The Storm God

Chapter 4018 The last hope! (Please subscribe!)

in a particular dimensional space.

The big-headed giant observer, with those eyes protected from light, accidentally observed the world Bai Xiaofei was in again, and then couldn't help frowning again:

this person...

What a deep calculation!

He killed Thanos so easily, and had six infinite gems, but why didn't he use them directly?

Does he have any deeper intentions?


The observer had to admit that he couldn't understand Bai Xiaofei.

Whether it is the behavior pattern or the means of strength, there is a vague feeling like seeing flowers in the fog, which makes him feel more hopeful and worried at the same time.


Even so, he wasn't prepared to break his vow.

Seeing that after Bai Xiaofei collected all six infinity gems, he didn't directly make a wish or do other things, but stayed in a secret room and meditated carefully, the doubts in the hearts of the observers suddenly became more serious.


He works a lot.

Since there is no special movement on Bai Xiaofei's side for the time being, the observers don't pay much attention, because he still has other objects of attention that need to be paid attention to.

For example, in a certain prism world, the first generation of Ant-Man murdered many superheroes including Iron Man Tony and Thor by himself, causing the Avengers to die directly.

For another example, a generation of legendary mages embarked on the road of magic because of the death of their beloved, but because of their inner thoughts, they gradually wanted to be dark...

Or, a certain robot suddenly gave birth to self-thinking, and successfully created an extremely powerful body for itself, and then wiped out the Avengers...

Especially this last one.

Among the many different developments, observers are particularly concerned about the direction of the world.

after all……

No matter how the other world changes.

Creatures such as humans still have a certain living space, but this world is different, because the original intention of that robot is to destroy all creatures and create a completely peaceful world.

Moreover, practical actions have been paid for this.

The same thing.

In other universes, although it is not unheard of, but without exception, robots have failed.

But this world.

This robot named Ultron has been successful from the very beginning.

The Avengers were wiped out, the global nuclear bombs were arbitrarily controlled and dropped, and one of them took away nearly 90% of the human beings in the world.


Create a large number of Ultron bodies and hunt down the remaining survivors.

This world, because of the existence of Ultron, has ushered in the end. The cruel environment of nuclear winter alone is enough to make countless people unable to survive.

Coupled with trillions of Ultron bodies hunting and killing humans all over the world, the number of survivors is getting smaller and smaller!


There were only two people left, Black Widow Natasha and Hawkeye.

Looking at such a situation, even the observers are heartbroken, and they can't help but feel sad and sigh for the fate of the two.

But apart from this, he couldn't give the other party any help. It's not that he doesn't have this ability, but that he can't.

Until, a familiar figure arrives.


"Good guy, how can the Thanos of this world be so weak? He was cut into two pieces by Ultron as soon as he appeared on the stage, a typical trans-universe courier!"

"After Ultron got the six Infinity Stones, what would he do?"

"Destroy the entire universe?"


Observers are thoughtful.

And the development of the matter, as he expected, Ultron, who has six infinite gems, has a direct insight into the existence and deep mysteries of various civilizations in the universe.


As soon as the armor is put on, the spear is waved.

The countless Ultron bodies that had been destroyed instantly recovered, as if by magic, they appeared directly in front of Ultron.

Not only that.

A star-like spaceship was also instantly created by Ultron.

Immediately afterwards, countless Ultron bodies all landed on this spaceship and began their journey to destroy the universe.

so far.

The major civilized worlds in the universe have ushered in destruction one after another.

The first to meet death was Asgard, known as the Lord of the Nine Realms. The spaceship appeared out of thin air, and before the people there could react, Ultron fired a shot, and the terrifying energy directly bombarded the entire Asgard.

The legendary Ragnarok broke out ahead of schedule!


Sovereign star.

Countless Ultron organisms swarmed in like locusts crossing the border. They not only destroyed this place, but also wiped out the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy who were going to do missions here.

Followed by the fighting planet Saka, one of the members of the Celestials, Ego, and Xandar, known as the policeman of the galaxy.

Wherever the Ultron army passed by, there was nothing but destruction.

Even a character as strong as Captain Marvel can't stop Ultron, who has added six infinite gems, from being destroyed by Ultron along with the planet Xandar.


Ultron had a special and wonderful reaction with the six infinite gems, which caused some extremely terrifying changes in his strength.

In this cosmic world.

Ultron is an invincible existence. He led the army, destroyed all civilizations and creatures, and finally achieved his goal.


He didn't feel happy because of it, but was just dazed and lonely, completely unaware of what the meaning of his next existence would be.

Looking at this robot figure standing alone in the endless void, the observer couldn't help but sigh: "This machine is about to collapse..."

"After his purpose is accomplished, Ultron is now just a program without a purpose, a victor without proof of war, sentenced to live forever..."



It is not uncommon for observers to have seen similar scenarios.

Therefore, he doesn't care much about Ultron's future. After all, among the many infinite universes, this world is just a drop in the ocean.

As an observer, it was impossible for him to give up the entire melon field because of this one sesame seed, but what he never expected was that.

Ultron, bathed in the boundless silence of the universe, his consciousness has risen to an unprecedented height because of the power of the infinite gem.


He began to realize.

There seems to be other universes besides my own universe!

"I saw you..."

Following Ultron's sudden turn and such a sentence, the observer's face changed drastically, and he panicked.

Seeing Ultron put on his helmet and directly enter the combat state, the observer was so frightened that he waved his hand to close the observation in the space prism, so as not to be killed by Ultron along the path.

this moment.

Observers are a little confused.

"I can see everything that is happening, whether it must happen, or it may happen, but what is it?"

"If his ambition is released in the multiverse..."


He wasn't over shocked yet.

Suddenly, the countless prisms on both sides of the dimensional space suddenly flashed bursts of emerald green light, and Ultron's unwavering voice came out:

"I'll find you..."


The observer was suddenly even more horrified: "...Even I can't imagine the terrible situation that may happen after that..."

"No, no, no!"

"Even that pole is not as invincible as it imagined. There is still hope in this universe, the last hope..."

"And he was..."


The observer is worthy of being a detached existence.

The flustered emotions were quickly calmed down by him, and he immediately thought of a countermeasure to restrain Infinite Ultron.


His figure was directly projected in a certain world.

And at this time.

The black widow Natasha and Hawkeye Clint, who have gone through untold hardships and finally arrived at the destination, are looking for a way to deal with Ultron in the KGB database.

Here lies what the Observer calls the last hope.


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