The Storm God

Chapter 4033 A little revenge! (Please subscribe!)


Hei Qi stared at Bai Xiaofei in a daze, bewildered.

The same goes for everyone else.


The most depressed and unhappy is undoubtedly Eric the Leopard. Because Bai Xiaofei's operation can be said to have completely turned any of his little thoughts into despair.


He can't beat Bai Xiaofei.

No matter how angry and upset I was in my heart, I could only hold back at this moment.

Otherwise, the end will be worse than this.


at the same time.

Thor, who was sent flying into outer space before.

Finally, it was too late, and with the teleportation spell of the Storm Axe, he returned to the crowd again, and shouted angrily: "Damn Ultron, you wait for me, and see if I don't take you..."


"Where's that Ultron guy? Why is he gone?"

"Did you get scared away?"


Thor wields his battle axe.

After walking out of the teleportation array, he was surprised to find that the battle seemed to have ended long ago.

Everyone at the scene put down their weapons, except for himself, who immediately looked confused and confused, and finally had no choice but to look at Bai Xiaofei, his eyes full of questions.


Bai Xiaofei was also quite speechless.

This Thor, even in the later stage, really can't get rid of his funny nature. He came late after the battle was over, and he was even more unreliable than that incomprehensible guy...

"He didn't run away, but was completely killed."

Bai Xiaofei explained with a wry smile: "Now his body is occupied by Dr. Zola of Hydra. I'm a little interested in that guy, so I got it into my little world..."

these words.

Not only for Thor, but also Heqi and others.

In order to reduce unnecessary trouble.

As everyone knows.

As soon as the words came out.

Heiqi was even more interested.

He brightened his eyes and said, "Small world? Is it your own dimensional space? What kind of existence is that, can you let me see it?"

Good guy.

This is typical of being aroused to explore and seek knowledge.

And not even just him.

Even the observers hiding behind the scenes were aroused curiosity, because looking at the countless multiverse worlds, he has never heard or seen anyone who has his own small world.

Pocket dimensions are pretty common.

But obviously.

The small world that Bai Xiaofei mentioned is certainly not the same concept as the pocket dimension.


In order to explore the truth.

As well as thoroughly understanding Bai Xiaofei's purpose, the observer finally came out from behind the scenes.

He can't help but stand up. The current Heiqi has a very serious consumption of mana, and his combat power is not as good as the second and third in his peak period, let alone the others. In front of Bai Xiaofei, he is purely a war scum.

Only a transcendent being like the observer can rival it.

The current situation is completely different from the plan that the observer made at the beginning. As the overall person in charge of the plan, the observer must of course do a good job in dealing with the aftermath.


The appearance of the Observer shocked the unsuspecting Thor, the god of thunder, and almost didn't greet him directly with the storm axe.

"Giant? No, this is a giant baby!"

Thor, the God of Thunder, yelled with an exaggerated expression.

Hearing these words, his other self immediately cast a look of approval and approval. Obviously, the two Thors have the same understanding of this observer.

Observers simply ignored Thor.

Right when they don't exist.

He came directly in front of Bai Xiaofei and said, "Dear foreign traveler, your strength and means are eye-opening and amazing..."

After some politeness.

In the end, he got straight to the point and asked, "That... how do you want to deal with him?"

Of course he didn't become a doctor.

It refers to the body of vibrating gold.

after all……

This one is different from the others.

If it is inlaid with infinite gems, it will definitely be an extremely terrifying existence.

Ultron is the best proof!

Even if Ultron is gone now, other artificial intelligences, or similar existences, such as special aliens like Dr. Arnim Zola, can also be used.

In short.

If it's just a pure golden body, then it's fine.

But the key point is that Bai Xiaofei still has the Infinity Gem in his hand, so observers must be clear about it, and never let the person in front of them become the second "Ultra".


Bai Xiaofei squinted his eyes, looked at the observer with a solemn expression, and asked without answering: "Before I noticed that someone seemed to be spying on me, so it should be you?"


The observer was stunned for a moment, he actually discovered it?

But think about it.

This person is so strong that even Infinity Ultron can't do anything to him. With the opponent's level, it is reasonable to find his own existence.

With that in mind.

He nodded and said, "Yes, I..."

"Yes, that's enough!"

Before the observer finished speaking, Bai Xiaofei interrupted directly: "Do you know that invading other people's privacy is against... ahem, very immoral behavior!"


"I'm very upset about this, so how can you solve this?"

"All other things stand aside!"


It shows that it is to collect debts.

Hearing this, Hei Qi and others who were watching couldn't help laughing wryly.

have a look……

It's still awesome.

Even if I and others peeped, I could only endure it silently, but they dared to blatantly discuss an explanation with this giant (giant baby).


Don't worry about anything else.

Based on this alone, Bai Xiaofei has virtually won the support and approval of the vast majority of people, except of course some guys.


Eric the Leopard, this guy is full of thoughts now, what should he do next? After all, Ultron's crisis has been resolved, and it is estimated that observers will treat themselves as others and repatriate themselves to their own universe.

Leaving aside the situation of the others, Eric the Leopard had a bad experience anyway. The series of conspiracies he planned in that world were all exposed, and now the whole world is looking for him.

Letting him go back now is basically equivalent to sending him to death.


Eric the Leopard was very depressed. He didn't get enough benefits and the capital to fight. How could he just go back like this.

Originally, he was worried and couldn't think of a way.

As a result, when he fell asleep, someone gave him a pillow, the appearance of the observer, and Bai Xiaofei's obviously malicious behavior immediately allowed Eric to find a breakthrough point.


The observer froze in place, not knowing how to answer.

At this time, Eric the Leopard suddenly stood up and said, "What is moral or immoral? That's his job. If it weren't for his guidance, I'm afraid everyone would be wiped out by Ultron sooner or later. You don't appreciate it." Forget it, you still have to trouble the observers..."

"Especially when you privately swallowed Ultron's body and the Infinity Gem on his body before, in my opinion, you clearly have ulterior motives!"

"The one who should give everyone an explanation is you!"


Strong words.


In an instant, the focus of the problem was shifted to Bai Xiaofei.


Everyone waiting here is not an idiot.

Especially Captain Carter, who knew something about Eric the Leopard, couldn't help frowning immediately upon hearing this.

They smelled of conspiracy.

But alas.

At this moment, Eric the Leopard is indeed in some favorable positions. Even if they want to refute, they can't find fault.

So I can only choose to remain silent and wait and see.

Heiqi is powerful.


His attitude was one of indifference.

Whether it's the observer, Eric the leopard, or the very aggressive Bai Xiaofei, he doesn't seem to care.

Typical neutral stance.



Hei Qi was still more on Bai Xiaofei's side, and kept looking at the observers, as if he really wanted to know, faced with the current situation, would this guy who strictly abides by principles bow his head and choose to give in again?

And the reason why he did this was not because he really wanted to help Bai Xiaofei. It was because Hei Qi had already reacted, and it seemed that he had been tricked by this big-headed guy from the very beginning.

Now choosing to watch the show neutrally, this can be regarded as a kind of small revenge to some extent.


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