The Storm God

Chapter 4029 The situation is reversed! (Please subscribe!)

Regardless of what Hei Qi and the others think.


Ultron's attack continued.

With the experience of the last two times, this time, he kept his eyes open and never stopped before confirming that the enemy was eliminated.


He obviously misjudged Bai Xiaofei's strength.

It is true that Bai Xiaofei was swallowed up by Ultron's attack, but unfortunately, the latter's attack was basically ineffective for Bai Xiaofei.

Can't even tickle it.

after all.

Bai Xiaofei was already very strong.

His own strength is not inferior to the current Ultron at all, not to mention that Bai Xiaofei's body is also fused with six infinity gems, which is a true and complete existence.

He is a guy with only five gems, and he still wants to fuck Bai Xiaofei?


Isn't this purely a dream?

next moment.

Ao Chuang's attacking light waves were instantly scattered by Bai Xiaofei's wave of stronger power, and even Ao Chuang himself was sent flying.

The halo dissipated.

But he saw Bai Xiaofei standing there as if nothing had happened, his face full of displeasure: "Damn! I'll watch a show well, can this also hurt innocent people?"

"Ao Chuang, you are looking for death!"


Ultron's inverted figure paused suddenly.

Seeing the void condensed, the transparent void barriers on all sides directly imprisoned him in it, unable to move, like a doll in a box, ready to be slaughtered.

Bai Xiaofei was condescending.

Looking at Ultron who was trapped with a bewildered and unbelievable expression, he said indifferently: "Since you want to die, then I will help you!"

The words fell.

Ao Chuang was thrown in front of Hei Qi and others.

Bai Xiaofei said: "I leave it to you."


He had lost interest in watching the show, so he wanted to tell Hei Qi and the others to end the farce quickly, and then go back to their respective homes to do what they should do.


Hei Qi and the others were speechless for a while.

Depend on!

Ultron, who we can't handle with all our efforts, was easily suppressed by him like this?

Is it a dream? This is...

"Do it!"

Hei Qi reacted the fastest.

When he came back to his senses, he didn't talk too much at all, and immediately winked at the golden armored Gamora.


Gamora is no inkblot either.

Hearing this, he immediately looked at Captain Carter, and Captain Carter looked at Natasha, the black widow. After all, the soul gem is still in her hand.


Black Widow Natasha was silent for a moment.

Looking at Captain Carter's sincere gaze, he finally gritted his teeth and threw the soul gem to the golden armored Gamora. After the latter found the soul gem, he immediately put it on the Infinity Gem Crusher.

Speaking of the Infinity Gems Crusher, the shape of this thing is somewhat similar to a spider, with a scope-like existence on it.

Just drop an Infinity Gem into it, and the Crusher will target that gem, analyze it, and crush the rest of the gems along with it.

I can't see the specific principle, but it's awesome.

With the insertion of the soul gem, the Infinity Gem Crusher immediately came to life, and then walked towards Ultron by itself.

It is like a cruel mechanical monster, crawling up to Ultron, opening its terrifying mechanical giant mouth, crushing and crushing the Infinity Gem on Ultron's chest frantically.

at the same time.

The back of the Infinity Gem Crusher also began to gradually display the progress of the crushed gems. Every time a gem is crushed, a corresponding indicator light will light up.

at last……

When the indicator light of the soul gem, which represents the key to Ultron, lights up, terrifying energy and bright light burst out instantly.


The violent roar and impact immediately swept the audience. Fortunately, everyone had the magic shield released by Heiqi, so they were not affected.

On the contrary, the surrounding environment, such as ruins and wreckage, was directly emptied by this energy impact, leaving a large open space.

And at the same time.

The figure of Ultron has disappeared.

"Did you make it?"

The T'Challa version of Star-Lord looked at the empty ground with a look of surprise. The black widow Natasha, Captain Carter and others next to them are similar.

Only Eric, the leopard, had a flash of displeasure in his eyes.

As for Heiqi...

All right.

At this moment, he was still more puzzled and puzzled.

It stands to reason that if the Infinity Stone is completely shattered, he should be able to feel something unusual.

after all.

Heiqi owns the Time Stone himself, so he has a deep research and understanding of this thing, but the current state is very unreasonable.

This can't help but make him feel that something is not right.

But he couldn't speak for a while.


The whole person is very confused.

"What's wrong?"

Gamora in the golden armor noticed that Heiqi's expression was wrong, so he asked.


Hei Qi opened his mouth and was about to say something when a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the sky: "You guys are so naive!"


Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

Looking up, as expected, the person who made the sound was that damned guy.

At this moment, instead of being killed, Ultron became a complete body, and all six infinite gems were inlaid on his body intact.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

It shouldn't be!

The Infinity Gem Crusher just now has clearly...

What's going on?


Everyone looked confused, and all looked at Gamora.

Little did she know that Gamora was even more at a loss, she was completely stupid, seeing everyone looking at her, she just shook her head blankly and said: "I don't know..."


Ultron, who had fully recovered in the sky, wore a four-eyed mask, and said in a cold voice: "Don't you understand, you were all deceived by that big head, and the infinite gems are unique, corresponding to each universe and world... "

"In other words..."

"The Infinity Gem Crusher in your world can only destroy the Infinity Gemstones in your world. It's useless for mine!"

"That big head played you all!"


Ultron's tone was full of jokes and sarcasm.

The words fell.

He turned his eyes suddenly, and looked directly at the most striking and special existence among the crowd - Hei Qi and Bai Xiaofei.

"The two of you are the most important. As long as you two are killed, the others are nothing to be afraid of. Now you two are going to die for me!"


People don't talk harshly.

Ao Chuang directly opened up, and the power of the six infinite gems exploded instantly in a complete body posture, turning into a super powerful attack, targeting Bai Xiaofei and Hei Qi directly.

Let's not mention Bai Xiaofei here.

Hei Qi and the others felt an unprecedented threat in an instant. The magic shield spells on everyone began to gradually fall apart under the impact of infinite terrifying power.


This time, Ao Chuang's attack strength has completely exceeded Hei Qi's upper limit of magic power. Even his magic shield spell can no longer protect everyone's safety.

If Hei Qi was alone, he might be able to hold on for a while relying on his terrifying magic attainments, but unfortunately, Hei Qi still had a few bronze-level players around him.

This made him have to allocate more magic power and thoughts to protect everyone, so that he couldn't exert his due peak combat power at all.

for a while.

Everyone suddenly fell into extreme passivity and disadvantage.

Just like a dilapidated small village that is being ravaged by a tsunami storm, it is estimated that it will not be long before the defenses of these people will be completely disintegrated, and then they will be completely destroyed by the power of Ultron, completely GG.

the other side.

Bai Xiaofei's performance was completely different from that of Hei Qi and the others.

Ao Chuang's attack is indeed terrifying and powerful, extremely powerful, it is difficult for ordinary people to parry, but it is a pity that Bai Xiaofei is not an ordinary person.

His own strength is a proper universe level, not to mention six infinite gems are perfectly fused in his body, so this wave of distraction attacks from Ao Chuang is nothing to fear in front of Bai Xiaofei, it is completely equivalent to ordinary ordinary a.

Bai Xiaofei just waved his hand casually, and easily resolved it.

"Wang Defa!"

Ultron was dumbfounded for a moment.

Stunned, he couldn't help but swear on the spot, with a hellish expression on his face.


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