The Storm God

Chapter 3915 Darkness surges! (Please subscribe!)

OA star.

Inside the base camp of the Black Lantern Corps.

Apa's expression was not very good when he heard the reports from his subordinates. It's no wonder, it was well planned, but suddenly Bai Xiaofei popped up...

Not to mention ruining their plan, they also took away about one-third of the Destroyer's raw materials.

This is outrageous!


The anger in Apa's heart had nowhere to vent, so he could only secretly swear and curse: "Bai Xiaofei, just wait for me, and wait for the Lord Black Death to come, you will suffer..."

Swipe back his subordinates.

Apa brought the collected Destroyer raw materials to the core area of ​​the base, where Master Blackhand was busy.

As far as the eye can see, it is a huge, complicated and mysterious special formation, and the people who preside over this formation are all black-robed masters with great strength.

Let dozens of top black-robed masters act as the foundation of the formation, which shows how powerful and important this formation is.

"You finally came!"

The black hand said in a deep voice: "How is the plan going? Are there any problems with the raw materials needed for the formation?"


Appa was silent for a moment.

In the end, he told the truth: "There was a small episode in the middle, and Bai Xiaofei was killed halfway, and he saw through our plan, resulting in about one-third of the raw materials being robbed..."

Speaking of which.

Appa's voice was getting smaller and smaller.

It wasn't because of fear and worry, but because of the huge pressure suddenly coming from the black hand, which made him feel terrified.

"It's Bai Xiaofei again!"


Apa explained: "Apocalypse asked Bai Xiaofei for help, so they sent a lot of people here, we are not opponents..."

Although the current Black Lantern Corps has greatly increased in strength due to some reasons, Bai Xiaofei's people are not vegetarians either.

The key is to kill the black lamp, which is very difficult to do.

Even if the members of the Black Lantern Corps outnumbered Bai Xiaofei, it would be difficult to take advantage of it, and Apa could do nothing about it.


Mafia didn't blame Appa for this.

He said coldly: "Forget it, now is not the time to tear yourself apart with Bai Xiaofei, let's prepare the formation first!"


Appa breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, all the collected Destroyer raw materials were released and placed in this carefully prepared special formation.

It is worth mentioning that.

Originally, the Destroyer raw materials they collected were not enough after one-third was snatched away by Bai Xiaofei.

But the black hands seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and those who were not enough were directly replaced by some ready-made black robe masters.

so far.

The formation is finally complete.

Then, the black hand walked directly into the center of the formation, and the next moment, the thick and indissoluble, terrifying dark death power like a thick black ink paste took shape instantly, and directly covered the black hand like a living thing.

at the same time.

A burst of strange laughter came from the black ink slurry, followed by a more terrifying and powerful force gradually waking up.

Just at the initial stage, it was even more terrifying than the peak period of the black hand, and the follow-up was geometrically multiplied...

The terrifying coercion made Apa almost lose control of his urine on the spot, so he had no choice but to leave the place quickly.

In order to avoid making a fool of yourself and making the master unhappy, and then destroying yourself later, the gain outweighs the loss.

outside the core area.

A large number of masters in black robes were sitting around, intently on guard.

After Apa came out, he adjusted his posture first, and then ordered: "No matter what happens, no one is allowed to break in!"


All the black robes responded.

Master Black Hand is not here, and the highest status of OA star is Appa. So what he said still carries a lot of weight.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, Apa even set up a heavy blockade again, almost completely isolating this place.

Dozens of seals and suppressions in succession finally succeeded in concealing the terrifying fluctuations that erupted, without attracting anyone's attention.


And at the same time.

The Wall of Origin, the Black Lantern Legion here, has almost all been wiped out, and it is Dakseid and the others who finally won.


For this, they also paid no small price.

Almost more than half of the masters were completely killed in battle, and most of those who survived were injured.

Including Oneiroi Morpheus.


None of them cared about healing and recovery, but all rushed to Dakseid's side, then concentrated their strength, and bombarded the huge figure opposite.

And with their efforts, there are more and more cracks around the figure, like a wall being torn apart, and it is about to split.

But at this moment.


An incomparably tyrannical dark death force erupted abruptly from another area of ​​the wall.

This force is so terrifying and powerful.

Dakseid and the others even felt that in front of it, they were like babies, completely powerless to fight back.

All of a sudden they were horrified.


This force, erupting from eruption to eruption, does not seem to be aggressive, and even ignores them, and goes directly to a certain place in the universe, and flies away.

Without a trace.


Seeing this, everyone immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

What's the situation?


Only Darkseid and the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus vaguely guessed something, and their faces became extremely dignified.

at the same time.

The strength of their attacks has also become more and more ruthless.



Under the order of Prince Orion, the raw materials of the Destroyer that the Apocalypse soldiers robbed were quickly counted.

And half of them were quickly handed over to Bai Xiaofei's subordinates, without any delay.

Bai Xiaofei was not at all polite about this.

After getting the raw materials that he was thinking about, seeing the current battle situation, it was almost subsided, so he offered to say goodbye.


Hearing this, Olean couldn't help being taken aback: "Are you leaving so soon?"

to be honest.

He is very conflicted now.

He hoped that Bai Xiaofei and others would leave quickly, but he didn't want the other party to leave completely like this.

After all, no one knows when the Black Lantern Corps will invade again next time, and Bai Xiaofei and others will at least be able to frighten them.

If these people weren't too difficult to deal with, Orion was afraid that they would drain all the good things from Apocalypse, and he really wanted Bai Xiaofei and others to stay for a while.

At the very least, wait until Apocalypse recovers to a certain extent, or Darkseid returns before leaving.

This just beat the Black Lantern Army away and left...

It's too fast.

Aren't you afraid that the Black Lantern Legion will come back?


Speaking up.

People are really not afraid.

He even wished that the Black Lantern Corps would fight back, because in this way, Apocalypse would have to ask Bai Xiaofei for help again.

This also means that it is another considerable income.

With that in mind.

Prince Orion's mood became even more bitter, and he secretly said: "Sure enough, the blame of Apocalypse is really hard to bear."

"rest assured!"

Bai Xiaofei saw through Orion's contradictory thoughts at a glance, patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and comforted him: "The Black Lantern Corps has suffered a lot this time, and it is estimated that they will not attack again in a short time. You can take advantage of this The opportunity to take a good rest and recuperate..."

"We still have our own affairs to be busy with, so we won't stay on Apocalypse to cause trouble for you."

"If you have any difficulties, you can contact us at any time. We are all acquaintances, and we are guaranteed to be on call!"


Regardless of Orion's reaction after speaking, Bai Xiaofei tore apart the space, turned around and left Apocalypse.

Compared with the things here, he is obviously more concerned about the development plan of the new series of Destroyers.


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