards, and combat power items are spoils of war, the two should not be confused!"


Hearing this, Orion was taken aback for a moment, then froze in place, stared blankly at Bai Xiaofei, and said in disbelief: "Mr. Bai, what do you mean..."

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes and said: "That's what you think, what we snatched back is the loot, it's our own income, it's not counted in the reward..."


Prince Orion was stunned.


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