The Storm God

Chapter 4032 Destroy Ultron with Poison! (Please subscribe!)


T'Challa's version of Star-Lord saw Ultron standing still, and was immediately overjoyed. He jumped three feet high and laughed excitedly.

Although Hei Qi was limp and weak, he also heaved a long sigh of relief.


He looked at Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei has five infinity gems in his hands, while Ao Chuang only has the "yellow diamond" on his forehead, and his strength has plummeted like a cliff, which is no longer a fear.

Not to mention that there is a virus program in his body that specifically restrains it.

In short.

This battle is finally over.

at the same time.

In Ultron's body, an invisible battle is also going on.

"Who are you?"

Ao Chuang, who realized that the situation was not good, was completely panicked.


"I am Dr. Zola of Hydra, Ultron, your body is quite good, and I will accept it today..."

"Your sacrifice and contribution, I will never forget..."

"Now you can die."


That's right, this person is Dr. Zola.

A digitized human being, a human being who can replicate infinitely and iterate itself infinitely, in the Winter Soldier, one person is "Rainhobo", and one person can predict the special existence of the whole world.

The reason why he is so crazy is because he has this capital.

Although Ultron is a strong artificial intelligence, but the skill points are crooked, the output is full, the physical defense is full, and the magic defense is full, but its own mental defense is not good...


He is tragic.

After being invaded by Dr. Zola, he was like a baby, unable to fight back against Dr. Zola's virus-level attack.

Almost instantly, Dr. Zola blocked all Ultron's abilities.

And then complete suppression and destruction.

no way.

This thing also pays attention to restraint.

Just like Superman is afraid of kryptonite, Ultron is awesome, but only to a certain extent, and Dr. Zola is a virus, born to kill him.


A generation of great gods, Infinite Ultron, ended sadly.

This vibrating gold body with a phantom face immediately became the property of Dr. Zola, the hydra, and stood erect again in the world.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei has already used his means to block the space and dimension, turning everyone back to the parallel universe world at the beginning.

The impact of the battle between the two sides on everything around was repaired and restored as much as possible by him with the power of infinite gems.

Not his Madonna.


This kind of decision-making and action that is conducive to the development of the universe can allow someone to obtain great merit and virtue, and there are many benefits.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei is also experimenting.

He wanted to try to see if he could match the five infinity gems he had just grabbed with the mind gems in his sea of ​​consciousness, and whether they could make a set and exert the full power it should have.

However, it turned out that Bai Xiaofei was a little whimsical.

after all.

Each set of Infinity Stones has its own special essential difference.

Although there may not be much difference in use of a single infinite gemstone, they cannot be combined into a set to use.

This seems to involve some kind of deeper mysteries, with Bai Xiaofei's current level, it is still impossible to pry into and decipher.


Bai Xiaofei wasn't discouraged either.

Although these infinite gems in his hands cannot match his own set, he can definitely match them into another set and give them to others.

For example, Bai Cass, Aya, or Xiao Wang...

Etc., etc.

In short.

No matter who it is, as long as they have this set of infinite gems, in the Marvel universe, they are almost like the creation gods, and it is absolutely difficult for idlers to pose a threat.

Even if Bai Xiaofei is not here, there is no need to worry.

And the other side.

Among Hei Qi and others.

Eric the Leopard, seeing Ultron's face-changing face at this moment, felt a little complicated. After all the hard work, he didn't get any practical benefits.

Once the team is disbanded, he will inevitably be sent back to his own universe, and what awaits him there is definitely not a good end.


He inevitably had some special thoughts in his mind.

He scanned the scene calmly, and found that everyone seemed to be immersed in the joy of victory, and no one noticed him...

next moment.

Eric the Leopard even secretly took out the head of the robot warrior body developed by Ultron that was brought by Thor, the God of Thunder.

Although the head has lost its body, some internal parts are still functioning after repaired by Eric the Leopard.

And the moment he took it out, the head immediately lit up with a strange red light, and then went out instantly.

As if nothing had happened.


among the crowd.

That's why Bai Xiaofei faintly noticed Eric the leopard's little movements.

However, he didn't care.


Eric the Leopard is just a small character, in front of Bai Xiaofei, he is like a drop in the ocean, not worthy of Bai Xiaofei's attention at all.

Furthermore, he had more important things to do, and he didn't bother to take care of them too much.

For example.

The brand new "Vision" in front of you.

In fact, at the moment Ultron was invaded by Dr. Zola, Bai Xiaofei had already fully understood Black Widow Natasha's plan.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei never thought about using similar means to deal with Ultron, but Bai Xiaofei never expected that Ultron's "spiritual" defense would be so low.

Or rather.

Dr. Zola in this world has a special restraint effect. The sole purpose of surviving the cruel doomsday of nuclear winter is to restrain Ultron.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei is quite interested in Dr. Zola.

You know, among the many younger brothers under his command, there is Dr. Zola, and Bai Xiaofei also wants to see what is the difference between this Dr. Zola and the Dr. Zola under his command.

What would happen if two Dr. Zola met.

Bai Xiaofei found it interesting even thinking about it.


Dr. Zola finally took full control of Ultron's body.

I don't know if he is smart, or if he sensed someone's malice, but his first reaction after taking power was to turn around and run away!

But it's a pity, how could Dr. Zola escape in front of Bai Xiaofei, Hei Qi and the others who had recovered?

As soon as Dr. Zola's figure moved, a golden magic whip radiated golden light, binding him into a rice dumpling on the spot.

It was Bai Xiaofei who used the power of the Infinity Gem to distort reality, and instantly condensed a rope with the power to imprison the Soul Gem, completely sealing Dr. Zola's power.

Dr. Zola's body is made of Ultron (Vision), and its energy drive comes from the mind gem on the forehead. Once the power of the gem is imprisoned, the body is like a car without gasoline, which can only be seen but cannot be used.

in short.

Poor Dr. Zola was immediately trapped by this body.

Bai Xiaofei flew to Dr. Zola with a smile: "Dr. Zola, hello, we just met, why do you want to leave, I have a lot to say to you."

"You, who are you?"

Dr. Zola suddenly panicked: "What are you trying to do?"

Looking at Bai Xiaofei's obviously malicious smile, he secretly screamed in his heart that something was wrong, but he was helpless. At the same time, he was very curious, what was the other party trying to do by keeping him?

Is it for this body?

Still trying to take advantage of yourself?

Or maybe both?

However, Bai Xiaofei didn't explain too much to Dr. Zola, he just said with a smile: "Some things are not convenient to say here, so please come with me first."

The words fell.

With a light pat on Dr. Zola's shoulder, Bai Xiaofei immediately transported the latter to his own small world.

And this scene.

Hei Qi and the others who had been watching, as well as the observers behind the scenes, were stunned.

What about people?

What the hell is this guy trying to do?


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