The Storm God

Chapter 4026 Fight with me! (Please subscribe!)


However, Bai Xiaofei didn't care about the actions of Hei Qi and the others, but unfolded his consciousness rather curiously, and scanned the scene of this world.


Just crossed over.

He sensed that this world seemed to be the end of the world...

as expected.


With his powerful spiritual power, Bai Xiaofei quickly scanned everything in this world, and was shocked to find that there were no living people on the entire earth.

There was complete silence.

Except for these people in front of you, there are only endless ruins and nuclear winter left by various nuclear radiation anywhere else.


Such a situation immediately made Bai Xiaofei puzzled: "I'm going! Is there such a thing going on in Marvel? This is too miserable!"

Compared with the situation in the zombie universe, this world is undoubtedly more pitiful.

after all……

The zombie universe is miserable.

At least there are some survivors, no matter how bad it is, those zombies are also a kind of creature to some extent, right? Although a bit special...


There is only one world in this world!

Nuclear radiation is everywhere, and people are completely dead.

Not only humans, but also those animals and plants were completely extinct because of the nuclear radiation covering the whole world.

in short.

This earth has been completely destroyed.

Nothing but ruins, nothing but wreckage!

Nothing else.


This does not mean that the earth has completely lost its vitality.

It only takes a certain age to wait for the effects of nuclear radiation to gradually subside, and the balance of nature will naturally give birth to another life...

However, it is also possible that it will completely evolve into an existence almost the same as Mars.

In short.

For the situation on this earth.

Bai Xiaofei's first feeling was sympathy and pity, and at the same time, he was also a little curious, why did people like Heiqi come to this world after taking away Ultron's soul gem?

Could it be...

Bai Xiaofei suddenly thought of a possibility - the culprit of all this is Ultron!

If so, it would explain it.


I turned my gaze.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes fell on Natasha, the black widow who was holding a soul gem, carrying a bow and arrow and Captain America's shield.

With his strength, it is not difficult to see that this Natasha is a native of this universe, because her destiny is closely related to this world.

in short.

This black widow Natasha is the child of destiny in this world.


With her strength.

It is also impossible to live longer than those stronger superheroes, and even become the last and only person left in the whole world.

And this time.

Thor, the god of thunder beside Bai Xiaofei, is already ready for battle, with a posture of opening up at any time, but his more eyes still fall on another self after all.


It was another meow hammer in his hand.

after all……

That was his old weapon.

The significance of Meow Meow Hammer to Thor is self-evident. I didn't expect it, but I still have the opportunity to see it again, and then...

He tried to summon it.


Meow Meow Hammer really responded to Thor's call, and suddenly flew out of the hands of that incoherent Thor, and fell into the hands of this Thor next to Bai Xiaofei.

The latter's face was overjoyed, and while excited, his eyes were full of nostalgia: "Old friend, we are finally together again..."


On the opposite side, Thor, the god of thunder who was robbed of the Meow Hammer, was not happy, and immediately let out a strange cry, stretched out his hand to the Meow Hammer and summoned: "That is my weapon, come back to me!" !"


Poor Meow Hammer was immediately caught in a dilemma. Faced with the call of Thor, it is naturally difficult to refuse, no matter which one is the same.

And now.

It is being held in the hand of the storm version of Thor, holding it tightly.


Lei Shen desperately summoned again.

So much so that Meow Meow Hammer was invisibly caught in a tug-of-war, a dilemma.

And such a situation, like a fuse, instantly ignited the conflict between the two parties, but the first one to strike was not Hei Qi, but Black Panther's younger brother, a black-bellied guy full of ambition.


He used his own weapon to attack Thor.

But it's a pity that with his little firepower, for Thor, it's just like scratching an itch, without any lethality.


This move aroused the dissatisfaction of Thor.

Depend on!

I am the god of thunder!

It's okay to be tricked before, but now he's being provoked by a war scum, it's unreasonable.


Thor decides to teach him a lesson.


A thunderbolt blasted out at the start, the speed of the thunder can be imagined, with the opponent's reaction speed, there was no time to dodge.

But what was surprising was that Eric the Leopard, who had been hit by Thor forcibly, was unscathed and stood there as if nothing had happened.

It was as if Thor, the God of Thunder, hadn't attacked him just now.


At this moment, Bai Xiaofei was also attracted.

Seeing the prototype rune shield appearing on the leopard, he frowned and said with a smile, "Is it a magic shield? It's interesting..."


His eyes fell on Hei Qi again.

Obviously, the reason why the leopard, and even the rest of the people, have such a powerful protective shield is undoubtedly Heiqi.

In Bai Xiaofei's eyes, other people are almost no different from ants.

Only Heiqi was different.


Bai Xiaofei couldn't see through the strength of this black oddity.

He could only vaguely see that there seemed to be a lot of dark power that did not belong to him in this black strange body, and he was still desperately maintaining balance and suppression.

If the other party fully released that power, even Bai Xiaofei would take it seriously, which shows how terrifying Hei Qi's strength is.

However, the more this happened, the more interested Bai Xiaofei was.


"You seem to be very strong, how about this, fight with me, no matter the outcome, everything between us will be wiped out..."


Bai Xiaofei said.

To be honest, the grievances between him and Hei Qi are not that big, at most, they just caught a little cleverness and let Bai Xiaofei act as a shield once.

A fight or something, that's about it.

There's no point in killing someone.


The point is that this Heiqi is not a vegetarian either.

It doesn't matter if his own strength is great, and he also has the time gem. Facing such a terrifying opponent, without sufficient interests and reasons, Bai Xiaofei is naturally unwilling to waste energy on fighting.

The only thing he cares about is this black magic method.


Bai Xiaofei made a condition.

As long as Hei Qi allows him to experience his unique magical ability, the previous grievances will be wiped out. Such a deal is not only worthwhile for Bai Xiaofei, but also for Hei Qi.

As for Hei Qi's plan, that's unknown, maybe...he also really wants to experience Bai Xiaofei's ability.


Heiqi didn't hesitate at all.

He agreed almost immediately, but he also put forward his own conditions: "But not now, because I still have to deal with Ultron. If I compete with you, it will consume my energy and energy, which is not conducive to the follow-up battle..."

The implication is that you have to lean back.

Ultron is too strong.

Even though he is not perfect now, the power of the five infinite gems is still not something that Hei Qi and others can easily defeat.

Hei Qi had to go all out to ensure that he would not make mistakes.


The most important reason is.

On their side, with the exception of Hei Qi, the rest of the members are too high-level, and they can lead the five pits properly. There are few mistakes, and the group will be wiped out.

Bai Xiaofei was also drunk, what kind of bastard made up this combination, it's obviously out of good intentions.


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