The Storm God

Chapter 3918 New power of unity! (Please subscribe!)


After developing the Majin Buu-like Destroyer, Bai Xiaofei had no intention of continuing to develop it.

First of all, the Destroyer versions of Cell and Majin Buu are basically enough for now.


Materials are limited.

If the development continues, the wear and tear will be even greater.

It is bound to affect the mass production of the next two versions of the Destroyer. Overall, the benefits are not very high.


Can only stop here.

So Bai Xiaofei called Aiya over.


Aya came very quickly. After seeing Majin Buu, she was stunned for a moment, and then she understood what she should do.


"Do you want me to carry out large-scale and elite mass production of the new version of Destroyer? Don't worry, leave it to me, absolutely no problem!"

"I'm an old driver!"


Aya expressed no pressure.


Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction.

It's really a blessing to have such a caring assistant, unlike the Red Queen, who can't be mischievous, thank God if she doesn't cause trouble for Bai Xiaofei.

The mass production of Majin Buu was handed over to Aya, Bai Xiaofei said he was very relieved, but this time he called her over for another purpose.

"How is the reverse progress of the research on the new mother box system?"

Bai Xiaofei asked.

Bai Xiaofei took some time to look at some relevant information about the new mother box system, and was pleasantly surprised to find that this thing was of great help to him.


He seemed to take this opportunity to improve himself a little.

I just don't know if Aya's progress is going well? If it doesn't go well, then Bai Xiaofei can only do it himself.


Aya is still very powerful.

Hearing Bai Xiaofei asked about this, he immediately beamed with joy and said, "Sir, I was just about to tell you."

"In the past month, I have been busy. So far, I have basically deduced all the theoretical principles, and I just need to practice it."


Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately: "Is the progress so fast? It seems that you have worked hard recently!"

"Of course!"

Aiya held her head high and said, "Who dares to be lazy when doing things for Mr.? What's more, I am Mr.'s capable man!"


She then transmitted all the latest data and information of the mother box to Bai Xiaofei, quite like asking for credit.

Of course.

Aya didn't really want to take credit.

Instead, I want Bai Xiaofei to help me see if there is any problem with these data, after all, Bai Xiaofei's strength lies there.

Although Aiya and Bai Cass have conducted a certain degree of simulation test through the Hongmeng Dark System, and it is confirmed that there is no problem, but Bai Xiaofei is their master after all.

Whether it's okay or not, Bai Xiaofei still has to take a look at it.


Bai Xiaofei didn't have ink marks either.

After accepting the data, he immediately studied and watched it, and finally came to a conclusion: "Very good, there is no problem. According to this idea, the experiment can be carried out directly!"


Aiya was overjoyed immediately, and then suggested: "Why don't you just use my anti-surveillance mecha for practical operations?"

Good guy.

This is blatant self-serving.

Once the upgrade test of the mother box system is perfectly successful, Aya's anti-surveillance mech will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

The benefits are great.


If unfortunately it fails, the anti-surveillance mecha will inevitably be affected to a certain extent, resulting in a decline in combat power.

It is no exaggeration to say that Aya is completely gambling.

High risk high reward kind.


Bai Xiaofei was silent for a moment when he heard the words, then shook his head and vetoed: "Let's forget it, the anti-surveillance mecha is very important to you, it's okay if you succeed, if you fail, it will definitely affect the subsequent battle... "

He didn't want to give Aya this chance.

Mainly because the risk is too great.

no need.

Bai Xiaofei's idea is to carry out this experiment operation by himself, after all his strength lies here, even if he fails, it will not have any impact.

Once successful, the results can be directly transplanted to Aya's anti-surveillance mecha, and its power can be 100% enhanced.

This is the safest course of action.

To this.

Aya had no objection either.

She naturally knew that Bai Xiaofei did this for her own good, and she could only say: "In this case, thank you sir, if you need help with anything, just ask, Aya will definitely not let sir Disappointed!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded, then changed the subject and said, "There are really some things that you need to do..."

After an explanation.

With some doubts, Aya turned and left.

Bai Xiaofei, on the other hand, came to his own small world in a blink of an eye, preparing to carry out the practical operation test of the upgrade of the new mother box system.

The strongest power in the mother box is the power of unity.

The power is terrifying, even as strong as Da Chao, in front of him, he can only be destroyed into scum.

Especially the newly upgraded version, the power is so terrifying that even Bai Xiaofei dare not underestimate it.

It can be seen from this.

Darkseid's emphasis on the mother box system must have invested heavily in it, but it's a pity that Bai Xiaofei is completely cheap now.

Bai Xiaofei dares to conclude that if this experiment is successful, using the unified power of the mother box, his strength will definitely rise to another level.

If the will is given to the anti-surveillance mecha, it can also help Aya and Xiao Wang to take a big step forward and catch up to the level of the superpower sequence.


The premise is that Aya and Xiao Wang can perfectly control and operate this terrifying power, otherwise, it is a child playing with a grenade and accidentally hurting himself.

Bai Xiaofei restrained his thoughts.

next moment.

He began to control the three special forces, and tried to carry out the ternary integration according to the operation mode of the new mother box system.

That is: to synthesize a stronger unified power.

at the same time.

With the help of the fusion process of the new unified power, Bai Xiaofei can also comprehend some deeper mysteries from it.

for example……

Why can three different forces, after being arranged and combined in this way, form such a powerful and terrifying new force?

This can't help but make Bai Xiaofei think of certain physical and chemical reactions, and guess that there may be some special laws and rules hidden in it.

As long as he can master these, then Bai Xiaofei can easily control and create the powerful power he wants.

It's like purifying and manufacturing the desired specific substance through some physical and chemical experiments, such as gold and so on.

There are thousands of roads, but different routes lead to the same goal.

Bai Xiaofei firmly believes that as long as he can get a glimpse of the mystery, he can use it as a breakthrough to dig out more treasures.

Closer to home.

As time passed, the experiment proceeded steadily.

Under Bai Xiaofei's control and operation, the three special mighty forces are slowly merging, and during this period, incomparably terrifying power and energy fluctuations erupted, but they were all suppressed by Bai Xiaofei's power.

But even so, the planet with a diameter of a million kilometers under his feet was destroyed by the fish in an instant and turned into endless ashes.

The new version of the power of unification has not yet taken shape, but it has such terrifying power. If it is completely integrated, then it's okay?

"It seems to be a little underestimated."

Bai Xiaofei smiled wryly, then controlled his thoughts, separated into two clones, and set up stronger closed barriers around himself and the mother box system respectively, so as not to affect more innocent people.


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