The Storm God

Chapter 4031 Bring it to you! (Please subscribe!)

Bai Xiaofei was also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Ultron, a robot incarnated by artificial intelligence, can evolve to such a degree after possessing infinite gems.


If he didn't also have a set of infinite gems now, Bai Xiaofei might not be able to be as awesome as Ultron based on his own strength.

The barriers of dimensional space can be easily broken.

With such strength, he is definitely a proper universe-level player, and it is also the kind of existence that surpasses the peak of the single universe and almost reaches the level of the multiverse.

And such an existence.

It's not that easy to kill it.

Even Bai Xiaofei has to admit that this level of Ultron is really cool.

No wonder observers will assemble a multiverse version of the Avengers to deal with Ultron, but the question is, can this combination of gods and five pits really succeed?

Bai Xiaofei expressed doubts.

Even a super boss like him dare not say that he is sure of winning. How can observers be confident that Hei Qi and others can solve Ultron?

Could there be a deeper calculation?


Bai Xiaofei remained silent.

While coping with Ultron's terrorist attack, he secretly thought about countermeasures.

at the same time.

The surrounding world environment, scenes, and characters.

As the two continue to compete and clash, they also change again and again, and the various characters in the parallel world of the multiverse have changed one crop after another.

The battle between the two infinite bosses did not cause any obvious damage to the surroundings, but it directly affected the development of many parallel worlds.

Hei Qi and others who were watching were stunned.

Not only them.

in a particular dimensional space.

The observers sitting behind the scenes also frowned, trembling with fear.


He didn't expect Bai Xiaofei to be so terrifying.

Even a terrifying existence like Infinity Ultron couldn't easily defeat it. If he had known that this person was so awesome, he might not have made a multiverse version of the reunion in the first place, and he could just go to Bai Xiaofei.

He believes.

With Bai Xiaofei's strength, plus himself.

If the two practice their hands, they can definitely suppress Ultron and completely destroy it. Of course, the premise is that Bai Xiaofei must be reliable.


Eliminating tigers and attracting lions is completely treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

And because of this.

this moment.

Observers did not show up to join the fight.

Obviously, he was still observing and analyzing Bai Xiaofei, and only when he was sure that Bai Xiaofei was not an evil person would he jump out to help.


the other side.

Natasha, the black widow, watched Bai Xiaofei and Ultron fight to the death, but it seemed impossible to tell the winner in a short time, and she was very anxious and worried.

Everything just now has proved that Hei Qi and others are not perfect opponents of Infinite Ultron. If this person fails again, then everything will be over.


Absolutely cannot sit still.

She had to do something to help Bai Xiaofei deal with Ultron.


Natasha came to Heiqi.

Asked in a low voice: "What do you think our chances of winning are?"


Heiqi couldn't answer.

Because the level and level of the two parties have completely surpassed his cognition and upper limit.

He could only say ambiguously: "Probably 50-50."

"That's it..."

Natasha was thoughtful upon hearing this.

Judging by her expression, she was obviously not very satisfied with the result.

"Then what if we help too?"


Hei Qi shook his head, and said: "They are too powerful, we can't get in at all, if we approach them rashly, I'm afraid we don't even know how they died..."


He turned to look at Natasha.

A gleam flashed in the wise eyes, and he said in surprise: "Could it be that you mean that you have a way to help defeat Ultron?"

this moment.

Heiqi suddenly thought of a possibility.

Why do the observers choose the location of the final battle to be in this cosmic world instead of others? It is likely to have something to do with the black widow Natasha.

after all……

She is the only survivor in this world. There must be a reason for the other party to survive to the end, and the most likely reason is to end Ultron.

With that in mind.

Heck was suddenly excited.

And the black widow Natasha did not disappoint him.

I saw that she took out a special black technology arrow from behind, and explained: "This arrow has a level of virus that specifically restrains Ultron, as long as it can be shot into Ultron's body, it can kill Ultron from the inside." its disintegration..."

Having said that, it is as difficult as climbing the sky if you want to do it.

Ultron is no fool.

Ordinary guys, even an extremely strong man like Bai Xiaofei, would have a hard time breaking through its defenses, let alone shooting an arrow into Ultron's body.

If you want to succeed, you must need a certain amount of time.


Something is better than nothing.

After learning that the Black Widow Natasha had such a sharp weapon in her hands, Hei Qi immediately became hopeful, and said excitedly, "Maybe I can think of a way..."

If it's pure force, he thinks he can't intervene in the battle between Bai Xiaofei and Ao Chuang, but if he only supports the creation of a neutral opportunity, then Hei Qi still has some ways.

For example.

The Time Stone in the Eye of Agamotto on his chest.

With Heiqi's current magical attainments, if he exploded with all his strength and activated the Time Stone, it would still produce some effect.

As long as Natasha and the others cooperate tacitly, they may not be able to achieve their goals.


Hei Qi told Natasha his thoughts.

Natasha nodded, expressing that she would never let Hei Qi down, and the others were also not idle, and stepped forward to help.

"Okay, get ready, I'm going to cast a spell here."

Hei Qi's face froze, and seeing everyone backing away, he immediately cast a spell, unleashing all his magic power.

at the same time.

His figure has also changed from a normal human form to a terrifying half-human half-demon form, with goat horns, magic eyes, wings, dragon claws, octopus tentacles... All kinds of messy things have jumped out of Heiqi's body out.

In the blink of an eye.

Heiqi has completely turned into a ferocious and terrifying hybrid monster, and his magical power has also rapidly climbed to the extreme.


With a pinch of Fajue, the Eye of Agamotto on the monster Heiqi's chest instantly opened, revealing the Time Gem hidden inside.

The time gem immediately emitted bright emerald light, and the endless power of time, like a surging river, instantly swept the audience.


Except for Natasha and others.

Otherwise, they are all frozen by the stillness of time, how can they cooperate with Heiqi?

The target of Hei Qi's spellcasting this time is mainly Ultron.

Poor Ultron, he is fighting with Bai Xiaofei right now, how could he have thought that Hei Qi would suddenly jump out and cross his legs.

Caught off guard, he was immediately affected by the power of time.

Although he has six infinity gems in his body, he can be immune to the influence of the power of time, but don't forget that Bai Xiaofei also has six infinity gems.

The power of the two sets of infinite gems counteract each other and cancel each other out, so Ultron naturally has no spare power to fight Heiqi's power of time.

Even if the impact is very small.


He was fixed there.

"It's now!"

Hei Qi's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly reminded: "Quick! I can't last long, shoot the arrow out immediately, now!"


Natasha was already ready.

Hearing Hei Qi's reminder, how dare you delay? Immediately, he drew his bow and set an arrow, aiming at Ultron's eyes, and shot the arrow with a special virus level.

at the same time.



The inconspicuous Thor, the god of thunder, was rarely reliable this time. With the meow hammer in his hand, in conjunction with Natasha's shooting, he smashed Ultron's armor mask on the spot one second before Ultron was shot.


There was a crisp sound.

The lightning-fast arrow finally managed to hit Ultron's right eye. The special virus program in the arrow also took this opportunity to invade Ultron's body instantly.

next moment.

The power of time collapsed.

Everything that was frozen instantly returned to its original state, but Hei Qi almost exhausted all his strength, and immediately collapsed on the ground.

And the key to all the problems, Ultron himself, froze in place in a daze, completely silent, as if his computer had crashed.

"Bring it to you!"

Bai Xiaofei sneered, taking this opportunity, with a big wave of his hand, he snatched all the five infinity gems inlaid on Ultron's chest armor.

The Ultron of Infinity and Perfection has broken through.


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