The Storm God

Chapter 4022 Goodbye strange! (Please subscribe!)

In fact.

Bai Xiaofei's goal is still so simple.

In the movie, after obtaining the Storm Axe, Thor, the god of thunder, almost wiped out everything with one axe. In theory, his strength should have reached the level of the heavenly father, or even higher.

after all……

At that time, Thanos had collected all six infinite gems.

Although there is an element of sneak attack, and Thanos is also underestimating the enemy, but after all, with six gems added to his body, even the simplest energy mode is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

As a result, Thor not only resisted, but also chopped back all the attacks with an axe, and almost killed none of them.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have a chance to test it before, but now that he has seen the long-overdue ultimate version of Thor, he must test it out.

But alas.

Famous is not as good as meeting. After a wave of tests, Bai Xiaofei discovered that Thor, the god of thunder, seems to be like that...

in short.

The level of the Storm Ax is actually average.

The reason why Thor, the god of thunder, has had a qualitative leap in strength after possessing it is mainly because it suits him so well.

After all, it is tailor-made for him, and it can easily exert the power of Thor's Thor to the strongest MAX state.

But other aspects, do not mention worth mentioning.

For example, the binding setting of the Meow Meow Hammer, only certain people can pick it up, which looks awesome.

As a result, there was no Storm Axe.

This led to the fact that during the ultimate battle in the movie, Thor summoned the Storm Axe, but was robbed by Thanos halfway, and even held it as a weapon in turn. He almost missed Thor, the real master. to kill...

So unscrupulous, he "betrays" his master at every turn...

Compared to the Meow Hammer, it is really weak.

If Storm Ax can also have this ability, Thanos would not be able to successfully intercept his Storm Ax in the final battle, then the result may be another matter.

In short.

the more you hope, the harder you fall.

Anyway, after a round of testing, Bai Xiaofei completely lost interest in the Storm Axe. In his words, it was a shoddy semi-finished product.

If Bai Xiaofei were to forge it, with the same material and shape, its level of power would be hundreds of times more terrifying than the one in front of it.


Except for Bai Xiaofei, no one else knew about this.

Seeing that he was being used as a tool man, Thor, the God of Thunder, couldn't help being a little angry, but thinking of Bai Xiaofei's terrifying strength and the fact that he would ask him later, he finally endured it.

He put away the Stormaxe.

All right.

In fact, he hung the battle ax behind his back, then came to Bai Xiaofei, and asked directly: "I heard that you have six infinity gems, can you please help me realize my wishes..."


Bai Xiaofei naturally knew what Thor's wish was.

However, it is not so easy for him to agree to the other party, otherwise the other party will not cherish it. You must know that there is no free lunch in the world.

No matter what, let this Thor pay something.

Even as a strong worker.

Not only him.

The same is true of the other star-lord, who is a demigod and is comparable to a mortal.


The immediate priority.

It is not to help them, but to restore the whole world.

Now the whole earth is full of zombies, except for Wakanda, there are not many living people left. It is uncomfortable for Bai Xiaofei to live in such a world.


Without any hesitation.

Bai Xiaofei immediately rejected their request.

The two of them were not discouraged, because they knew that what Bai Xiaofei did was right, and the immediate priority was indeed to save the earth first.


Once the zombie virus spreads in the universe...


That would be troublesome!

Afterwards, a group of people came to the core laboratory of the Wakanda Palace, where there is a debugging device for manipulating global satellites and performing special sub-level frequencies on earth zombies.

That is.

If there is no accident, through this device, all the zombie viruses in the world can be completely suppressed or even killed.


These are only theoretical.

As for whether it will work or not, it's still two things to say, if the effect is not satisfactory, then Bai Xiaofei is using the power of the infinite stone to make a wish.

In short.

With both hands ready, there will be no worries in the future.





After the technicians have been busy for a while, the preparations are finally over, and the global treatment of the zombie virus is about to begin.


Just at the last second of the countdown.

But a sudden change occurred.


"Alert: Unknown high-energy energy reactions have occurred around the world, and a large number of zombies are being sent to unknown spaces..."

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

Instead, there are pictures detected by various satellites.

As far as the eye can see, everyone can see that huge magic circles of space suddenly appear in the sky above the major cities, or on the ground.

On the other side of the aperture, there is a larger aperture.

As for the inner view, it is very blurry.

Can't see anything.

at the same time.

Countless zombies, like falling into a trap, fell into the magic circle of space in batches and disappeared.

"This is……"

Seeing this scene, Black Panther T'Challa and others couldn't help but all look at Bai Xiaofei.

Because among the people present, only Bai Xiaofei is good at this, other people don't understand this, who do you look at if you don't look at him?


Bai Xiaofei frowned and nodded, and said, "That's right, it's space magic, a magic ability that belongs to the Karma Taj system, but the crux of the problem is, who created it?"

"Why did the other party suddenly take away so many zombies?"

"It's really weird!"


This is the first time Bai Xiaofei encountered such a situation, he was also a little confused.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer space magic circles around the world, he immediately didn't care about thinking too much, and immediately said to Vision and Black Panther: "You stay here and continue to experiment, I'll go over and see what's going on..."

The voice did not fall.

I heard Thor, the God of Thunder, follow suit: "I'll go with you!"


Bai Xiaofei glanced at Thor in surprise.

Seeing the other party's firm eyes, he didn't refuse, but he denied Xingjue and the others who said that they would follow: "You can't do it, your strength is too weak, and it would be a burden to go!"

Xingjue suddenly: "..."

Heartbroken old man!


Bai Xiaofei doesn't care what other people think.

Don't miss this opportunity.

When the space ability was used, it immediately locked the position of one of the space magic apertures, and then traveled through it with Thor.

next second.

The two came to the sky above New York City.


The huge space law aperture is shrinking rapidly, but even so, Bai Xiaofei and Thor can sense the terrifying gravitational effect from the other side of the aperture.

If not, the countless zombies on the ground would not be sucked in.

"Are you ready?"

Bai Xiaofei turned his head and glanced at Thor.

The latter didn't say a word, but held the Storm Ax tightly in his hands silently, and the power of thunder and lightning shone all over his body, obviously already ready for battle.

"very good!"

"Then let's go and see what's going on..."

"Let's go--"


next moment.

Bai Xiaofei activated his ability.

The two turned into a bright streamer, directly passed countless zombies who were sucked back into the magic circle of space, and went straight to the source.

With Bai Xiaofei's spatial attainments, this is not a problem at all.


The two of them passed through layers of magic circles of space, and came to a strange planetary environment, below which was a hill formed by countless zombies.

And there are still countless zombies, still falling down like dumplings.

But the culprit who caused all this was not far away, a certain figure that Bai Xiaofei was familiar with yet felt a little strange.

"Doctor Strange Strange?!"


The six eyes of the two sides are facing each other.

Then the people on both sides were all stunned.


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