The Storm God

Chapter 4019 Exit! (Please subscribe!)


Time flies by.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed like this.

During this period, Bai Xiaofei has been in seclusion all the time, and the aftermath handling work outside is all handled by the Black Panther and the others, as well as the Sentinel Hunter Corps.

Before retreating.

Bai Xiaofei has already handed over part of the command authority to Black Panther T'Challa, so the latter can control the Sentinel Hunter to carry out certain tasks to a certain extent.

For example, the disposal of alien corpses on the battlefield.


These are secondary.

Bai Xiaofei's real purpose is to ask the Black Panther to be the team leader and command the sentinel hunters to receive those spoils, such as the Spaceship Temple II.

As for the rest, someone really doesn't care.

Even for these, Bai Xiaofei just took the attitude of trying, to see if he could get some amazing technology from the Sanctuary spaceship.

after all……

That's Thanos' car.

The Sanctuary followed Thanos to fight in the universe, God knows what good things they searched for, maybe there is some awesome black technology in it that Bai Xiaofei needs.

In short.

I would rather kill the wrong than let it go.

The rest, like Vision, Little Spider and others, basically have no use value, so Bai Xiaofei doesn't care about them anymore.

Whatever they do is fine.

Of course.

current situation.

Zombies are everywhere outside, and Little Spider and the others will not leave easily until they get a way to save the world.

They stayed in Wakanda, and they were embarrassed to eat and live for free, and they showed their talents one after another, helping Black Panther and others to do what they could.

Just like Dr. Banner.

Although this guy's combat effectiveness is not good, but his knowledge in physics and other scientific and technological aspects is quite good. It is definitely a good helper to be by Su Rui's side.

The little spider, Parker, is also a talented player. He has learned a lot from being among the big guys, and it can be said that he has gained a lot.

As for Agent Sharon and the Winter Soldier, their specialty is fighting, or obtaining intelligence, infiltrating behind enemy lines, and so on.

Of course, these are not needed in Wakanda, so they are basically idle. Even if there are jobs, they are some jobs of strong labor.

On the contrary, Hope the Wasp is the daughter of the old Dr. Pym, who is quite proficient and good at Pym particle technology.

When she was free, she waited and waited but did not see Bai Xiaofei leaving the level, so she came up with the idea of ​​creating a quantum channel again.


Black Panther T'Challa and Suri didn't lend their support.

It's understandable when you think about it. After all, the quantum zombie virus was created last time because of their family's troubles.

Now the Wasp actually wants to come again?

What a joke!


In any case, absolutely not!

That resolute negative attitude immediately hit the Wasp quite hard, and her lover, the second-generation Ant-Man Lang, could only helplessly give her some comfort.

Speaking of Lang, I have to mention it.

After knowing that Bai Xiaofei possessed the consciousness transfer equipment, Lang, who was left with only one head, was naturally unwilling to survive in this way.


He found T'Challa the Panther.

T'Challa is also very generous. Seeing that Lang is also a member of the Avengers, he agreed to the other party's request and helped Lang make a new body.

Lang's situation is very good. Although there is only one head left, as long as there is DNA, his body can be perfectly cloned.

It's just that the time is a bit slow.

until today.

Lang's new body was successfully and perfectly cloned under the 3D printing technology of the Cradle of Life, and then the second-generation Ant-Man, who only had his head left, finally got his body and hands and feet again, which made him jump up and down. stand up.

Seeing Lang recovered as before, Hope the Wasp couldn't help but think of her father and mother, and said to herself, if they were still alive, that would be great.

But unfortunately...

The matter of the quantum channel was completely rejected by the Black Panther.


The Wasp could only put all her hopes on Bai Xiaofei. To be precise, it is the six infinity stones.

After all, as long as there are six Infinity Stones, he can use them to make a wish, so that he can change everything and bring his parents back to life.

As for whether Bai Xiaofei would agree?

Feel sorry.

The Wasp has never thought about this issue, and she doesn't care about it at all. All she thinks about now is to change everything in the past.


the other side.

After Vision acquired a real human body, he didn't neglect his work because of this, except that he went to see Wanda regularly every day, and was busy with the global satellite equipment.

And Wanda.

It also recovered successfully the next day.

Wanda, who regained consciousness, apparently still retained certain memories of the zombie period, and then blamed herself for it, because she ate a lot of survivors.

It even includes T'Challa's right calf.

Although she couldn't help herself, the culprit was herself after all. If it wasn't for herself, Vision wouldn't do evil...


Wanda felt extremely guilty.

The day I just woke up, I locked myself in the room, and I didn't want to see anyone.

Except vision!

She questioned Vision, why did she do this?

Why save her!

She wants to die!

Emotions were out of control for a while.

As usual, the power of chaos magic would definitely erupt because of this, causing huge damage to the room, but at this moment, Wanda's power in her body has been sealed.

Moreover, the room she was in was also specially treated and reinforced. Even if Wanda's chaos magic recovered, it would be impossible to destroy it in a short time.

after all……

The person who cast the spell was Uncle Locke.

Uncle Locke's current level of strength is at the peak of the God Emperor Realm, and he will be able to wake up three times before he sees it. With the power of the Holy Light, he has reached the pinnacle.

Although Wanda's chaos magic is awesome, it's a pity that she, the master, hasn't fully awakened yet, and hasn't learned any magic knowledge, just like an ordinary person who has power but doesn't accept any skills.

Against ordinary people, it may be possible to sweep away thousands of troops.

But against professional masters...


Then only be crushed.

Fortunately, the relationship between Wanda and Vision can still stand the test. Even after going through all kinds of things, they did not give up on each other.


Under Vision's constant comfort and persuasion, Wanda finally recovered, all because Vision told him that everything can be reversed.

Because Bai Xiaofei obtained six infinity gems, and by borrowing the power of the gems, he could change everything that happened.

That is.

Those who were killed by Vision and Wanda will be resurrected.

And they can also choose to forget these unbearable memories. In this way, it is equivalent to nothing happening.


Wanda couldn't believe it.

"It's true!"

Vision affirmed: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei is currently retreating. As long as his strength is fully recovered, he can easily control the power of the Infinity Stone. At that time..."

The voice did not fall.

In the entire Wakanda palace, there was a sudden burst of terrifying energy throbbing.

This kind of throbbing is very mysterious, even ordinary people without any training can feel its existence from the heart and soul.

that feeling...

It's like a kind of magical power, like the gentle spring breeze, blowing gently from my heart and soul, making people extremely comfortable and happy.

"This is……"

Vision and Wanda were slightly taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, the former immediately realized that the appearance of this vision might mean that Mr. Bai Xiaofei had completely recovered, and even perfectly fused the six infinite gems.


Following the guidance of their hearts and souls, the two left the room and headed towards somewhere directly.

In fact.

It's not just them.

Everyone in the entire Wakanda palace, including Black Panther T'Challa, also left their jobs one after another as if they had been summoned, and quickly came to Bai Xiaofei's retreat room.

next moment.

The closed door slowly opened, and a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone, it was Bai Xiaofei who had recovered to his peak state.


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