The Storm God

Chapter 3914 Give it now! (Please subscribe!)


This was Prince Orion's first reaction.

But immediately afterwards, he vetoed this idea, because according to the normal logic, if Bai Xiaofei and others do not take action to recover the raw materials of those destroyers, Apocalypse will also pay Bai Xiaofei and others half of the remaining share...

Let's say the share is 50.

Whether Bai Xiaofei and others make a move, the 50% share doesn't seem to change much. The only difference is that the former's ultimate benefit is far greater than if they don't make a move.

As for the extra share, apart from what Bai Xiaofei's younger brothers snatched from the Black Lantern Legion, it also included some that Tian Qixing snatched back.


How the latter will turn out, no one knows.

Based on this calculation, although Olean felt that he would lose more, it would not be too much.

after all……

while losing money.

Apocalypse also gained more.

Not only that, but he would also get better support from Bai Xiaofei, so after thinking about it, he agreed with Bai Xiaofei's statement without any hesitation.

Prince Orion saw it clearly.

How about paying a little more? As long as Bai Xiaofei and the others can be stabilized, Apocalypse still has hope of rising.


I'm afraid there will be no future.

"You are very good!"

Bai Xiaofei thought that Orion would refuse, after all, it involved greater interests, but the other party agreed without hesitation.

This surprised him very much.

follow closely.

Bai Xiaofei understood what Orion was thinking, and at the same time his eyes lit up, he couldn't help but praise him.

"Mr. Bai's absurd praise..."

Olean looked modest, and quickly changed the subject: "What do you think about this matter?"

What he meant was, why did the Black Lantern Legion take so much trouble to do this?

Is it just to snatch the raw materials of the Destroyer?


Raw materials are important.

But for the overall situation, it is not the decisive key, otherwise Orion would not agree to Bai Xiaofei's request.

He didn't believe that the Black Lantern Legion didn't understand this truth.

In this way, the problem comes.

What is the Black Lantern Corps trying to do? Could it be that the raw material of the Destroyer is just another cover to deceive people?

Orion can think of this, so Bai Xiaofei is naturally not bad.

Even more than he thought.


Orion is an outsider after all.

Naturally, it was impossible for Bai Xiaofei to explain everything to an outsider, even if it was just some speculation in his own mind.

He pretended not to know anything.

He just said: "Now we can only take one step at a time. Let's wait until Aya and the others get back the raw materials of the Destroyer..."


Orion felt Bai Xiaofei's distrust.

But he was not angry or angry, because it was impossible for him to confide in an outsider.

This is a matter of position.


The two stopped talking.

They looked directly at the screen of the real-time battle situation, and each of them didn't know what they were thinking about.

The content displayed on the screen is also relatively good.

The Black Lantern Corps retreated in a desperate manner, and was almost defeated. Aya and others pursued the victory, looking for targets that might hide the raw materials of the Destroyer, and gained a little.

Apocalypse is no exception here.

However, compared to Bai Xiaofei's younger brother, Apocalypse is obviously far behind, and the harvest is simply pitiful.

Seeing that their purpose was exposed, the Black Lantern Legion immediately stopped hiding. They concentrated their forces one after another, protected the soldiers who had hidden raw materials, and used their own lives to cover them.


After a big fight.

The Black Lantern Corps died even more. Although many masters were wiped out, in the end they managed to snatch some of the Destroyer's raw materials.

As for Aiya and others, they took back about 3,000 shares in total, and about 1,200 shares from Apocalypse.

have to say.

The Black Lantern Legion has spent a lot of money this time.

In the area ruled by Apocalypse, under the frenzied and unscrupulous search, tens of thousands of raw materials for the Destroyer were obtained.

If Bai Xiaofei hadn't discovered it early and sent people to snatch it, I'm afraid that all these raw materials would have entered the pockets of the Black Lantern Legion.

Although about a third of it was snatched back, Bai Xiaofei couldn't be happier.

One is because the Black Lantern Legion's gains have always taken the bulk; the other is that they have never been able to figure out the purpose of the opponent's move.

To know.

No matter how strong the Black Death Emperor is, his power has a constant level.

If you distribute too much of your original power to others, it will lead to a decline in your own level.

Even the realm fell.

for example.

Let's take the shadow clone in Naruto as an example.

The current situation of the Black Death Emperor is similar to that, because the deity cannot enter, so he can only transfer part of his own power to some body, making it his incarnation.

Then came the problem.

One or two incarnations can still make sense.

Hundreds or thousands, it's not a big problem, after all, where is the realm of the Black Death Emperor?

Even with the body of thousands of people, it is still very scary.


Look at the rhythm right now.

I'm afraid that the Black Death Emperor will be transformed into tens of millions.

If this is the case, then no matter how good he is, he may not be able to guarantee the basic level of each clone, strong enough and bluffing.

Just like the shadow clone in Naruto.

The avatar does not mean that the more the number, the better, but that it is expensive and not expensive.

This truth, Bai Xiaofei doesn't believe that Hei Sidi doesn't understand, but the other party still does this, it's hard to understand.


The other party has any special purpose.

Bai Xiaofei thought about it, but there was no clue.


He could only shake his head helplessly.

Secretly said: "Forget it, what are you thinking about so much, since you have snatched back some of the raw materials of the Destroyer, let's make good use of them!"

"After all, you can change your means a thousand times, and only strength is king! With these raw materials, my series of man-made destroyer plans can be launched again."

"At that time, all kinds of super fighters will gather, and I'm afraid he will throw a ball!"


Think here.

Bai Xiaofei looked directly at Prince Orion the next moment.

"Mr. Bai..."

Olean was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "Don't look at me like this, if you have anything to say, just say it..."


Bai Xiaofei nodded, and said with a smile: "Since Prince Orlean is so forthright, then I won't beat around the bush with you, I want a part of the reward now..."

The implication is that the Destroyer raw materials you snatched back from Apocalypse have to be handed over to me now!


Prince Orion opened his mouth.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei with a serious face in astonishment, he didn't dare to say: "I want it now? Is this... a little too soon?"

"You don't need to worry about it!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head, his attitude became more and more tough, and he said in a deep voice: "I have great use for the raw materials of the Destroyer now, so you can give it or not?"


Prince Orion was full of bitterness.

Speechless in my heart, I complained: "Boss, you have said that, what else can I do? Dare I say no?"


No nonsense.

Orion immediately ordered that the fighters under his command who had successfully snatched the raw materials of the Destroyer be inspected immediately.

As soon as the results come out, half of them will be taken out immediately and handed over to Bai Xiaofei for payment.

The inspection process is open and transparent, and there will never be any petty tricks. If Bai Xiaofei still doesn't trust him, he can even send someone over to inspect it together.

The attitude displayed is called respect and respect.

Those who didn't know probably thought that Prince Orion was Bai Xiaofei's little fanboy, and he obviously had a posture of licking hard.


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