The Storm God

Chapter 3920 The deity is out! (Please subscribe!)


Hearing Bai Xiaofei's comfort, Aya's mood immediately improved a lot. Then he asked curiously: "Sir, what is that weird wall?"

Aya has always kept Bai Xiaofei's words in mind, if you encounter a special wall, don't approach it no matter what.

Although I don't know why, Aya believes that it must be for her own good, after all, that is Mr.

"That's the wall of origin!"

Bai Xiaofei squinted his eyes and explained: "The rumor is the boundary that divides the parallel universe. Many key things in this universe are inextricably linked with the wall of origin..."

"For example, the new gods of Apocalypse."

"The wall of origin connects all the new gods in the universe, and is the birthplace of their power. After the death of the new gods, they will also return to the wall of origin..."

"The spirit of existence and the Black Death Emperor also come from the existence outside the wall of origin. The wall of origin has a special property. Anything in the universe will be stuck to the wall as long as it touches it. If it is a living existence , it will be fixed there unconsciously like a vegetative person..."

"Even Yuga Khan, who is as strong as Darkseid's father, can only be glued to it, and this substance seems to have some connection with the ability of the Black Lantern Ring..."


While Bai Xiaofei was making a statement.

I can't help but recall some related DC comics in my mind. I vaguely remember that in the final chapter of the big event "Divinity", the black hand touched the wall of origin and liberated some creatures stuck to the wall through the ability of the black lantern ring... …

If these are true and passed down to this world, then the horror level of the black lamp will be several levels higher.

Don't say anything else.

In case the opponent is cornered and releases a few guys stuck to the wall, who the hell can be their opponent?

To know.

But there is no one to mess with the guy who is glued to the wall.

For example, Yuga Khan, the father of Dakseid, is the real tyrant who slaughtered the entire realm of gods.

Darkseid would turn around and run away in fright just by seeing him, which shows how terrifying and powerful he is.

In short.

The wall of origin separates the inside of the wall from the outside.

No one knows how long the wall of origin has existed, because no one has ever been able to pass through the wall of origin. Countless ancient gods have appeared generation after generation. When reaching a new peak, you will set your sights on the wall of origin.


They were all glued to the wall.

In the countless years, no one can count how many terrifying gods and powerful beings have been stuck to the wall. Anyway, those gods who have already stood at the top of the universe are trying to cross the wall of origin in order to become stronger and move forward.

But no matter how awesome the gods are, once they get on the wall of origin, they will no longer be able to break through the blockade of the wall of origin and enter the outside of the wall.

In the comics, the one who broke away from the wall of origin is Darkseid's father, the real tyrant Yuga Khan.


It ended up being glued back to the wall.

Those other existences are not necessarily weaker than Yuga Khan, but the latter has separated for some special reason.

If the Black Death Emperor really has the ability to get people off the wall of origin, then Bai Xiaofei has to consider the relative strategy.

"I see!"

After listening to Bai Xiaofei's explanation, Aiya suddenly realized: "So, sir, you suspect that Darkseid went to the Wall of Origin in order to strengthen his strength, and the Black Lantern Legion is also very likely to attack the Wall of Origin ?”


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He frowned and said, "The wall of origin is the source of the new god's power. As a new god, Darkseid is undoubtedly one of the best choices if he wants to break through."

"In the same way, the Black Death Emperor is the most powerful person outside the wall. If he wants to break through the blockade of the wall of origin, he will definitely think of every way."

"Before, the strength of the Black Lantern Corps suddenly increased collectively. I suspected that it might be the journey of the Black Death Emperor, which made a qualitative leap..."


"I didn't realize this at the time. It wasn't until Dakseid left Apocalypse suddenly with his people and disappeared that I didn't realize that they might have gone to the Wall of Origin."

"Now that the location of the Wall of Origin has been discovered, the rest of the matter will be relatively simple. Send a mechanical army to search along the Wall of Origin. As long as they are still there, or leave any clues behind, they will definitely be able to find it. !"

"If you have a clue, don't act rashly, contact me immediately."


Bai Xiaofei warned seriously.


Aya nodded in response.

Then she took the character that Bai Xiaofei explained to her, turned around and left.


at the same time.

In the universe of singularity, Bai Xiaofei, the good corpse who is feeling the expansion and changes of the universe, seemed to sense something at a certain moment, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Have you reached the limit?"

"It seems that if you want to continue to move forward, you can't just rely on meditation and comprehension. You must use certain tempering and testing to make it possible..."

"Even so, I'll go out for a walk!"


After muttering something to himself.

next moment.

The good corpse, Bai Xiaofei, left the Singularity universe, and came directly to the next-door DC drama universe, incarnate as a local ordinary person, and started his own journey of sharpening.

To this.

The evil corpse Bai Xiaofei didn't know about it.


Inside the small world.

The original planet, in a different-dimensional space.

Bai Xiaofei's true self has already incorporated the new version of the power of unification into his body, and with the help of its power, he has started a new round of evolution and growth.

His hunch was right.

The power of unification in this new version is really helpful to me. Just like a vegetable and fruit tree being given super chemical fertilizer, Bai Xiaofei can clearly feel his own changes and growth every day.

that's all.

In a blink of an eye, two months have passed.

In the afternoon of a certain day.


The special light group energy cocoon that wrapped Bai Xiaofei's real body unexpectedly burst open on its own, revealing Bai Xiaofei's real body who had made great progress and growth.

The Bai Xiaofei at this moment is completely different from the good corpse and the evil corpse, but is completely the appearance of the peak of eighteen years old.


After the evolution, Bai Xiaofei is definitely more handsome and temperamental than before.

The most important thing is his level of strength, which directly crossed the original bottleneck and stepped into a higher realm.

Bai Xiaofei understood his current situation in just a split second, and said secretly in his heart: "It's so powerful, it actually made me realize myself. If I don't have the right material right now, I'm afraid I can condense the most difficult self among the three corpses." corpse!"

He could clearly sense that his level of strength at this moment had at least increased by more than a hundred times compared to before.

If the third corpse is condensed, I'm afraid it will become stronger.

At that time.

The Oneiroi Morpheus and Dakseid, in front of Bai Xiaofei, are all younger brothers, the kind who can hit ten with one hand.

If the three corpses are united to achieve the level of a saint, it will be infinitely close to the realm of the venerable, and it will be invincible across the universe.

Of course.

All of this is easy to say, but it is very difficult to achieve it.

First of all, the body of the self-dead body is not easy to deal with. And the quality of the body will directly affect the strength of the third corpse, and even relate to the level of the overall transition after the three corpses are merged into one.

Therefore, it must not be sloppy.


It is the growth and evolution of the three corpses. If Bai Xiaofei wants to combine the three corpses into one and become the strongest saint, the first step is to cultivate all three corpses to a certain level.

Otherwise, even if he merged, he would still be a second-class saint.

Bai Xiaofei would rather not have that.


Here comes the problem.

The three corpses are equivalent to three Bai Xiaofeis, and it is not easy to train them all to a certain level.

At least at the current stage of this cosmic world, I am afraid that there is no possibility, after all, it is mainly based on technology.

If you want to improve the three corpses, the world of cultivating immortals is the best choice.


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