The Storm God

Chapter 4020 Belated Thor! (Please subscribe!)

"So strong..."

Seeing Bai Xiaofei for the first time, Wanda immediately felt a sense of inferiority that she was like an ant, weak, helpless and pitiful.

But the person in front of him is like a star, extremely dazzling. Immediately shocked, his body trembled uncontrollably.

It was a trembling from the soul.

on the contrary.

The others didn't have any unusual reactions.

It's not that they are awesome, but compared to Wanda, the rest of the people can't sense Bai Xiaofei's fear and terror at all.

after all……

Wanda is the owner of the power of chaos magic.

Even though his power is sealed now, he can faintly feel that Bai Xiaofei is unusual. Others were different, they couldn't see Bai Xiaofei's awesomeness at all.


This doesn't affect everyone's respect for Bai Xiaofei.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei, although his appearance doesn't seem to have changed much, but his temperament has suddenly increased by more than N times invisibly.

It wasn't that Bai Xiaofei deliberately showed off.


After merging the six infinity gems, a certain kind of special mark has been completely imprinted on Bai Xiaofei's body, making him exude a strange charm invisibly.

in short.

It is equivalent to a humanoid self-propelled infinite gem.

That's right!

These three days of retreat.

Not only did Bai Xiaofei return to his peak state, he also used his own special skills to completely absorb the six infinite gems into his body.

Using the techniques of the five elements and the way of guidance, a special formation sequence was established for the six infinite gems, and they were respectively embedded in various parts of his body.

Like the Mind Stone.

Bai Xiaofei put it in his own sea of ​​consciousness, like a seed, buried in the core area of ​​the sea of ​​consciousness, absorbing its power all the time to strengthen himself.

The remaining five gemstones were also placed in Bai Xiaofei's five internal organs, using the technique of the five elements to refine the power of the five laws they respectively represent. Over time, Bai Xiaofei's law attainment and strength will definitely achieve a qualitative leap .

at the same time……

Because it borrowed from the formation mode of Infinity Gauntlets.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei is now equivalent to a humanoid self-propelled Infinity Stone, and he can trigger the power of six Infinity Stones with just one thought, which is the so-called "snap fingers" to make a wish.

It can be said to be a real world change with one thought, and I think everything will come true!

If others want to destroy or steal Bai Xiaofei's Infinity Gem, they must first knock him down, otherwise it is impossible to take the Infinity Gem from his body.


It was an exclusive plan designed by Bai Xiaofei for himself.

It is also thanks to Bai Xiaofei's strength and special enough physique that he can use this method to achieve the body mode of humanoid infinite gems.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would have been strangled to death by the power of gems.

Stronger than Thanos, the six infinity gems will also be affected to a certain extent, especially after making a wish, the terrifying reaction force will also hurt Thanos at the cost of an arm.

But Bai Xiaofei was different.

His strength has already reached the limit of a single universe level.

There are only six infinity gems in the area. For them, that little reaction force is nothing at all, because in a sense, they are equal.


Bai Xiaofei's level is still above the six infinite gems.

And the six infinite gems are just some special laws and ultimate physical representations of this universe.


In Bai Xiaofei's hands, he really can play however he wants.

Closer to home.

Bai Xiaofei, who had achieved his goal, was in a very comfortable mood at the moment.

Seeing that the Black Panther T'Challa and others were coming, they immediately waved their hands generously, and everyone felt that their bodies seemed to have undergone some special changes.

But what kind of change is it, but why is it unknown for a while?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

At this time.

Bai Xiaofei explained with a smile: "This is a gift from me to you. At this moment, your physique has already been strengthened by me. In the future, as long as you exercise more frequently, your strength and other aspects will be further enhanced..."

"in short."

"From now on, you will all be real supermen..."


among the crowd.

Except for the little spider Parker, the black panther T'Challa, and Wanda, the rest of the people are basically ordinary people. Even if they are stronger than ordinary people, their physique is very limited.

Like Agent Sharon, or the Winter Soldier.

If you say it's awesome, it's awesome, but if you say it's ordinary, it's really ordinary. Because even ordinary people can fight many tricks.


Now with Bai Xiaofei's cleansing and marrow, it's completely different.

Even a fat guy like Harpy, who is five big and three thick, is equivalent to an enhanced version of the American team injected with super genes, and he can punch tons of strength with a casual punch.

Not to mention ordinary people, I'm afraid T'Challa, the former Black Panther, is not enough to beat him with one hand in front of Happy now.

It can be said that he has reached the sky in one step, and his strength has increased rapidly.

Of course.

He already has abilities that are different from ordinary people. After experiencing Bai Xiaofei's cleansing and essence cutting, the effect is naturally even more awesome.

Like little spider Parker.


His strength, stamina, reaction speed, etc. are far beyond ordinary people. Lifting a truck weighing several tons is just like playing.

Even in the face of the Hulk, he can head-to-head.

And now.

After washing the tendons and cutting the marrow.

Then it will be even more terrifying and powerful. Compared with the past, the overall strength has increased by at least ten times, and it is absolutely easy to pull the train with bare hands!

It's just that Little Spider and the others still don't know much about themselves. Compared to their own changes, they are more concerned about the whereabouts of the six Infinity Gems, and what Bai Xiaofei will do with the Infinity Gems after he recovers. .

Hope, the Wasp, had the deepest thoughts in her heart.


She spoke up.

"Mr. Bai..."

But it's a pity that Hope the Wasp had just spoken, and before she finished speaking, there was a loud roar outside the Wakanda palace.

"what happened?"

Everyone was suddenly dumbfounded.

Suri, Vision, and the little spider Parker immediately used the black technology on their wrists to detect the situation outside the palace.

Only Bai Xiaofei, whose spiritual power was extremely terrifying, had already sensed the arrival of abnormal power long before Hope the Wasp spoke.

Then, a look of surprise and surprise appeared on his face.

"It turned out to be Thor?"


Hei Bao and the others were also stunned when they heard the words.

Especially Dr. Banner.

after all.

In his opinion.

Thor should have been killed by Thanos a long time ago, but he never expected that this arrogant prince, not only did not die, but reappeared in front of everyone with a stronger posture.


Everyone came outside.

But where the source of the roar was, a large bird-like spaceship stood in an open space with a huge magic circle branded on the ground.

Underneath the spaceship, the leader is none other than Thor, the god of thunder.


The current Thor is different from the Thor that Dr. Banner is familiar with, and the most striking feature is undoubtedly the domineering storm ax in his hand.

In addition, beside Thor, there are also several strange guys: a man with two guns, a tree man, and a little raccoon...


Seeing this kind of battle for the first time, Black Panther and others were all stunned. What's going on with Thor? Why are there some weird guys around me.

Only Dr. Banner recovered after just a moment of stupefaction.

after all……

When falling into the Saka star.

Transformed into the Hulk, he has seen a lot of weird aliens in the duel arena. A tree man and a little raccoon are nothing to Dr. Banner.


Seeing that Thor was not dead, Dr. Banner's first reaction was to be happy, then he rushed over and gave him a big hug.


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