The Storm God

Chapter 4027 Ultron strikes! (Please subscribe!)

"All right……"

With Bai Xiaofei's temper, he was not prepared to agree to Hei Qi.


Look at the pull-span combination in front of you.

never mind!

Just feel sorry for them.

As a top expert, Bai Xiaofei is not easy to bully Hei Qi who has many pitfalls, if the opponent has scruples, he will definitely not be able to use his full strength.

This will indirectly lead to Bai Xiaofei's inability to enjoy himself.


Bai Xiaofei finally decided to let Hei Qi go for the time being, and fight with them after they finished solving the problem of Infinite Ultron.


Hei Qi was slightly taken aback.

It seemed that he didn't expect that Bai Xiaofei would agree to his request, and immediately thanked Bai Xiaofei sincerely.

Bai Xiaofei nodded lightly, expressing that you thank me for accepting it.


He glanced at To'er, who was still getting closer to the other Thor, and the latter immediately understood, and immediately gave up the Meow Hammer in his hand.


Meow Meow Hammer is back in his master's hands.

Thunder God was overjoyed immediately, hugging his hammer, and there was a burst of intimate caressing, as if he was not holding a hammer, but his wife.

He was speechless for a while while watching others.

at the same time.

Seeing that the two sides failed to fight, Eric the Leopard couldn't help showing a hint of helplessness in his eyes, but it was fleeting, and then he began to think about other plans in his heart.

I don't know.

His every move was watched by some people.

so far.

The tense atmosphere between the two parties finally resolved, but it was not good enough to fully open their hearts.

But sitting next to each other, chatting or something, it's completely fine.

Taking advantage of Ultron's pursuit, everyone chose to relax on the spot, rest and eat, and none of them was idle.

In short.

They all look very busy.

Black Widow Natasha and Captain Carter walked aside to chat about private conversations between girlfriends.

Eric the Leopard and T'Challa's Star-Lord are cousins, and they are also talking about Wakanda together.


This Wakanda is not that Wakanda.

As for some of them, it is unknown whether they have ghosts in their hearts.


The two Thors, the gods of thunder, fought secretly.

The way of competition is the more common arm wrestling, which does not limit the use of divine power, in order to distinguish who is stronger and who is weaker.

after all.

Both are princes of Asgard, and they are proud in their bones.

No one is willing to admit defeat.

at the same time.

Both of them are also extremely curious about the other's own affairs, so during the arm wrestling process, the two of them also communicated a lot.

The golden armor Gamora chatted with Bai Xiaofei together with Hei Qi.


For this powerful and terrifying man, Gamora was very curious and full of interest, and there were no other characters who cared about her around her, so she approached Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei is also quite interested in this Gamora.

After some exchanges.

It was only then that Bai Xiaofei learned that the Thanos of the opposing universe was actually defeated by her and Iron Man, and they also used the Infinity Stone Crusher to completely destroy the Infinity Stones, even melting the Infinity Gauntlet.

And it was at that moment that the Observer found her.

so far.

The multiverse version of the Avengers was established.


Hear here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help asking curiously: "Infinity Gem Crusher? There is such a thing? Cowhide, but I'm surprised, why didn't the observer choose Tony?"

To know.

In the parallel universe world of Golden Armored Gamora, even if Iron Man Tony came to an alien planet, he also shined brilliantly.

Even Gamora was able to defeat Thanos, thanks to Tony's help.


Tony utilizes alien technology.

Developed a batch of anti-thanos armor with strong combat effectiveness. And also intends to create more robot warriors to maintain the peace of the universe.

Is it because of this?


Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized, and secretly said: "Ultra was created from Tony. Even if Tony in that world was exiled to an alien planet, he still had the idea of ​​developing intelligent robots. Naturally, it is impossible for such a guy to join..."

"Unlike Gamora in the golden armor, her firm anti-infinity stone stance is definitely one of the key reasons why observers choose her."

"Then there is the Infinity Gem Crusher..."


Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help becoming curious.

Can the Infinity Gems Crusher in the hands of Golden Armored Gamora really crush Infinity Gems?

So how awesome is it?


It's not impossible.

After all, even Wanda, who has not learned magic, can use immature abilities to crush the Mind Stone. It can be seen that the Infinity Stone itself does not seem to be invincible. As long as you find its weakness or its restraint method, you may be able to destroy it. It shatters easily.


Infinity stones exist in infinite sets in the multiverse.

And each group has its specific essential differences. The golden armor Gamora's Infinity Gem Crusher comes from her world. Can it also be applied to Infinity Gemstones in other parallel universes?

Bai Xiaofei expressed doubts about this.

This thing is like jet lag. If the essential difference is not big, then there is no need to adjust, but if it crosses the time zone, then it must be adjusted accordingly, otherwise the time will be absolutely inaccurate.

the same way.

The same goes for the Infinity Gems Crusher.

It is the infinite gemstone that the golden armor Kamora found to deal with the local universe world, but now it is used to deal with the infinite gemstone of Ultron in this world...

This has definitely crossed the "time zone", and there is more than one, if you don't enjoy the corresponding adjustments...

Bai Xiaofei estimated that the result would be a complete failure.


For their own guesses.

He also didn't tell Golden Armored Gamora and Hei Qi, after all, Bai Xiaofei didn't owe them anything, and the other party didn't give him any favors, so why should he take advantage of the other party?

Bai Xiaofei stood aside, watching the show in silence, and he could also benefit from it.

compared to this.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei is undoubtedly more curious about his experience.

Although it is well known that Strange is the Supreme Sorcerer, known as Doctor Strange, but the one in front of him is definitely the most powerful one Bai Xiaofei has ever seen.

The key strength attribute is still so...

Contrary to common sense.

This made Bai Xiaofei very interested.


He was not polite to Hei Qi, and asked: "Your magic power seems to be very different from the Karma Taj magic that I know. Can you tell me about your experience?"


Hei Qi was silent for a moment.

A trace of deep sadness flashed in his eyes, Bai Xiaofei's words seemed to bring back his unbearable past and memories.

But in the end, Hei Qi nodded.


Just when he opened his mouth.

Just when he was about to tell Bai Xiaofei part of his experience——


The void above everyone's heads was instantly shattered like glass, followed by a strange white hole, and Ultron's figure full of anger and killing intent descended from it:

"You cunning mice are really easy for me to find!"


at the same time.

Slightly raising the spear in his hand, a terrifying cosmic energy condensed almost instantly, and then turned into an incomparably bright shock, bombarding everyone indiscriminately.


But the next moment.

The radiant and violent energy was abruptly restrained, and finally gathered in Heiqi's hands, compressed into the shape of a sugar ball by him, and then swallowed it into his stomach in one gulp.

At this moment, Hei Qi doesn't have the appearance of a sage of a supreme mage, his eyes are full of evil light, and the awe-inspiring evil intentions are wanton. It's completely a standard villain big boss attitude, okay?

This scene.

At that time, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback.

Depend on!

Is it so evil?

It's delicious!


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