The Storm God

Chapter 4025 Come to the door! (Please subscribe!)

at the same time.

in a particular dimensional space.

The big-headed observer, frowning and worried.

The reason, of course, was that Hei Qi had an idea and actually summoned Bai Xiaofei and Thor from the Zombie Universe.

This is completely out of his plan.


Things got completely out of hand.

Everything that was originally planned suddenly became blurred.

No matter how the observer calculates in this way, he can no longer calculate whether the plan is successful or not, and what the future will be, just like suddenly falling into a maze full of abyss.


The observer sighed.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei and Thor who were chasing away, he said helplessly: "Forget it, let's take one step at a time, at least with this one around, that Ultron doesn't seem to be a threat anymore..."


Parallel universe.

The Marvel universe world where Ultron was born.

Heiqi and others came to this world after stealing Ultron's gem according to the plan they had made with the observer, and planned to wipe out all Ultron in one fell swoop and completely resolve this crisis.


Ideal is beautiful.

But the reality is very cruel. Not to mention the intrusion of Bai Xiaofei and another Thor, the few of them encountered the "robbery" of the black widow Natasha when they first arrived in this world...

The Infinity Gem that the Black Panther version of Star-Lord finally stole from Ultron was snatched away by the black widow who broke in suddenly.

"who are you?"

Black Widow Natasha is full of hostility towards Heiqi and others.

As far as she knew, there was no living person in this world except her. Now I see several of them at once...

That's weird!


She grasped the crux of the problem very keenly, first took away the soul gem, and then used it as a threat to make the opponent throw a mouse.

As for your own safety?


Black Widow is alone and almost completely hopeless.

How could she ever be afraid.


Here, seeing Hei Qi and the others fully armed, wishing to fight the Black Widow immediately, Carter's version of the female American captain suddenly stood up:

"She is not our enemy!"

"let me!"

Hei Qi and the others gave up one after another.

Although they didn't know who this person was, they still chose to believe in Carter.

After all, they are teammates, and the most basic trust is still needed. Except, of course, for a particular black presence.

Almost everyone here is wary of him.

"Natasha, it's me..."

And no matter what other people think.

Captain Carter has already begun to play tricks with the black widow Natasha, and successfully resolved the other party's hostility with many little secrets about the black widow Natasha that he knew.

And Natasha, the black widow, finally realized that the people in front of her didn't seem to be from her own universe, but from a parallel universe.

Take Carter for example.

To know.

In her own world, she is just an agent.

But in another world, Carter actually became the captain of the United States, and the original captain of the United States, Stephen Rogers, became an existence similar to Iron Man...

to be honest.

When she knew this, Natasha, the black widow, was completely dumbfounded.

Her first reaction was disbelief.

after all……

These are too mysterious!

However, I can't stand the news that Carter broke out, it is too true.

It is absolutely impossible for outsiders to know those little secrets that only you know. Since Carter in front of you knows it, it means that the other party has not spoken.

In another world, he and she are really very close friends.

so far.

The hostility between the two parties was finally resolved, and then the black widow Natasha asked: "Carter, why are you here..."

She had some vague guesses, but she wasn't sure.


Carter nodded.

Affirming Natasha's guess of the black widow, she explained: "We are the Avengers gathered by the observed from different space-time universes, and the purpose is to deal with Ultron..."

Carter briefly explained the plan of himself and others.


She pointed to the soul gem in the hands of Natasha, the black widow, and said: "We managed to snatch it from Ultron. Without him, Ultron's strength will be greatly reduced, and he is also a bait... "

What happened next, needless to say by Carter, the smart black widow Natasha already understood what was going on: "Because only here can Ultron be completely wiped out!"

"That's right!"

Carter nodded.

Then he frowned and said: "But to be honest, we still have no idea how to eliminate Ultron. At present, we are only acting according to the observer's plan. We don't know what to do next."


The black widow Natasha was stunned when she heard the words, and immediately thought of something on her body. She opened her mouth and was about to say something.

But at this moment.


A pure white door of space suddenly appeared out of thin air. Immediately afterwards, Bai Xiaofei's figure walked out of it, and then Thor, the god of thunder holding a storm axe.

And with the appearance of the two, Hei Qi and the others became tense in an instant.

Especially Heqi.

after all……

Before that, he really cheated Bai Xiaofei.

Now that Bai Xiaofei came after him, he could guess with his toes that the other party might make trouble for him, so he immediately entered the fighting state.

Not only that.

Hei Qi was also distracted by multitasking, and once again applied several layers of super-powerful magic shields for the rest of his teammates, so as to prevent them from being harmed by innocent people.

Only Natasha, the black widow, looked at Bai Xiaofei and Thor who had just appeared in confusion, and asked in a daze, "These two... are also your teammates?"

If Natasha had some doubts before, then now, seeing two Thors of different styles gathered together at the same time, Black Widow has completely believed in the existence of the multiverse world.


How to explain all this?


As everyone knows, Captain Carter, who was being asked, also looked confused at this time, shaking his head blankly and said: "No! In fact, this is the first time we have seen him..."

The words are not finished.

The somewhat out-of-the-ordinary meow hammer version of Thor interrupted instantly: "That...Captain Carter, in fact, they were summoned from a parallel universe by Master Strange... ..."

"It was a small accident..."


He is not embarrassed about the latter.

Because it's so out of place, it's okay to get him here for no reason, but he actually cheated him and used the other party to hold Ultron...


Who can bear this.

It's no wonder that people will chase after him angrily. If I were to be played by others like this, I'm afraid I've done more than this!


Heiqi's face was also quite embarrassed.

Seeing that Thor said this, he could only answer: "Later we came back in a hurry, so, let these two help delay Ultron for a while..."


Good guy, upon hearing this, Captain Carter and the others finally came to their senses, shit! What does it mean to let others help Ultron for a while?

If you really help, will they look like this? You two bastards, I'm afraid you tricked him, that's why he came after you!

With that in mind.

Captain Carter and the others were speechless for a while.

But they also know that right now is not the time to pursue who is right, but to work together to deal with Bai Xiaofei and Thor.


Once the team's morale is dispersed, it will be completely over.

Only Natasha, the black widow, didn't have much reaction. After all, she was not very familiar with Heiqi and others. Even if Captain Carter knew everything about her, it was because of another self in the parallel universe.

That is.

At most, she has some affection for Captain Carter.

But she would definitely not easily fight against these people, because Natasha also shouldered more important missions and responsibilities.

not to mention……

This matter seems to be the fault of Hei Qi and the others.

In short.

This moment.

Natasha, the black widow, has a lot of elements in watching a show.


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