The Storm God

Chapter 4024 Chase Heiqi! (Please subscribe!)

"I want to play?"

Bai Xiaofei looked at Thor, the God of Thunder who was about to try, shrugged his shoulders, and said: "Then go ahead, but kindly remind you, this guy is not easy to deal with..."

"I know!"

Thor is certainly not stupid.

He has also experienced Ultron's strength and resistance to beatings. What's more, the version with five gems is definitely more powerful and more difficult to deal with.

But because of this, it makes sense to do it.

To know.

Before that, Thor, the God of Thunder, was already full of anger, hating Thanos, and being speechless towards Bai Xiaofei...

In short.

He had long wanted to find someone to do something about it and vent his anger.

But it's a pity that that world has become a zombie apocalypse, and there are few living people who can entertain him.


He and Bai Xiaofei came here.

Seeing that Ultron in the past has turned into such an appearance, one does not need to think about it, and most of the avengers in that universe world have been killed.

Including another self.

That is.

This Ultron can be regarded as one of his enemies.


Move your hands.

Thor was right, and even full of energy.

As for whether you can beat it?

Feel sorry!

He doesn't care about that.

Let's talk!


Thor, the god of thunder, saw that Bai Xiaofei didn't seem to want to stop him, so he was immediately excited.

Then holding the Storm Axe, he rushed towards Ultron.

As if planning to fight hand to hand.

after all……

The other Thor, the god of thunder, has already proved to him with practical actions that a simple thunder attack is useless against this Infinite Ultron.

Even if this version of Thor, the awakened power of thunder, seems to be more powerful, after all, the opponent is not the ordinary version of Ultron.

Compared with energy attacks, real knives and guns are more effective.


The premise is that the other party has to cooperate.

For example, Infinity Ultron cannot be allowed to use energy to attack, otherwise Thor will suffer very much and it will be difficult to win in a fight.


Thor also has his own way.

Reckless is right.

Simply use your own strength and speed to make Unlimited Ultron exhausted, making it difficult to free up your hands to release energy attacks.


In this way, the two started a fist-to-flesh close combat.

You strike with an axe, and I strike with a shot. The blow is so intense that the entire mountain and the land are crumbled and shattered, completely destroyed.


This planet is a desolate existence.


The two fought this wave.

God knows how many innocent people will be affected.

And Bai Xiaofei.

He didn't interfere, just stood aside and watched silently. If it wasn't for worrying about the bad influence, I'm afraid this product can make popcorn and happy water on the spot...


In the process of watching a play.

Bai Xiaofei's mouth was not idle at all, he watched and commented on the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods of both sides, just like a live commentator in a fighting match.


"It seems that after going through a series of events, this Thor has really grown a lot. His attack methods are not fancy at all. Every move is very practical. ..."

"Compared to this, this Unlimited Ultron is a bit disappointing. As the most powerful artificial intelligence life, the computing power is so low..."

"The use of gem power is even worse."


Bai Xiaofei watched and shook his head.

It's really hard to understand, how did this Ultron get ahead in that universe and have the level it is today?

Could it be the protagonist's halo?

In short.

The other party's performance made him very dissatisfied.

A look of disappointment full of anticipation, but all kinds of stretches after the meeting, immediately annoyed Infinity Ultron, who was always paying attention to Bai Xiaofei's movements.


The next moment, Ultron was completely angry.

The mind gemstone on the forehead flashed suddenly, and at the same time, the four gemstones inlaid on the chest, including the power gemstone and the reality gemstone, also mirrored it in the distance.


Bad luck for poor Thor.

Looking at it with an axe, not only did it not hurt Ultron, but it was shocked by the mixed energy wave released by the opponent and flew out.

follow closely.

The terrifying energy beams, like laser cutting, pierced straight.


Thorton, the god of thunder, suddenly died.

His intuition told himself that the power of Ultron's energy beam should not be underestimated. If he was hit, he might die!

He wanted to dodge.


Thor found out sadly.

The void around him instantly became extremely viscous, as if it had suddenly turned into glue, making his movements extremely slow and slow.

But the opponent's energy wave was fleeting, and it was about to hit Thor's vital point. At the very moment, Bai Xiaofei finally made a move——


The space magic halo flashes.

Bai Xiaofei casually used a Karma Taj-type space magic to transfer the terrifying big move that Ultron had suppressed to another place.

And this so-called other place is Ultron himself.


Behind Ao Chuang, the magic circle of space flashed instantly, and at the moment it took shape, the terrifying energy beam he emitted suddenly bombarded and shot out.

Poor Ultron was hit by his own attack.

Although it wouldn't kill him, it blasted it directly into the mountains in the distance, causing mountain ranges to collapse instantly.


Thor breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he smiled wryly and said to Bai Xiaofei: "Thank you, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have to confess to being here today."

"You're welcome!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled calmly.

After that, he didn't care about Ultron who was buried in the mountains, but fixed his gaze directly on the platform where Heiqi and others disappeared and left.

"Some clues have been found."

Bai Xiaofei squinted his eyes, and said coldly: "I blocked someone's gun for no reason, I can't swallow this breath, I should go and settle accounts with those guys..."


Thor, the god of thunder, was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

He first looked at the collapsed mountains in the distance, and then looked back. Bai Xiaofei, who was already casting a spell and was about to travel through the dimension of space, and chase Hei Qi and the others, couldn't help frowning: "The Ultron here, don't completely solve it." ,Is it really possible?"

Thor, the god of thunder, has experienced the threat of Ultron.


His thoughts are.

Heiqi and those people can be left alone for now.

Prioritizing Ultron is the kingly way.


What he said here doesn't count.

Bai Xiaofei also knew what Thor meant, and shook his head when he heard the words: "It's useless, this Ultron doesn't belong to this world at all, even if you destroy him, Ultron will continue to make a comeback, treating the symptoms but not the root cause..."

With his realm and strength, it is not difficult to see that this Infinite Ultron is not an indigenous existence in this universe.

Even if the opponent is killed, it is only a loss of Ultron's body. Any one of the infinite bodies in its local world may become a new carrier of Ultron, and then make a comeback.


He is too lazy to do things that are thankless.

not to mention.

If I completely kill Ultron, wouldn't it be cheaper for those guys like Heiqi? Unless Bai Xiaofei is stupid, he would never do such a loss-making business.


The next moment, the space tracking magic was completed.

In front of Bai Xiaofei, a pure white space magic circle formed, which directly connected to the parallel universe world that Hei Qi and others went to.

Seeing that Thor was still a little tangled and hesitant, he didn't bother to say anything more, and left a sentence: "Let's go! If you want to stay, you can..."

The voice did not fall.

The whole person has passed through the magic circle and entered another world.

At the same time, the aperture began to slowly shrink.

"Wait for me!"

The corner of Thor's mouth twitched.

In the end, he chose to follow Bai Xiaofei to chase Hei Qi and the others very sincerely, not because he didn't want to stay, but because he really couldn't do Ultron.

Without Bai Xiaofei, it would be death.

Fools don't leave!


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