The Storm God

Chapter 4034 The deadly leopard! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei smiled.

Looking at Eric the leopard who suddenly stood up to make trouble, he squinted his eyes, and a cold killing intent flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Good guy!

I didn't want to talk to you.


You have to court death.

Then you can't blame me for being cruel.

"What do you want to say?"

When he said this, Bai Xiaofei's tone turned cold.

at the same time.

The aura on his body also began to rise slowly.

But it only targeted Eric the Leopard, making the opponent instantly feel as if he was crushed by a mountain, and he almost didn't kneel down to Bai Xiaofei on the spot.


crucial moment.

It was T'Challa's version of Star-Lord who stood up and smoothed things over: "Mr. Bai, he, he didn't mean that. Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings!"

no way.

Who made Eric the Leopard, nominally his cousin.

Although they are not in the same world, the relationship is there after all. Seeing Bai Xiaofei's murderous intent, T'Challa can't stand by and remain indifferent.


Eric the Leopard didn't appreciate it at all.

This guy seemed determined to seek death, he gritted his teeth, stiffened his neck, and said coldly: "I think you have ulterior motives, otherwise why would you take it away?"

He's talking about the six Infinity Stones.


This product has an ulterior motive.


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, his smile became brighter.

But he didn't pay attention to this idiot anymore, but directly looked at the observer, and said with a curled lips: "Do you mean that too?"


The observer suddenly looked bitter.

Depend on!

How can it be?

Others don't know what kind of virtue this guy is, so why don't I know?

My initial plan was to seal this product, Dr. Zola, and the Infinity Stone forever.

Just because of your appearance, my plan was completely messed up.

Now you still give me the ball?

What a joke!


The observer immediately said that he would not take the blame.

He directly clarified his attitude: "It is true that I was wrong about the snooping before. For this, I am willing to apologize and even make compensation..."


As soon as these words came out, the people around were all dumbfounded.

Bai Xiaofei was no exception.


He looked at his serious head in astonishment, quite surprised, and secretly said: "Damn! You are an observer, are you so cowardly? Your cooperative attitude makes me feel a little embarrassed to blackmail you... "

"Could it be that this is the legendary "advance as retreat?"


Bai Xiaofei couldn't believe it.

And the observer didn't care what the people around him were thinking, and continued: "This crisis in the multiverse was mainly resolved by you, Mr. Bai, for which we should be grateful..."

"As for Dr. Zola, and those six Infinity Stones..."

"It doesn't matter, it's nothing to worry about..."

"Do whatever you want."


That attitude is a compliment.

Eric the Leopard was stunned, so he couldn't protrude his eyes.

Then he realized that he seemed to have kicked on the iron board.

The backer I thought was so cowardly, if I don't think of a solution quickly, I will be completely desolate.

With that in mind.

Eric the Leopard rolled his eyes immediately, and immediately said, "Is that so? Then I must have misunderstood. I'm sorry, Mr. Bai, I thought he..."

Good guy.

This guy's face is really thick.

Leng didn't even write a draft when he was lying, so he directly dumped the blame on the observer, saying that he was completely speaking for the observer, but unexpectedly the other party...

In short.

There is one meaning in the open and in the dark.

This matter has nothing to do with me, I am just a small character, and the observer is the real boss, if you want to make trouble, go to him.

Don't look for me, otherwise you will be bullying the small with the big, and you will lose your identity.

have to admit.

This guy's on-the-spot performance is still good enough.

Anyway, none of the people present could claim to be able to do this to such a degree, and even his cheap cousin T'Challa felt embarrassed to speak for him after hearing this.


Regardless of good or bad things, they have all been said by Eric the Leopard.

It's a joke for him to stand up again.

Just shut up!


Don't you dare to offend Bai Xiaofei without seeing your big head?

What kind of onion are you?

Save your life!


T'Challa was like this, let alone the others, who chose to remain silent.

Bai Xiaofei was also too lazy to waste time with a villain like Eric the Leopard, so he glanced at him disdainfully, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth:

"Forget it!"

"For the sake of everyone fighting together, today's incident is over, if there are any gossips in the future..."

"Don't blame me for being ungrateful!"


It's just a trash trick.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't take it to heart, even if he wanted to kill him, he wouldn't be able to lose so much in front of observers and Hei Qi. Instead of lowering his status because of such a piece of rubbish, wouldn't it be nice to do something else?


Offending Bai Xiaofei, no matter who it is, don't even think about getting good fruit.

Eric the Leopard has nothing to do now, but it's hard to say in the future. Just when Bai Xiaofei sneered just now, he had already secretly cast a very vicious curse on the other party.

The function of this curse is very simple, it is bad luck.

in short.

From now on, no matter what Eric the Leopard does, he will be unlucky and stumble again and again. Like choking on food, stuffing between teeth while drinking, farting on heels and so on...

And as time goes by, the effect of the curse will become stronger and stronger.

Knowing that Eric the leopard was completely killed.

all of these.

Except Heiqi noticed something.

Everyone present, even the observers, didn't notice.

Hei Qi didn't know the reason, and he didn't say anything. He just smiled mysteriously at Bai Xiaofei, then stood aside silently, and continued watching the play.

Bai Xiaofei was surprised for a moment.

Afterwards, he skipped this matter and directly pointed the finger at the observer, asking, "Then let's talk about the compensation now."

He is not polite to observers.


Bai Xiaofei is not someone who has never seen the world. The so-called compensation is small, but his real purpose is not like this, but has another deep meaning.


Observers are obviously not dumb either.

Comprehending Bai Xiaofei's meaning, he smiled wryly, and then replied: "It's easy to talk about the compensation, let's talk alone later..."

Speaking of which.

The observer's eyes fell directly on Captain Carter and the others, and then slowly said: "Now, it's time to send you back..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone became complicated in an instant.

Especially Eric the Leopard.

"Can you not go back?"

He asked weakly.

The answer he got was the observer's resolute silence, and that attitude was obviously nothing to talk about. Others may have other plans, but you must accept your fate.

Little boy, are you the only one who wants to plot against me?

It's ridiculous!

To this.

Leopard was extremely upset, but there was nothing he could do.

Before he could react, the observer had already activated his divine power, sending Eric the leopard back to the original time and space world without anyone noticing.


His eyes fell on T'Challa's version of Star-Lord again.

In other words, the next one is you.


Star-Lord shrugged indifferently.

There was no reluctance or nostalgia, so he turned around and waved goodbye to Hei Qi and the others, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

When the eyes of the observer looked at Thor, the god of thunder, the latter waved his hands again and again, shouting: "Wait, wait! Can you let me stay a little longer, I..."

The voice did not fall.

The whole person disappeared completely.

Obviously, the observers would not condone this incomprehensible Thor, and kicked him back to his original world.


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