The Storm God

Chapter 3919 Omega effect! (Please subscribe!)

Time passed bit by bit.

And the fusion process of the three forces became more and more smooth. Finally, at a certain moment, when Bai Xiaofei's pressure instantly expanded to almost beyond his limit, there was a sudden "buzz".

The incomparably bright brilliance burst out suddenly.

Just hearing the sound of "Bo", the blocking barrier between Bai Xiaofei and the mother box system instantly shattered into slag.

follow closely.

An unusually terrifying force emerged from the sky.

Staring blankly at the terrifying source of power, Bai Xiaofei stared wide-eyed, not daring to say anything: "The breath of this power..."

"Why does it feel so familiar, where does it seem?"

"Damn, could it be..."


some moment.

Bai Xiaofei finally remembered.

I secretly exclaimed in my heart: "Hey, isn't this feeling like Darkseid's omega ray? Although it is a little different, the essence is almost the same. Could it be the Omega effect?"

Bai Xiaofei has also experienced the power of Darkseid's omega rays, and generally speaking, that's all.

Although it can also pose a certain threat to Bai Xiaofei, but in terms of actual experience, it seems that it is not as scary as in the legend.

And at this moment.

Bai Xiaofei uses three different powers to create a new power through fusion according to the operation mode of the new mother box system.

But it made Bai Xiaofei feel a familiar smell, that is, Darkseid's omega rays...


More are unfamiliar.

And among the strangeness, the stronger one is the unknown and the fear.

Knowing this moment, Bai Xiaofei finally understood why Dakseid's omega rays felt so mediocre.


Even Darkseid doesn't seem to have fully comprehended the mystery of the power of the Omega Effect, but only scratched the surface.


This does not rule out other possibilities.

In short, the group of power in front of him made Bai Xiaofei feel terrified, even though it only looks like a small group, in fact, it is like a singularity.

Filled with infinite power of destruction and creation.

"Be good!"

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and exclaimed: "I didn't expect such an unexpected harvest to come up with such a terrifying thing, and now I'm making a lot of money!"

The singularity of the singularity universe, Bai Xiaofei gave it to the female Tyrannosaurus dragon Ilus.

Although the loss was a bit big, it also gained the cooperation of the female Tyrannosaurus Ilus. Overall, it was still a profit.


This kind of earning refers to the whole.

In fact, for Bai Xiaofei himself, there are very few benefits, for example, his own strength has not been greatly improved because of this.

If it wasn't for another series of encounters that made Bai Xiaofei accidentally capture the second evil corpse, I'm afraid Bai Xiaofei would still be in the original state now.

And now...

The brand-new unified force in front of him gave Bai Xiaofei another chance to be promoted.

This promotion does not refer to him.

He is just an evil corpse of Bai Xiaofei's true self, and the brand-new unifying power, in terms of the ability of the evil corpse, cannot be fully digested.

It is the deity that really helps a lot.

That is.

Through this new power of unity, Bai Xiaofei's true self may be able to thoroughly comprehend and master the way of destruction and creation involving the universe level, and thus complete his current growth and evolution.


These are all the guesses of Bai Xiaofei's evil corpse. Whether it will be successful or not, no one can say for sure, it must be known through practice.

With that in mind.

The evil corpse didn't hesitate.

Exercising means, controlling the brand-new unified power, immediately came to the deity planet, and entered the special dimensional space where the deity is located.

As for Bai Xiaofei's true self, he was in a hazy light cluster at the moment, and he could vaguely see the rudimentary form of a young man curled up in it, as if he was sleeping or practicing.

As soon as the evil corpse came, the deity sensed his existence, as well as certain thoughts, including the special breath of the new unified power.

follow closely.

The deity in the light group, the blurry young figure, suddenly opened his eyes, and endless brilliance bloomed from them, bringing enormous pressure beyond imagination to the evil corpse.

"So strong!"

"Is this the strength of the deity? It is even more terrifying than imagined, and I don't know when I will catch up..."

"With this new power of unity, I'm afraid this deity will be even stronger!"


The evil corpse said in shock.

At this time, the voice of the deity also suddenly sounded in his mind: "This thing is of great use to me, so I won't say too much, after all, you and I are one, but I will keep this matter in mind! "


The evil corpse nodded upon hearing this.

Then he voluntarily left here and returned to the outside world.

Because there is no need for him for the rest of the matter, the deity will digest and absorb the new unified power, and even introduce new ones.

The evil corpse just needs to sit outside and wait to receive the benefits.

As for when the deity will be completed?

Feel sorry!

He doesn't know.

At this moment, the Evil Corpse just wanted to understand one thing. Darkseid spared no expense to integrate the power of the Omega effect he had realized into the new mother box system, but he himself suddenly disappeared...

What is this doing?

Is there anything more important than this?


Just when the evil corpse Bai Xiaofei was puzzled, Aya's figure suddenly appeared, and said with a smile: "I have already found out what you ordered."


When Bai Xiaofei heard it, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said with great joy, "Really? Tell me quickly, where is the edge of the universe? Is there anything special there?"

Before entering the small world and merging the power of the mother box, Bai Xiaofei ordered a thing, that is to detect the edge of the universe.

Rumor has it that the Wall of Origin is at the edge of the universe.

Whether it is true or not is unknown.


Bai Xiaofei didn't have time to look for it.

Simply let Aya handle this matter, with Aya's ability to search for the limit of the universe, the efficiency is no worse than Bai Xiaofei.

This is not.

Not long ago.

Aiya has already completed Bai Xiaofei's explanation.


Aya explained: "I conducted a limit exploration of the universe according to what you said, and I found anomalies in a certain limit area..."

"That star domain is the Prometheus galaxy, and at the end stands a huge and strange wall, full of scary figures, it should be the wall of origin that Mr. said..."

"But I didn't find Darkseid there..."


Speaking of back.

Aya was full of guilt and self-blame, obviously thinking that she hadn't done the task well, and felt a little sorry for Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei was stunned when he heard the words: "Dakseid is not in the wall of origin? It shouldn't be, could it be that I made a mistake?"


"According to the description in the comics, it seems that there is not only one wall of origin, each of which is separated by heavenly blood..."

"Will Darkseid be in other walls of origin? Or has he left?"


In addition to doubts.

Bai Xiaofei didn't forget to comfort Aya, and said, "I can't blame you for this, and finding the Wall of Origin has already helped me a lot, so you don't have to blame yourself for it, Aya."


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