The Storm God

Chapter 3971 Is this solved? (Please subscribe!)


As soon as the strong make a move, they will know if there is one.

Bai Xiaofei's reincarnation sword just made a move, and before it approached Yujia Khan, the latter immediately sensed a terrifying threat, which was attacking quickly.

that feeling...

It was as if a peerless beast was rushing towards him. If he couldn't drive more, even if he didn't die, he might be seriously injured.

In short.

This sword is extremely terrifying.

It must not be underestimated, and must be avoided no matter what!


How can the good corpse and the evil corpse fail to see Yujia Khan's thoughts, and sneered when they saw this: "If you want to avoid this trick, let's go through our level first!"

The voice did not fall.

The two incarnations have already resorted to their unique skills.

The law of space, turned into countless invisible tentacles, completely imprisoned Yujia Khan's retreat, while the law of time directly met Yujia Khan's reaction and action, making him unable to respond quickly.

The sudden addition of the combination of time and space, even a super boss like Yujia Khan, felt a little overwhelmed.


Yuga Khan's physical body is extremely terrifying.

Not only is it resistant to beatings, but also has strong resilience, and all kinds of resistance are also extremely abnormal. Whether it is the law of space or the law of time, the effect on him will be greatly reduced...


This also has a certain relationship with the degree of attainment mastered by the two incarnations and the strength of their display. In short, at this moment, the two forces of the law of time and space have not shown the effect of sufficient experience in Yuga Khan.

It just affected his physical body.

In terms of his spiritual will, it seems that he has not been greatly affected. At least Yuga Khan's thoughts can control the power of distortion and affect everything in reality.

Whether it is external force or self.

That's scary!

for example……

Yuga Khan can completely use the power of distortion to affect the power effect exerted on him by the two avatars, or change the degree of its influence, so that he can get rid of the shackles of the law of time and space as soon as possible, and dodge Bai Xiaofei's reincarnation sword move.

However, these two major bodyguards cannot avoid and stop them.

After all, the force of distortion, invisible matter, all rely on the operation of the mind, how to stop it? By the time you realize it, it's almost too late.

This is the real horror of Yuga Khan.

The body of an absolutely bug-level strong man, combined with the peak twisting power, is simply unreasonable. Ordinary guys can't be his opponents at all.

Even Bai Xiaofei's Holy Trinity, it is difficult to suppress it.


Bai Xiaofei's sword moves are also extremely fast.

Although Yuga Khan's reaction was not slow, he was still delayed by the moves of the two incarnations, and when he came to his senses, his whole body was enveloped in the sword intent of reincarnation by the sword move of Bai Xiaofei himself .

The so-called reincarnation, also known as circulation, reincarnation, life-and-death reincarnation, means that all living beings live and die. After death, the soul is reincarnated and reincarnated into another person, turning like a wheel, and the cycle is endless.

The concept of reincarnation mostly exists in Buddhism, Taoism and other sects, and some religions do not have this concept.

Most of the exercises that Bai Xiaofei cultivated belong to the first class of Dao, and there are also some Buddhist supernatural powers, such as the Tathagata God's Palm.


He is also quite proficient and understands the meaning of reincarnation.

Therefore, he combined the dark law of death with the power of the white lamp, supplemented by Ollie of reincarnation, and created his own sword move, namely the reincarnation sword.

Of course.

The meaning of this sword move is not to send the enemy into reincarnation.

Its main purpose is to destroy all the structures of the enemy and bring about new changes and developments, just like reincarnating a human being.

Including, but not limited to, the life and death of enemies.

Yuga Khan's physical body is unparalleled, and his twisting power is even more domineering. It is undoubtedly very difficult to deal with such a master.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei sacrificed the reincarnation sword he had just comprehended and created. The key purpose, of course, was to reconnect Yuka Khan's physical strength pattern.

The premise is that he has to be able to hurt the opponent.


Everything is empty talk.

Fortunately, with the help of two powerful avatars, Bai Xiaofei's reincarnation sword did not make any mistakes. Once he succeeded, he enveloped Yuga Khan into his sword intent domain on the spot.

Next step.

The power of the billowing law, like a raging sea, launched an overwhelming offensive against Yuga Khan intensively and violently.

No matter how strong Yuka Khan's defense is, it is impossible to resist all the attacks in an instant, and some body parts that cannot be protected will be hit immediately.


He was completely exhausted.

Because Bai Xiaofei's reincarnation sword will stare at every last move, and then they will swarm over like locusts crossing the border.

When Yuga Khan realized something was wrong, it was too late.


Bai Xiaofei's reincarnation sword intent has invaded Yuga Khan's body at this moment, and started to play a role, life and death, in infinite reincarnation, miraculously transformed his terrifying defense and recovery ability into an ordinary degree.

on the contrary.

On Bai Xiaofei's side, he inexplicably collected an extremely powerful reserve of power, apparently the Sword Intent of Reincarnation, which directly transformed Yujia Khan's physical strength into a brand new power that could be freely used and deployed.

There is a kind of meaning of Huagong Dafa and Beiming Shengong, devouring and absorbing the enemy's skill, but the specifics are somewhat different.

after all……

Physical strength is not skill and strength.

Similarly, Yuga Khan, who was aware of the changes in his body, did not use the force of distortion to change his unfavorable situation during the period.

But alas, none of this worked.

Under the cover of Bai Xiaofei's reincarnation sword intent, it's like coming to his domain world, all the rules are almost all decided by Bai Xiaofei.

The law of death can make Yuga Khan's distorted power quickly dry up and decay, while the power of the white lamp can restore it to new life.

It's just that this newborn power, after several cycles, is no longer the power that originally belonged to Yuga Khan.

It is the power of resources controlled by Bai Xiaofei.


If these forces are too large for Bai Xiaofei to control and absorb, he can also choose to exclude them to other places.

It's like throwing out trash.


It is not impossible to transform it into attack power and detonate it directly in Yujia Khan's body, but it is a pity that Bai Xiaofei just comprehended and created this reincarnation sword, and he is not too proficient in how to use it yet.

Based on the principle of never wasting what can be used, this subconsciously chose to absorb and become the power that can be used by oneself.

And all of this is a long story, but it actually happened in an instant. When Yuga Khan realized that his body was rapidly becoming weak, he refused to accept the previous ultimate defense strength, and even the twisted When the force seemed to have lost its effect, the fear and horror in his heart suddenly swelled to the extreme.

He couldn't help shouting in horror: "My body! My strength... Bai Xiaofei, what did you do to me?!"

this moment.

For the first time in his life, Yuga Khan felt the threat of death.

"Hehe, guess what!"

Bai Xiaofei sneered coldly, so he wouldn't be kind enough to answer for Yujia Khan, the power in his hands continued to increase, and the Samsara Sword was rapidly expanding in Yujia Khan's body, advancing with great success, and growing stronger and stronger.

at the same time.

The power transformed by the Samsara Sword Intent is also increasing.


Behind Bai Xiaofei, a huge and bright power crystal formed, and it continued to expand and grow like a balloon.

On the other hand, Yuga Khan, who was trapped in the coverage of the Sword Intent of Reincarnation, had a strong body and a terrifying aura that belonged to the big boss, and quickly became weak like a flood.

This scene stunned the onlookers Dakseid and Prince Orion of Apocalypse: "Yuka Khan, a generation of iron-blooded tyrants, was dealt with so easily?!"


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