The Storm God

Chapter 3916 Stealing the sky for another day! (Please subscribe!)

After Bai Xiaofei and others left.

Prince Orion wilted immediately, especially when he thought of the super mess of Apocalypse waiting for him to clean up, he felt extremely tired.


He really didn't want to accept this family business.

Not at all.


In this situation, Olean couldn't really let go of his father's absence, even if he was reluctant in his heart, he could only bite the bullet and do it.


Apocalypse held a meeting.

Olean asked Grandma Cixiang, "How many high-end combat powers do we have now? How about the losses?"

"Your Highness..."

Grandma Cixiang said with a bitter face: "After this battle, the high-end combat power of our Apocalypse has suffered extremely heavy losses..."

"Fortunately, with the help of Bai Xiaofei and others, we finally managed to keep several important core areas such as the Mechanical Fortress."

"However, the mother box system in one of the areas was destroyed due to an accident. We must immediately recreate a brand new mother box system, otherwise the transmission system will be greatly hindered..."

"The rest, it doesn't really matter..."


The report is very detailed.

After Prince Orion heard this, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback. One of the mother box systems was destroyed?

How can this be?

To know.

The mother box system is a super artifact built by the father with the help of unification, and ordinary attacks can't hurt it at all, let alone damage and destroy it.

His intuition told himself that everything in it was a fraud.


Olean asked to watch live footage of the fight.

Grandma Cixiang also understood His Royal Highness's doubts very well, because not to mention Orion, even she herself was quite puzzled by this.

But that is the truth.

Helpless, she could only show His Royal Highness the video footage of the battle at that time, and explained: "Everyone saw this scene at that time. Although it is unbelievable, the mother box system is indeed destroyed..."


Prince Orion watched the devastating scene in the battle video, and was speechless for a long time, his brows were wrinkled into a ball.


After constant comparison and analysis, he finally found an unusual loophole, that is, Aya was very close to the mother box system at that time.

The most critical issue is that when the mother box was unfortunately hit by the artillery fire between the two sides and eventually led to destruction, Aya did not show any regrets at all...

This is very suspicious.


The mother box system belongs to Apocalypse, but it is also a veritable super artifact. Whether it is your own or not, anyone who knows its value will probably not be able to help but sigh when seeing this kind of artifact destroyed.

Regardless of what others are like, anyway, Prince Orion himself is like this.

Comparing his heart to his heart, as an absolute leader in the field of artificial intelligence, he doesn't believe that Aya doesn't know what the mother box system means.

Because Aya once asked Apocalypse for the mother box system, but Darkseid did not agree.


Unfortunately, the mother box system was destroyed, but Aya never felt any regrets, which is very abnormal.

Unless there is something tricky in it, or something happened, Aya will not be interested in the mother box system at all, just like destroying a sentinel hunter.

But obviously, the possibility of the latter is almost negligible.

That is.

The destruction of the mother box system must be fraudulent.

As for whether it was related to Aya, Prince Orion was not sure, but he dared to assure that it was definitely not that simple.

The biggest possibility is that all of this is a hoax.

The mother box system was not destroyed, but was replaced by some unknown means by Aya.

Only in this way can it explain why Aya was so indifferent, because the mother box was not destroyed at all.


Prince Orion has no proof.

Now it's just a guess. Even if there is any doubt, it is impossible to call Aya and others to confront them.

after all.

He just helped Tianqixing, but he turned around and questioned him, saying that he stole Tianqixing's mother box...

If it is true, it is fine if there is conclusive evidence. Under the mountain of ironclad evidence, I believe Aiya will not deny it.

But if there is no evidence...


This is a big deal.

You know, Aiya is Bai Xiaofei's subordinate, and she is also a confidant in her confidant, her weight is almost irreplaceable.

Without real evidence, he suspects his subordinates for no reason and stole Tian Qixing's treasure...

Who can bear this?

Anyway, Prince Orion, who cares about his heart, absolutely can't stand it.

And the consequences of doing so are extremely dire. For example, causing Bai Xiaofei's dissatisfaction, even anger.

If it is more serious, it may directly declare war.

With that in mind.

Prince Orion became even more depressed immediately, and said in his heart: "Forget it, the apocalypse is weak now, and my father and others are not here, and I have no real evidence, so let's just pretend that I don't know anything..."


And at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei, who had just returned to Dust Star, was frantically signaled by Aya to go to a space with absolute privacy, as if he had some good news to reveal to him.

Seeing so.

Bai Xiaofei was too embarrassed to directly ask what it was, so he could only find an excuse, and then left Aya in the small world.

"Aya, what are you doing?"

The small world is completely Bai Xiaofei's private space.

Here, he is the only god, the absolute master, so there is no need to worry about any influence or external factors.

Bai Xiaofei got straight to the point.

after all……

He still has a lot of things to deal with, but he doesn't have any extra time to accompany Aiyahu. If Aya can't say anything, she will be a good looker in the future.


However, Aiya didn't care about Bai Xiaofei's threat at all, squinted her eyes, and said with a mysterious smile: "Sir, I have something good to give you, it's inconvenient to reveal it outside, that's why..."


When Bai Xiaofei heard it, he immediately became interested, and asked curiously: "What? You still have to keep it a mystery even after returning to the Dust Star. Could it be that you stole some special treasure from the Apocalypse Star?"

He just said it casually.

What a dream.

Aiya was stunned, and said in a daze: "Damn! Isn't it, sir, can you count this?"

All right.

She thought it was calculated by Bai Xiaofei's evolution.

As everyone knows, Bai Xiaofei just said it casually, but seeing Aya's expression, he immediately realized that it seemed that he had really guessed it right.

follow closely.

Bai Xiaofei's brain began to work rapidly.

Apocalypse can be regarded as a treasure, it is true that there are many things, but there are not many things worthy of Aya's attention and caution.

And with all the calculations, there is only one mother box system that really fits, but how is this possible!


That's the root of Apocalypse.

No matter how strong Aya is in battle, it is impossible for Apocalypse's mother box system to be taken away in front of so many people!

I must be wrong!

What Aya stole should be some other special treasure.

Bai Xiaofei thought so.

But the next moment.


In front of his eyes, a special box suddenly appeared, shining with endless brilliance and energy fluctuations.

What is it if it is not the mother box system of Apocalypse!

"I go!"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned at that moment.

Staring blankly at the mother box system made by Aya, he stared wide-eyed and said, "You actually stole Apocalypse's mother box system, how did you do it?"

He was shocked.

You know, Bai Xiaofei witnessed the battle situation at that time, and in the end even he was deceived.

This is incredible.


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