The Storm God

Chapter 3973 Aftermath! (Please subscribe!)


"I lost... lost..."


Yuga Khan is now very weak.

The once burly and domineering body, under Bai Xiaofei's reincarnation sword intent, unrestrained and frantic pressure, has turned into a withered skin and bones.

Although the strength in his body has not been completely taken away by Bai Xiaofei, it is almost the same. The most important thing is his spiritual will.

As a top powerhouse of a generation, it is estimated that no one can accept such a disastrous defeat now. This is the greatest torture and blow to him.

Coupled with Bai Xiaofei's Heaven Swallowing Devil Art, which can absorb not only energy, but also spiritual power, one can imagine the fate of Yujia Khan.

In the end, it will only become Bai Xiaofei's power.


Bai Xiaofei didn't kill Yuga Khan directly.

It would be too violent to kill such a big boss like this. Bai Xiaofei would not allow Yujia Khan to die before he completely squeezed out his value.


If you want to keep Yuga Khan to continue to squeeze, you must be fully prepared, otherwise, if the opponent finds an opportunity to counterattack, it is no joke.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei has nothing else, but he is quite good at suppressing methods. He even decided to seal Yujia Khan himself.


After briefly conveying his own meaning, Bai Xiaofei took Yuga Khan, who was extremely weak and had completely lost his combat power, to his own small world.

The aftermath of the scene was dealt with directly to the two avatars, Aiya and others. Bai Xiaofei believed that they would handle it well.


The two avatars were quite helpless with the deity's behavior of throwing away the shopkeeper, and they all smiled wryly.

The evil corpse shrugged its shoulders, curled its lips and said: "Brother Shanshi, I still have something to do, so I will trouble you with the aftermath here..."


They left directly.

The good corpse doesn't care about this, because he knows that the evil corpse is not throwing the blame, but really has something to leave.

Although the two haven't met each other very much in the drama version of DC Universe next door, they can still feel each other, so they have a little understanding of each other's actions.

Of course.

None of this is critical.

The most important thing is that the good intentions of the evil zombies shocked the Chaoying team in the drama version, and they all came to the battlefield here.

Although the other party didn't help much, and they all left after just missing a meeting, this friendship must be kept in mind.


After witnessing this scene.

The Chaoying team over there also needs a reasonable explanation to prevent some people from thinking wildly, especially to ensure that this behavior will not bring any huge impact and changes to the world over there.

Others even said it.

The most worrying one is undoubtedly the Flash Barry Allen.

As we all know, the drama version of The Flash travels through time and space at every turn, changing the past and the future, and triggering flashpoint events.

If the Flash hadn't participated in the matter here, then of course he wouldn't have to worry about anything, but since the other party got involved, he had to be careful.

In case Flashman Barry Allen accidentally triggers another flashpoint incident that affects the past and the future, then everything here is likely to be greatly changed as a result.

It took a lot of effort to get rid of several heavyweight dangerous beings here, and Bai Xiaofei didn't want any more accidents to happen.


The situation on the DC universe in the drama version must be safe no matter what, and this pot was created by the evil corpse. Naturally, he is the one responsible for solving it, and there is no reason for others to wipe his ass.

Even Bai Xiaofei himself is the same.

Of course, if the matter really develops to the point where he can't stop it with his own power, the good corpse and the deity here will also take action.

But the possibility of this happening is almost negligible.


I believe that with the ability of the evil corpse, things will not easily develop to that extent. After all, this corpse is not a good corpse, and he handles certain things more simply and rudely.

Closer to home.

After the evil corpse left, the good corpse sighed slightly.

Immediately, his eyes turned to Aya and the others. At this time, with the departure of Bai Xiaofei himself and Yujia Khan, everyone on Apocalypse, including Dakseid, has also been let go.

After all, at this point, I believe they will not do anything.

Unless it is sincere death.


is it possible?

Prince Orion and the others stood behind Darkseid Qiqi with complex expressions and kept silent, obviously all led by Darkseid.

They won't object to what Darkseid says to do.


After a moment of silence, Darkseid finally asked, "What will you do with him?"

This him, of course, is Yuga Khan, Darkseid's father.

"He'll be fine for now."

The good corpse didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "At least I won't touch him until the value of him is drained, but after that..."

Speaking of which.

He paused slightly, and looked at Dakseid with scorching eyes, which means that after Yuga Khan has no use value, how to deal with it depends on the intentions of both parties.

If you, Dakseid, the Son of Man, want to do your filial piety, then it's not like we can't do it...


This requires certain benefits.

On the contrary, if you don't care at all, then the matter will be easier to talk about, and we can solve it whatever we want.

In short.

The key is you.


Dakseid immediately fell silent when he heard the words.

The good corpse was not in a hurry, and turned around to discuss other matters with Aya. After all, this battle involved a lot.

The scope of influence is also extremely huge.

Although the threat of the Black Lantern Legion has disappeared, not all of them have been wiped out, and some Black Lanterns still exist in a certain corner of the universe.

If these guys are not completely eliminated, the Black Death Emperor may make a comeback one day, so it is necessary to carry out a universe-wide anti-crime storm operation to completely prevent the recovery of the Black Lantern.

And this job, the best is undoubtedly the Lantern Man.

It's a pity that the number of Lantern Heroes is too small, especially the white lights that restrain the black lights. So far, they have only just broken a thousand.

Such a quantity is obviously not enough.


The meaning of good corpse is to make Aya prepare to research and develop some special combat systems that can effectively detect and deal with black lights.

If Sentinel Hunter's huge quantity technology can be qualified for this job, I believe that the efficiency of anti-crime and eradication will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

What's more, the harvest of this war.

Others also said that the key is Tianqixing's reward, if the other party obeys Chengruo, everything will be easy to talk about, otherwise...

I'm afraid it will be another big battle.


Darkseid's attitude is very clear.

The remuneration and conditions promised before will never break their promises, I just hope that Bai Xiaofei can give them some time.

after all.

The catastrophe Apocalypse suffered this time is unprecedented. It may take a long time to recover, not to mention paying a huge price and reward to Bai Xiaofei.

"no problem!"

Shanshi was very understanding, and he nodded readily on the spot and agreed: "We also understand the situation of Apocalypse, as long as you are willing to pay a certain amount of interest, everything is easy to talk about."


When Darkseid and the others heard the word interest, their faces sank slightly, looking very painful and bitter.

Think about it too.

The former Apocalypse was an evil and dark overlord in the entire universe, an existence that countless civilizations feared.

As a result, he now owes Bai Xiaofei a huge debt, which cannot be repaid in a short period of time, so he can only pay in installments...

Really sad reminder!


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