The Storm God

Chapter 3972 You lost! (Please subscribe!)

In fact.

The real situation is not as easy as it seems.

After all, Yuga Khan is not a cat or a dog, he can deal with it casually, Bai Xiaofei looks easy, but in fact it is difficult and strenuous.


Yuga Khan will not sit still.

He will definitely resist and struggle desperately, which requires Bai Xiaofei to use powerful means to restrain and imprison Yujia Khan's movements.


These tasks are mainly taken care of by the two avatars.

Bai Xiaofei himself is responsible for suppressing Yuga Khan, that is, the sword intent of the Samsara sword, and it is not easy to use the Samsara sword intent to suppress and eliminate the interference of Yuga Khan's power.

after all.

There is still a layer of strength between the two sides.

Bai Xiaofei's defeat of the strong by the weak was completely taken advantage of by surprise. If he wanted to continue to maintain his current level of superiority, he had to maintain his peak state output at all times, and he couldn't give Yuga Khan any chance to breathe.


Once Yuga Khan broke free.

Or find an opportunity to counterattack Bai Xiaofei's Samsara Sword Intent, then the situation will be complicated and troublesome, and it may even be counterattacked by the opponent.

To know.

When Bai Xiaofei launches an attack, his own defense will also drop to a certain level, this is also his most dangerous stage.

That is.

In the current situation, it depends on who is more resistant, Bai Xiaofei or Yuga Khan.

Whether it was Bai Xiaofei who was superior, relying on the sword intent of reincarnation, completely transformed Yujia Khan's reincarnation into his own power; or Yujia Khan's amazing physical ability, completely exhausted Bai Xiaofei...

Which one wins and which one loses is still two things to say now.


Outsiders don't know this.

They just saw that Bai Xiaofei seemed to have easily gained the upper hand, and was still beating Yuga Khan, which was incredible.

As everyone knows.

Bai Xiaofei looked relaxed, but in fact the ability and strength he used had already exceeded his limit.

Let alone the other things, the fusion of the power of the white lamp and the law of dark death itself requires a lot of energy for Bai Xiaofei to maintain, not to mention the need to use the fused Sword Intent of Reincarnation to attack and Suppress Yuga Khan...

The pressure and backlash that need to be borne during this period is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people.


Bai Xiaofei's two incarnations, the good corpse and the evil corpse, exerted the laws of time and space to maintain, and the consumption was also not small.

After all, where is Yuga Khan's realm level?

To completely imprison him and make him unable to move, the two avatars must use all their strength, otherwise, once they break free, Bai Xiaofei himself will be in danger.

in short.

Bai Xiaofei completely took advantage of the large number of people.

Without any one of them, it would be impossible for him to trap Yuga Khan so smoothly, and use the reincarnation sword to suppress him, and transform and absorb the opponent's power.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is entirely the result of teamwork.

And even so, they are not guaranteed to win, and there is still a danger of failure, even if judging from the current situation, this possibility is very small.

In addition to stamina confrontation with Yuga Khan.

Bai Xiaofei had to be distracted, and explained some things to Aya, for example, he must guard against Darkseid and others who are a little bit of Apocalypse.

after all……

No matter how you say it, Yuga Khan is also a part of Apocalypse.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei didn't believe that the other party would just watch him bullying and killing Yuga Khan like this.

Even if Dakseid has made it clear that he is standing in the team to support him, it is the same. You must know that the credibility of the other party is not so good.

It's always right to be on guard!


Aya's expression froze when she heard the words.

Then he quickly dispatched his sentinel hunters to form a mighty offensive and defensive formation, directly surrounding all the survivors of Apocalypse.


"What are you guys doing?!"

"To kill them all?"


Seeing Aya like this, Prince Orion and others were furious.

But Aya didn't care about their yelling, her men kept moving, Lian Xiaowang, and Sinestro came directly in front of Dakseid.

The Holy Trinity surrounded Darkseid in the middle.

The intention is extremely obvious.


Darkseid was just silent.

Obviously, he understood what Aya meant, and he was afraid that he would make a sudden move, hindering or even destroying the advantage that Bai Xiaofei took so much to create.

after all……

The person being suppressed and beaten by Bai Xiaofei at this moment is his father.

Even if there are some conflicts between the father and son, it is very disharmonious, but blood is thicker than water, so we must be careful no matter what.

To this.

Darkseid can understand.

Therefore, the actions of Aya and others did not arouse the anger of the dark monarch, they just kept silent to express their neutral position.


Aya was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting such a reaction from Darkseid, and immediately said: "We will lift the blockade when everything is over, I hope you can understand."


This time, Darkseid finally spoke up.

Although it was only a very slight hum, it revealed his attitude without a doubt, and immediately made Prince Orion and others who were still roaring beside him completely quiet.

Even Darkseid said he has no objection, what can they do with these little soldiers?

Of course, it is necessary to carry out the will of the boss.


That is dissatisfaction.

Those who can survive to the present are naturally all loyal to Darkseid's hard-core confidantes, and it is naturally impossible to go against Darkseid's will.


Following Darkseid's words, the emotions of Apocalypse had completely calmed down. They all looked at Bai Xiaofei's battlefield with longing eyes, and only hoped that this battle would end soon.

Otherwise, these bystanders will have to continue to suffer.

In fact.

Dakseid's attitude also affected Yuga Khan's mentality to a certain extent, after all, he was his son and grandson.

The results of it.

When he, this old man, was in trouble, the other party collectively chose to remain silent, and no one stood up, even if they helped him with a merciful word.

This made Yuga Khan very uncomfortable.

Although the mentality was not broken, the damage was still huge, and the most intuitive manifestation was that Bai Xiaofei could clearly feel that Yuga Khan's twisting power seemed to be significantly weaker in defense.


Bai Xiaofei will not relax because of this, in case the opponent is showing weakness and breaks through suddenly, the more critical the moment is, the more important it is to keep calm and calm, anyway, now that he has the upper hand, why worry!

The one who should be anxious should be Yujia Khan!

as expected.

In the next second, Yuga Khan began to erupt again, round after round of terrorist resistance, and the bombarded Bai Xiaofei almost couldn't hold on.

Fortunately, he did not relax at that time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"You are really difficult!"

Bai Xiaofei sneered and said: "But it's a pity, I'm different from ordinary guys. I will never relax until I'm sure the enemy is completely down, so... this time, you lose!"

After going through round after round of strong counterattacks.


Yuga Khan's resistance began to wilt completely, like a rootless duckweed, no matter how noisy it is now, it is just an illusion.

at the same time.

The power crystals transformed by the Sword Intent of Samsara behind Bai Xiaofei are getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of cohesion is getting faster and faster.

In just a few seconds, it nearly doubled in size.


At this moment, Yujia Khan could no longer bear the suppression and consumption of Bai Xiaofei's reincarnation sword intent, so that the power in his body was being rapidly digested and deprived, and then turned into other people's resources.


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