The Storm God

Chapter 3917 Majin Buu! (Please subscribe!)


Aya smiled brightly and explained: "Master, in fact, before that, I have sent a special type of sentinel hunter to sneak in and steal the mother box system..."

As for how it was stolen?

This is very simple.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei's research on the mother box system has been very in-depth and understanding. With Aya's ability, it is not difficult at all to create a fake one.

The rare thing is how to sneak in and not be found.

This is a test of technology.

To know.

Even though Apocalypse was in chaos at that time, and many people were beaten up by the Black Lantern Corps, there were still many people staring at the mother box system.

That is the foundation of Apocalypse's livelihood, and naturally he will not give up easily, but the sentinel hunter sent by Aya stole the mother box system without anyone noticing...

This is scary!

Bai Xiaofei guessed that this sentinel hunter is definitely not a simple character, it may be a special model specially developed and designed by Aya to steal the mother box, otherwise it would be impossible to deceive everyone.

as expected.

Aya then explained that this sentinel hunter was a model specially developed by her using a series of super genes, supplemented by various abilities such as sub-biological engines, and named it Thief.

The most important thing is that a miniature mother box system is implanted in the body of Thief Saint, which has a certain mother box ability.

Because of this, it can get close to Apocalypse's mother box system without being discovered, and it can even steal the sky and replace the sun unscrupulously.

And the so-called theft does not mean directly stealing Apocalypse's mother box system and replacing it with a fake one.

The real theft is actually the thieves, who used the mother box system in their body to hack into the mother box system of Apocalypse, and then quickly transferred many precious data and information stored in it.

After all these are removed, the remaining mother box system is just an empty shelf. Although it still retains a certain amount of computing power, its real value has almost been squeezed out.

The only shortcoming is that the time is too short, Thief Saint failed to steal as much of the terrifying power stored in its mother box system as possible.


Even if there is enough time, it is impossible for Thief to succeed.

Because once there is any excessive deviation or loss in the energy of the mother box system, it will attract the attention of the top management of Apocalypse.

And what Bai Xiaofei lacks is not energy, the data in it is the key to the mother box system.

Bai Xiaofei never expected that besides slaying Tian Qixing, there was an accident in this part-time job.

Just don't be too cool!

"Good job!"

Bai Xiaofei was not stingy with his compliments, he just gave Aya a thumbs up, and he crazily praised her.

Aya said modestly, it's nothing, this is what she should do, and then sent all the data information from the system of stealing the Holy Mother's Box to Bai Xiaofei.

And he explained it briefly: "Sir, after a preliminary analysis, Tianqixing's newly upgraded mother box system has more powerful functions, and the power of unification is even more overbearing and terrifying..."

"Compared to the mother boxes we obtained before, it can almost be described as cloud and mud. Although we only obtained the data of one mother box system, some contents are common..."

"That is to say, as long as I am given a certain amount of time, I can reversely deduce the corresponding data and related technologies of the other two mother boxes, so as to perfectly reproduce the newly upgraded three mother box systems."

"Of course, this will also consume a lot of energy and energy, which may affect some of Mr.'s plans..."


In the end.

Aya, on the contrary, felt a little embarrassed.

After all, no one can say for sure how terrifying the upfront funds are for researching this stuff.

Anyway, definitely not low.

The key point is that Bai Xiaofei is now preparing to start creating a brand new Destroyer series. It is the time when spending the most money. Aiya's proposal to study the mother box system at this moment really means grabbing resources.

"It's okay!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile, and said in a big way: "Isn't it just some loss, what's the matter, just let go and do it, I will find a way to fill the gap on my side..."

His subordinates wanted to do research, and as the boss, Bai Xiaofei couldn't refuse, otherwise, who would make progress in the future?

Not only cannot refuse, but also must strongly support. Because only in this way can his team grow stronger and more impressive.

Although the consumption is indeed terrifying, Bai Xiaofei can still hold on.

after all……

The universe is vast and endless.

There are so many resources beyond imagination, as long as you are willing to work hard, there must be a way to solve the urgent needs.

For example, grab it from the Black Lantern Corps.

As the saying goes, coming and going is indecent, this time the Black Lantern Legion's large-scale invasion, not only the territory of Apocalypse was ravaged, but the space sector and the civilized world under Bai Xiaofei's jurisdiction also suffered certain damage.

If nothing else, the other party's purpose is probably to snatch the Destroyer's raw materials.

Although he didn't know why the Black Lantern Corps did this, Bai Xiaofei expected that there must be a conspiracy.

And the best way to stop the enemy is to attack!

As long as they beat the Black Lantern Legion, unable to resist and hurt their muscles and bones, they will definitely eliminate more and stronger masters.

Such as Apa and Black Hand and others.

By then...

Chasing and fighting all the way, without giving the opponent a chance to breathe, Bai Xiaofei couldn't believe that he couldn't find some clues and clues.

Anyway, it's done.


Think so.

But exactly how to do it is very interesting.

Especially when the enemy is powerful, Bai Xiaofei has to plan carefully, such as creating a wave of relatively complete Destroyer Cell first.

In this way, at least in terms of high-end combat power, a certain balance can be maintained, so as not to be overwhelmed by the enemy.

Aya's mother box system research is still in its infancy, so not many resources are consumed, so the impact on Bai Xiaofei's plan is almost negligible.

He only needs to take out a certain amount of resources and hand them over to Aya for distribution and use, and the rest of Bai Xiaofei can still be used to create Sharu the Destroyer.

The difference is that the number created this time may be less than what he planned.

In addition to Aya's unexpected expenses, another reason is that Bai Xiaofei still wants to make some innovations.

This will also waste certain resources and materials.


Bai Xiaofei's realm is high enough.

Moreover, with the creation experience of Cell the Destroyer, the development process of the new experience is not completely starting from scratch, and the progress is very smooth.

After losing some of the resources and materials at the beginning, Bai Xiaofei quickly found the key and trick to the problem.

Immediately afterwards, a brand new model of Destroyer was successfully created by Bai Xiaofei.

It has pink skin, a humanoid shape, a thick tail behind its buttocks, and pink special antennae on its head...

Its overall appearance is 90% similar to Majin Buu in Dragon Ball, because this is the super destroyer developed and created by Bai Xiaofei using him as a reference.

Not only the appearance, but even the name, Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to take it, and directly named it as a demon.


They are so similar.

Appearance, appearance, temperament, ability, even temper and disposition are almost the same.

The only big difference is the power mode.

Genuine Majin Buu is a monster created by a magician with alchemy, and has its own consciousness.

The new Destroyer series created by Bai Xiaofei is a super creature that is completely fused with the genes and advantages of super creatures such as Krypton Destroyer Day, supplemented by various attributes and abilities of Lantern Ring.

It is even specially equipped with a dedicated phagocytic supergene engine to help it evolve and grow faster...

In a word.

It can do almost all the things that the original version can do, even more so. I believe that even if the real Majin Buu comes, seeing Bai Xiaofei’s Majin Buu, he will be stunned on the spot and suspicious. I am the fake one.


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