The Storm God

Chapter 4021 Discuss! (Please subscribe!)


Thor, the god of thunder, was hugged tightly by Dr. Banner. He was very happy at first, and was about to say something, but when the words came to his lips, they directly turned into this.

He looked at Dr. Banner in disbelief, and said in shock: "Your strength is so strong that it hurts me, Dr. Banner, what's going on with you?"

If Hulk hugged Thor and hurt him, the latter would not be surprised. After all, Hulk's strength is well known, and even Thor, the god of thunder, dare not underestimate it.


The person holding him at this moment is not Hulk.

It's Dr. Banner himself.

This is strange.


When Dr. Banner heard this, he was stunned for a moment, but then he remembered what Bai Xiaofei said just now, and said to himself: "Could this be what Mr. Bai Xiaofei said about washing the tendons and cutting the marrow? The effect is too terrifying!"

As Hulk's true self, Dr. Banner certainly knows how resistant and perverted Thor's body is. As a result, in his normal state, he can hurt him...


Doesn't this mean that now I almost have the power of Hulk?

Dr. Banner was still excited and dazed.


Xingjue and the others beside Thor were a little impatient.

Especially Star Lord.

He frowned, looking at the happy faces of Bai Xiaofei and the others, as if something good had happened, and felt even more depressed:


"Can any of you tell me what happened here? What about Thanos and his army? Where did those terrible robots outside come from?"

"We're not here to reminisce about the past!"


When Thor heard it, he immediately came back to his senses.

He hurriedly introduced the origins of Xingjue and others to Black Panther T'Challa and others, and then asked: "I came after the energy fluctuations of the Infinity Gems, but when I came, it turned out to be like this... ..."

"T'Challa, what's going on here?"

"Where is Thanos?"

In the end.

His tone was full of anger and murderous intent.

Obviously, Star-Lord is not the only one who has a deep hatred for Thanos, but also the prince of Asgard.


T'Challa the Panther isn't stupid either.

Although he didn't have much contact with Thor and Star-Lord, from their eyes and hatred at this moment, Black Panther could guess something.


He first glanced at Bai Xiaofei with a wry smile.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei standing there, just squinting his eyes, staring at the Storm Ax in Thor's hand, without any expression...

Without any choice.

I can only truthfully narrate everything that happened before to Thor and his party. In short, there is only one meaning:

Feel sorry!

You are late, Thanos has already been killed.


After learning the truth, Thor and Xingjue felt bad all of a sudden.

I came late?


Thanos also turned into a zombie, and was eventually bombarded and killed by the army of machines...


All of a sudden.

It's really hard for them to bear, after all, it's too unreal.

T'Challa, the Black Panther, could also understand their feelings. Seeing them stunned in place, full of regret, he quickly comforted him: "Thor, this is actually a very good result, no matter who kills Thanos in the end. , the crisis of the universe has been resolved..."


Thor was silent.

The same goes for Star Lord.

Because their purpose of looking for Thanos was not for the peace of the universe, but for revenge, but the reality put them together, and when the two arrived, Thanos was already dead and there was no dregs left .

Naturally, they couldn't accept such a result.

Black Panther also knew that this alone was not enough to cheer up the two of them, so he could only continue: "I know, you must have sacrificed, but now is not the time to worry about that, as long as there are gems, you can still pay back." There is a possibility of turning around..."

The implication is, don't give up hope, go and beg Mr. Bai Xiaofei, maybe he can help you revive your lost relatives and friends.


"Thanos is dead, but the Infinity Stones are still there. As long as there are Infinity Stones, we can use them to make a wish to bring all the dead back to life!"

"T'Challa, where are the Infinity Stones now?"


as expected.

When Thor, the God of Thunder, heard this, his eyes lit up, and he recovered immediately, and then grabbed the arm of the black panther T'Challa, and asked in a hurry.


Black Panther T'Challa didn't speak.

He just glanced at Bai Xiaofei, who was smiling all over his face, with his eyes.

next moment.

The gazes of Thor and Xingjue all turned to Bai Xiaofei, almost saying in unison: "You have the Infinity Stone!?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded calmly.

His eyes fell directly on Thor, but he completely ignored the existence of the Star Lord, apparently more interested in Thor.


I am more interested in the brand-new storm battle ax in the hands of Thor.

Thor, God of Thunder, has grown a lot after experiencing this series of changes, and he caught the deep meaning in Bai Xiaofei's eyes almost instantly.

next moment.

He raised the battle ax in his hand.

With fierce fighting intent in his eyes, he smiled and said to Bai Xiaofei: "T'Challa said that those robots outside are all yours, and Thanos was killed because of you, so you are very strong. How about we fight and see who is stronger?"

Thor's intuition told himself that this man in front of him was very dangerous.


He has no intention of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Instead, he sincerely wanted to compete with Bai Xiaofei, and only when he earned the respect of the other party would he be qualified to ask for help.

Otherwise, why should people talk to you?


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback.

It was obviously a little surprising that this Thor, the god of thunder, understood his meaning in seconds. It seems that he has really grown up, and he nodded and smiled: "You can use your strongest strength, don't be afraid of hurting me..."

The people around were also very discerning. Seeing that a martial arts competition was about to start, they immediately left one after another to make room for the two of them.


A battlefield was emptied.

Bai Xiaofei and Thor the God of Thunder stood on both sides of the field respectively, the former with his arms folded, the old god was there, while the latter had a solemn and cautious face.

The level of strength between the two sides can be said to be clear at a glance. First of all, in terms of momentum, Thor, the God of Thunder, is far behind.


Thor did not give up because of this.

For his own goal, he is also working hard at this moment, mobilizing the power of the whole body, urging the power of the storm battle axe, and in an instant, a huge thunderstorm condenses, and countless lightning bolts are centered on him, rushing and wreaking havoc, the momentum is terrifying and mighty, look It looks very powerful.

On the other hand, Bai Xiaofei still looked calm and calm, without any intention of making a move, and made it clear that he wanted to receive Thor's attack empty-handed.

With such confidence, he couldn't fix Thor at that time.


For wishes.

He couldn't care less.


Thor, the god of thunder, swung his storm ax at Bai Xiaofei. In an instant, countless thunder and lightning, like the waterfall of the Nine Heavens Milky Way, turned into a berserk dragon, and hit Bai Xiaofei's body head-on and face-to-face.

However, what is outrageous is that this terrifying attack landed on Bai Xiaofei's body, not only did it not cause any damage to him, but it was like water dripping onto a sponge, it was completely absorbed in a blink of an eye.

This scene.

Thor was dumbfounded directly.

Among the bystanders, the little spider Parker and the others had expected it a long time ago, and said in their hearts that as expected, Mr. Bai Xiaofei also possesses the power of Thunder God. To him, Thor's lightning is not an attack at all, but a delivery of food!

Regardless of what other people think.

in the field.

After swallowing and absorbing the thunder and lightning summoned by Thor, Bai Xiaofei frowned slightly, and asked, "Thor, is this your strongest strength?"


Thor shook his head blankly and said: "No, it's only about 60% of the attack, what you just said..."

He seemed to want to ask something.

But alas.

Bai Xiaofei didn't give him this chance at all. Hearing the words, he said, "If that's the case, then there's no need to try again. I probably already know the true power and bonuses of the Storm Axe..."

With these words, Thor was left speechless on the spot: "Damn! Collaborate with me to learn from each other, is this what you are doing?"

The onlookers also said one after another: ...

You cow!


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