The Storm God

Chapter 4028 Pick the one you can't mess with! (Please subscribe!)

Of course Bai Xiaofei was shocked not only by Heiqi's appearance, but also by his means and power. You must know that Ultron's blow just now was quite terrifying.

If it really exploded, the cliff could instantly blast the entire earth into slag.


But it was directly swallowed by Heiqi.

Depend on!

so capable.

Even Bai Xiaofei thinks he can't do it.

Although he can easily defuse an attack of this level, it is impossible for him to directly gather, compress, and then swallow the opponent's attack like Hei Qi.

This moment.

Bai Xiaofei was suddenly full of curiosity about Hei Qi's method.

I don't know if this ability can be applied to other aspects. If so, the power and potential are simply too awesome!

And the other side.

Seeing his attack, Hei Qi actually swallowed it.

Ultron also looked confused.


Obviously, even if he has evolved to such a degree, it is still difficult for Heiqi to understand why Heiqi can achieve such a degree. This is unscientific!

Immediately there was fury.


He launched an attack again, but this time, he stopped attacking and chose to fight hand-to-hand. After all, mages are notoriously thin-blooded.

As long as he succeeds once, the other party will definitely not be able to bear it.


The premise is to be able to break the defense.

And the magic shield that Heiqi put on everyone is also extremely powerful. Even if Ao Chuang is extremely powerful now, it is difficult to destroy it in a short time.

On the contrary, relying on the blessing of the magic shield, the opponent started a wheel war against Ultron by bullying more and bullying less.

no way.

Two fists are no match for four hands.

After the power of the infinite gems is restrained by Heiqi's magic, the only thing Ultron can rely on is his vibrating gold body.

But Hei Qi and others are not vegetarians.


Quantity is the advantage.

After a wave of chaotic battles, Ultron quickly realized that this would not work, so he immediately set his target on Natasha, the black widow.

Who told the Soul Gem to be in her hands?

As long as he has the soul gem, Ultron can restore his full body. With the help of the entire cosmic power of the infinite gem, Ultron does not believe in immortality.

But alas.

Hei Qi and the others were not stupid, they had formed a formation long ago, and fought Ultron desperately one by one, in order to entangle Ultron and interfere, unable to seize the soul gem in the hands of Black Widow Natasha.

Immediately made Ultron very angry.


"I can destroy the entire galaxy in an instant, but I can't kill you guys..."

"It's simply unreasonable!"


The angry Ultron went crazy again.

Seeing that Hei Qi and others were about to besiege him again, he exploded again in a rage, and the frenzied and terrifying cosmic energy exploded with him as the center in an instant.

If this trick is completely let go, not to mention the earth, the entire galaxy will be doomed, obviously Ultron has already been caught in a hurry.

Even Bai Xiaofei and Thor, who were watching the battle, couldn't help but change their expressions after feeling such a terrifying power:

"Good guy, he's in a hurry!"

Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up, he was enjoying watching the play, and at the same time, he also cast a space barrier shield to protect himself from being affected.

As for Thor, God of Thunder, his face was full of astonishment, and he trembled: "It's too scary. I never thought that Ultron would be so terrifying after he got the Infinity Stone. Mr. Bai Xiaofei, why don't we stay away?"

It's also really scary.

after all……

When he first encountered Thanos, Thor, the god of thunder, had experienced the taste of the power gem, but at that time, Thanos was like a younger brother compared to the Ultron in front of him.

The painful meeting was brought up, no wonder he wanted to hide away.

Bai Xiaofei ignored him.

A pair of eyes looked at Hei Qi expectantly, obviously wanting to see what means this dark version of the Supreme Mage would use to deal with the situation in front of him.

Is it still the absorption magic from before?


It's true at first glance!

However, Hei Qi was unhurried in the face of Ultron's eruption. After a quick movement of his hands, the terrifying force that erupted from the latter was instantly controlled within a certain range by a more terrifying and powerful force. Inside.

Then it was extremely compressed, and finally turned into a small ball.

follow closely.

Heiqi put it in his mouth and swallowed it directly.


See this scene.

Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment.

Depend on!

This is all right?

What kind of method is that? It's too perverted!


The terrifying energy that was enough to blow up the entire galaxy just now was eaten by Hei Qi so easily like a ball...

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei had to admit it.

In terms of related magical knowledge, after all, I am still not as good as this Hei Qi in front of me, even if his level of strength may be higher than the other party.

after all.

Industry specializing in surgery.

In terms of magic attainments, people are really awesome.

Not convinced!


The same discoloration, of course, there is Ultron.

Obviously, he never expected that Heiqi could even dissolve and absorb such a terrifying power. This is simply cheating.


He is also clueless.

Knowing that he had no chance of dealing with these people, he actually aimed directly at Bai Xiaofei and Thor...

Good guy.

This is obviously due to the fact that they don't have the magic shield that Heiqi casts. They feel that they are easy to bully, so they want to pick two soft persimmons.

But they didn't know that Bai Xiaofei, Hei Qi and others were not in the same group at all. Otherwise, they would have besieged Ao Chuang with Hei Qi and the others just now.

It stands to reason that Ultron could not have imagined this.


He did it anyway.

It can be seen from this that Ultron at this time was really stunned. Anger is already more than reason, just like a mad dog, who catches and bites.

"I rely on it!"

Thorton, the god of thunder, was horrified.

Seeing that Ao Chuang was actually attacking him, he suddenly felt like a ghost, and subconsciously chopped out with an axe.


The terrifying power of thunder erupted instantly.

But it's a pity that there is almost no difference between the thunder and lightning of the Storm Axe and the one released by the Meow Hammer. In front of Ultron, it is only for charging.

Want to do him harm?


almost impossible.

Then, Ao Chuang resisted Thor's thunder and lightning, directly killed the opponent, and then punched the latter in the face.

Poor Thor, the god of thunder, before he realized what was going on, he was directly blown away by Ultron.

Like a rocket, it goes straight to outer space.


Ultron did this on purpose.

The purpose is to reduce the number of enemies as much as possible.

next moment.

He turned his gaze, and aimed at Bai Xiaofei again. I saw the spear in Ao Chuang's hand pointed at Bai Xiaofei, and terrifying energy poured out like a waterfall in an instant.

Bai Xiaofei's figure was swallowed and submerged on the spot.


Hei Qi and the others watched the scene in front of them, and were suddenly speechless.

Could it be that Ultron was beaten stupid, and he played well with himself and others, so why did he suddenly run over to find trouble with that person?

Others don't know Bai Xiaofei's terror, but Hei Qi can deeply understand Bai Xiaofei's horror and unfathomable.

You said there are so many people, it's not good for you to pick anyone, but you just found the one you can't mess with...

This moment.

Hei Qi and others couldn't help but start to sympathize with Ultron.

You are really strong!


We are convinced!

As for whether Bai Xiaofei would be injured or not, that was simply out of their consideration.

The only thing Kamora in the golden armor wants to do now, other than watching a movie, is to find the right opportunity, and then sacrifice the Infinity Gem Crusher to completely eliminate the big trouble of Ultron.


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