The Storm God

Chapter 4023 Infinite Ultron! (Please subscribe!)

"Wang Defa!"

The stunned scene of both sides was finally broken by a strange voice, and the owner of this voice was not someone else.



However, it wasn't Thor who was beside Bai Xiaofei.

It's the one next to Doctor Strange!

"Two Thors?"

Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and immediately thought of a certain possibility in his mind: "I'm afraid I have traveled to the parallel universe again, right?"

To know.

The Doctor Strange of the Zombie Marvel Universe has been killed by Bai Xiaofei.


Now he has another one.

Needless to say, it must be the Doctor Strange of the parallel universe. If this is the case, it seems not surprising to see another Thor.


That's not the point.

The point is, the two Thors met, which made Nima a little embarrassed.

The most important thing is that Thor, the God of Thunder on the opposite side, seems to be completely different from the Thor who Bai Xiaofei is familiar with in terms of hairstyle, clothing, and behavior.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the other party to make such a weird tone.

"Who are you……"


Thor, the god of thunder in the Zombie Marvel Universe, held a storm axe, and stared at the opposite person with a familiar hairstyle, holding a meowing hammer, staring at himself with a ghostly face, and was shocked.

Although he said that he used to be absurd and immature...

But it seems to be so out of tune, right?

As everyone knows.

The Thunder God Thor on the opposite side was as shocked as he was at the moment, even more than him: "My God! That person is... me?"

"What the hell has he been through?"

"Not to mention the terrible hairstyle, one eye is blind, and even my own weapon has been replaced with an ugly ax..."

"But the strength seems to be very powerful!"


Regardless of what the two Thors think.


Bai Xiaofei has recovered.

Looking at Doctor Strange who was casting a spell, with an evil temperament and a haggard face, Bai Xiaofei smiled wryly and said, "Is this a parallel universe?"


Doctor Strange nodded blankly.


He also didn't expect that one of his impromptu ideas would lead to such consequences. Not only did he summon another Thor, the god of thunder, but he also seemed to have brought in an even more extraordinary guy.

His instinct told himself that the young man opposite was very, very dangerous. Its level of horror is no less than that of the one buried below by countless zombies.

I don't know whether this result is good or bad.


look at them.

It doesn't seem like a bad guy, maybe he can win over.

I was thinking so.


The small hill formed by countless zombies was suddenly blasted and exploded by an extremely violent force.

follow closely.

A familiar mechanical figure appeared in front of everyone.

It is the Ultron in Avengers 2!


That Ultron.

It's just the armor shape of this Ultron.

Its true face is actually a vision with a body of vibrating gold. And the most important thing is that at this moment, on the chest of Vision Ultron, there are actually four infinity gems inlaid (there are five holes, and one gem is missing).

If you add the "yellow diamond" inlaid on Vision's forehead, there are six!

"I rely on it!"

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback, and couldn't help but blurted out: "Is this Nima Infinite Ultron?"


Unlimited Ultron opened the mask.

Also looking at Bai Xiaofei and the unfamiliar Thor, he was also somewhat puzzled and puzzled by the appearance of these two.


None of this matters.

Because for Ultron, no matter who they are, all people must be eliminated!

next moment.

The spear in Infinite Ultron's hand was aimed directly at Bai Xiaofei.


The terrifying power condensed in an instant.

But just when he was about to unleash his attack, a flying hammer suddenly hit his hand, completely interrupting his attack.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be the Meow Hammer.

no doubt.

The person who made the shot was Thor, the god of thunder next to Doctor Strange.

This Thunder God here also seems to be very strong. With the Meow Meow Hammer in his hands, the power exerted is far stronger than the shadow version.

Coupled with the special magic cast by Doctor Strange, the Meow Hammers directly became hundreds of them, smashing around the Infinity Ultron like a swarm of bees, disrupting their rhythm.

And Bai Xiaofei and Thor, the God of Thunder, just watched silently.

There is no intention of making a move.

after all……

They just came here, so they don't know what's going on yet.

But there is one thing Bai Xiaofei can be sure of, that is, this infinite Ultron doesn't seem to be very fun.

Think about it too.

The name Ultron itself represents the villain.

It doesn't matter which version it is.


The Doctor Strange on the opposite side also made Bai Xiaofei feel the infinite evil and dark power, which made him very puzzled and puzzled.

The dignified supreme mage, how could he become like this?

Is it the dark and evil version?

To know.

In the world of Marvel, there are infinitely many versions, such as Captain Hydra and the like. God knows whether this Doctor Strange is good or bad.

Boss Ultron, who can't keep the villain, may still be the good side.

Even if he seemed to want to attack himself just now, after all, his appearance was what Doctor Strange said, and the other party might have misunderstood it.

In short.

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei thought a lot.

Before he figured out the situation, he decided to take a look first.

In order not to cause any oolong incident, anyway, with his strength, there is no need to worry about any danger. After all, the current Bai Xiaofei is a humanoid self-propelled infinite gauntlet.


just now.

Bai Xiaofei has confirmed that the Infinity Gem in his body has not been affected by traveling through the parallel universe.

This is his greatest source of confidence.


One is Infinite Ultron, and the other is suspected to be the dark and evil version of Doctor Strange. Even though Bai Xiaofei is powerful, he dare not say that he is sure of victory.

After all, neither of these two is a fuel-efficient lamp.

Thor, the God of Thunder next to him, saw that Bai Xiaofei didn't make a move, so he wisely chose to sit on the sidelines instead of blindly choosing a position.

after all.

This version of Thor is quite mature. Compared with the incomprehensible guy opposite, it's not too reliable.


Unlimited Ultron seemed to be annoyed by the swarm of meow hammers. After dealing with it, he didn't bother to block it anymore, and directly exploded the terrifying power of the power gem.

There was only a loud bang.

Doctor Strange's special magic was broken in an instant, and the Meow Meow Hammer was recovered as a hammer, which returned to Thor, the God of Thunder, but was held by the latter, releasing terrifying thunder and lightning, and continued to attack Infinity Ultron .

But alas.

This power, for Infinity Ultron who is serious, is simply pediatrics.

Seeing Infinite Ultron, he smiled coldly, stretched out his hand, and easily held Thor's Thunder and Lightning in his palm, followed by a light grip...


Thor's thunder strike annihilated and disappeared without a trace.

This scene.

The eyes of Thor, the God of Thunder beside Bai Xiaofei, jumped wildly, and his heart was shocked, because no one knew better than him how powerful the blow just now was.

In the end, it was eliminated so easily by this Ultron.

It's terrifying!


On the opposite side, the dark version of Doctor Strange seemed to have thought of something. He smiled strangely, and then shouted to Bai Xiaofei and Thor: "I'm counting on you here, let's go first..."


Just turn around and run.

And behind them, there is a circular space gate, which is somewhat similar to the space magic circle of Karma Taj, but it is obviously more advanced and powerful than that.

As soon as the two entered, the door of space was completely closed.

Only Infinity Ultron, Bai Xiaofei, Thor, and fragments of zombies remained on the scene.


Bai Xiaofei looked at Infinite Ultron, whose killing intent was constantly surging, and immediately rolled his eyes helplessly, cursing inwardly: "Damn! I was slapped by that black odd..."

Thor is even more direct.


Immediately assumed a fighting stance, the Storm Ax gushed out endless thunder, as if he was going to fight Infinity Ultron.

Obviously couldn't hold back for a long time.


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