The Storm God

Chapter 4030 Break the barrier! (Please subscribe!)

Ultron was taken aback.

As a result, the shock they suffered was so great that even the attacks on Hei Qi and the others stopped because of this, giving the stressed Hei Qi and the others a chance to breathe.

at the same time……

Hei Qi and the others were also shocked.

They all stared wide-eyed, looking at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, the only words that could come to mind were either "buy cakes" or "God".

It's far less powerful than the sentence "Fuck".

"Hoo hoo..."

Gamora in the golden armor was panting heavily.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei standing proudly in the sky, completely unafraid of Infinite Ultron's majesty, he couldn't help but ask Hei Qi, "Who is he? Isn't this too terrifying?"


Hei Qi smiled wryly and shook his head: "Ask me, who am I asking? I was just thinking of summoning some zombies to block and interfere with Ultron. I never thought I would summon such a terrifying and perverted guy!"

This moment.

Hei Qi was also completely shocked by Bai Xiaofei's terrifying strength.

Especially thinking that I still owed the other party a fight, I couldn't help but feel sad for myself, and even secretly thought: "Why don't I take the opportunity to run away now?"

He didn't want to be beaten!


And no matter what other people think.

Here, Ao Chuang was stunned for a long time, and finally recovered, then stared at Bai Xiaofei with an unhappy expression, frowned and said: "Who the hell are you?!"

"It's impossible to resist the destructive power I released!"

"Don't you also..."


He suddenly thought of a possibility.

The person in front of him should also have six infinity gems on his body. If not, the other party would not have such terrifying power.

Don't say it.

He really guessed right.


Even without the infinite gems, Bai Xiaofei's strength is still terrifying.

But Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to explain so much to Ultron. At this moment, he was a little annoyed by being attacked by Ultron one after another.


"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is, Ultron, you are in a big trouble now, you said it's not good for you to provoke, but you came to provoke me..."

"What the hell, I just want to watch a show."


Bai Xiaofei said that his face became uglier.

Speaking of the latter, the killing intent in his eyes became more and more intense, and a terrifying thunder force condensed in his hands, which caused great changes in the sky, and dark clouds billowed.

It seemed that the whole world felt Bai Xiaofei's anger.

Such a sight.

Immediately, Hei Qi and the others were taken aback.

Then, taking advantage of Ao Chuang being attracted by Bai Xiaofei and having no time to control them, Hei Qi quickly added the magic shield spell that was almost completely broken to everyone.

Then he ran far away in a hurry, so as not to be affected by the fish in the pond.

as expected.

They have only just moved away from the scene.

Terrifying thunder and lightning began to strike down from the sky one after another.

at the same time.

The ground also began to shake violently.

Horrible cracks appeared one after another, like the fangs of a ferocious beast, about to devour everything on the ground.

Countless ruins and wrecks fell directly into the cracked abyss.

Fortunately, Hei Qi and the others ran fast when they saw the opportunity, and they were protected by the magic shield spell, otherwise they might be the first to suffer from the precipice.

But even so.

It also frightened everyone so much that they had lingering fears.

In the center of the battlefield, Bai Xiaofei's power was still rising, and he was bathed in thunder, like a god, king of time.

Unlimited Ultron was like a younger brother in front of him, and the judgment was judged.

Bai Xiaofei's voice contained anger, mixed with the roar of lightning: "You were lucky just now, the Infinity Stone Crusher failed to kill you, but meeting me is also your greatest misfortune."

"Next, are you ready to bear my wrath?"


The voice did not fall.

There was a terrifying thunderbolt in the air.

The scale of the lightning was extremely terrifying, one by one, like the Nine Heavens Milky Way waterfall, fell on Ultron like no money.

Ultron was originally immune to lightning.


this moment.

The lightning that Bai Xiaofei released seemed to have some special additional attributes and effects. They fell on Ao Chuang's body, and obvious injuries and damages appeared on the latter's body immediately.

Like a doll thrown into a fire.

Ultron's outer armor fell apart almost instantly, and only the chest part inlaid with five infinite gems was preserved because of the power of the infinite gems.

The rest of the parts, including Ultron's Zhenjin body, were all damaged to varying degrees after being bombarded by Bai Xiaofei's thunder.

Just for a moment.

Infinite Ultron, who was majestic just now, has become a bereaved dog, extremely embarrassed.


Because of the power of the Infinity Stones.

In a blink of an eye, Ao Chuang's remnant body returned to its original state, as if everything just now was an illusion.

But from Ultron's expression full of humiliation and anger, it is not difficult to see that the scene just now was definitely not a fake, but a fact that really happened.


Ao Chuang was completely angry.

This was the first time he had been beaten so badly since he was born. If it weren't for the power of the infinite gems, he might have been completely defeated with just one move.

"No matter who you are, don't think about being presumptuous in front of me!"

"Go to hell!"


Ultron was in a hurry.

Facing Bai Xiaofei, it was an ultimate energy wave.

at the same time.

He was not idle either.

Like a rocket, he rushed away, his slender thighs, wrapped in the additional power of the Infinity Gem, swiped heavily at Bai Xiaofei's head.

First is the energy light wave, then the physical attack.

Typical two-pronged approach.


Bai Xiaofei was fearless in the face of danger, with an indifferent smile on his face from beginning to end, with a wave of his left hand, he neutralized Ultron's light wave attack.

follow closely.

As soon as he raised his right hand, he blocked Ultron's leg attack.


The leg attack was blocked.

However, the power of the infinite gem wrapped in Ao Chuang's leg was not completely shattered, causing it to be completely bombarded in the void, which greatly affected the entire world.

Its most intuitive manifestation is that the spatial dimension of the world is instantly shattered because it cannot withstand its huge impact.

next moment.

Hei Qi and others were shocked to find out.

The space environment I was in suddenly turned into another existence in the blink of an eye.

What was just a doomsday scene of ruins and wreckage turned into an incomparably bustling urban scene in an instant.

Moreover, there were passers-by standing around, all of them were like himself and others, looking at everything around them with a dazed face, completely unaware of what happened.


As Hei Qi with the highest magical attainment so far.

After just being dazed, he reacted instantly: "This is... directly breaking the dimensional barriers between the worlds of the multiverse, allowing us to come directly to another world!"

Take a closer look at the surrounding environment, isn't this the earth.

The difference is that.

The times are different and the development is different.

Here is the scene of doomsday, but at that time it was full of prosperity.

And all of this is entirely because of Ultron's kick in attacking Bai Xiaofei...just one kick, the space dimension of the whole world is changed!


Hei Qi really couldn't imagine how terrible the consequences would be if this kick landed on him firmly.

Although other people don't know so much, it is not difficult to affect their perception of the terrifying power of Ultron...


What shocked and disbelieved them even more was undoubtedly Bai Xiaofei.

How terrifying and powerful it must be to block Infinity Ultron's attack in such a relaxed and flat manner! ?

at the same time.

Everyone couldn't help being a little curious.

Why is Bai Xiaofei so strong? That is Infinite Ultron.

Is it possible...

He also has a set of Infinity Stones?


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