The Storm God

Chapter 4035 It's none of my business! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing the former teammates being teleported back one after another, Captain Carter here felt a little reluctant and nostalgic.

after all……

The black widow Natasha of this world is too miserable.

Everyone in the world died, and she was the only one left. As a best friend and best friend, Carter certainly didn't want Natasha to accept such a fate.

But she also understands.

I don't have the ability, and I don't have the qualifications to let big guys like Observer and Bai Xiaofei help Natasha change her destiny...


Captain Carter thought about it.

Or just let Natasha go back with him.


Natasha, the black widow, seemed to understand what Captain Carter meant. She first thanked Captain Carter, and then shook her head:

"But I can't go with you."


Captain Carter was silent.

She could see that Natasha was determined.

And as long as it is something that Natasha decides, it will basically not change, not to mention... Even if the other party agrees, the observer is unlikely to let himself act like this.

after all.

In the world of Captain Carter, Natasha the Black Widow is not dead yet.

If this Natasha goes, it will lead to that world, and two identical black widows will appear at the same time, and it will be messed up.


She stopped talking.

He just hugged Natasha tightly with regret and reluctance, sent a few words of blessing, and was sent back to the original time and space by the observer.

And before sending her away, the observer rarely said to Captain Carter: "Your efforts will not be unrewarded, trust me..."


Captain Carter suddenly looked confused, what do you mean?


When she wants to ask something.

The whole person has disappeared in front of everyone, and has completely returned to his own world.

at last.

Of the Avengers members summoned by the observers, only Heiqi and the golden armored Gamora were left yet to be sent away.

Looking at the two people in front of him, the observer was silent for a long time.

Obviously thinking about something.

To this.

Gamora was puzzled.

She knows something about Hei Qi's experience, the entire universe completely collapsed and destroyed because of the change of absolute time point...

Only Heiqi is still alive.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that observers will hesitate, because there is not much difference in essence whether Heiqi will be sent back to the original time and space world.


The premise is that it will not have too much impact on the current world. At least there is no problem in this nuclear winter world full of wreckage, ruins and radiation.

So here comes the problem.

All this seems to have nothing to do with me, right?

Just send yourself back, you said, what are you struggling with? Is it possible that after I go back, the follow-up fate will be very difficult?

Think here.

Gamora felt bad all of a sudden.


Observer, don't scare me.

Hei Qi next to him was also a little puzzled. Looking at the entangled and hesitant observers, he couldn't help but ask, "Is there nothing wrong with her?"


Unexpectedly, the observer heard the words, but did not answer Hei Qi and Gamora's doubts, but directly looked at Bai Xiaofei with complicated eyes.

The implication is that the key to this matter lies with him.


Now it was Bai Xiaofei's turn to be confused.

Depend on!

Does this have anything to do with Lao Tzu?

He rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said angrily, "What are you looking at me for? What about your own business, you can do whatever you want, I don't care!"

It is very inexplicable!


The observer was silent for a moment, and finally made a decision. With a wave of his hand, the golden armored Gamora disappeared.

"I'll do it myself!"

Seeing that everyone had almost left, Hei Qi shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "I won't bother you to make a move."

Obviously, with his magical strength, he can already travel through multiple dimensions and enter different worlds of time and space.

Think about it too.

If not, he would not be able to casually summon a large number of zombies from the zombie universe where Bai Xiaofei lives.


Hei Qi began to cast spells.

The bright magic circle of space, spinning around, formed almost instantly.

But just when Hei Qi was about to go in, leave this world, and return to his own cage, the observer suddenly said, "You don't have to go!"


Heiqi was stunned for a moment.

What's the meaning?

I don't have to go?

Is there anything else I need help with?

Hei Qi looked at the observer in puzzlement, he couldn't figure it out, since Ultron had been killed, where else would he need himself?

Could it be...

His eyes turned.

Hei Qi looked at Bai Xiaofei where the old god was present, and suddenly thought of a possibility: "Xie Te! This big head doesn't want me to join forces with him to deal with this guy, does he?"

His first reaction was that this giant baby was crazy.

Depend on!

This guy is not human at all.

Even Ultron can't do anything to him, so who is he?

Even if you add your big head, it's useless, otherwise, to deal with Ultron, why would you need to call up a multi-complex alliance, just unite yourself, wouldn't the two of you become it?


Absolutely not!

Don't even think about it unless I'm fucking stupid!

Think here.

Hei Qi suddenly shuddered all over.

Then, without saying a word, he immediately quickened his pace, rushed into the magic circle of space as if fleeing, and disappeared completely.


This wave of actions directly dumbfounded the observers.

Why did you leave?

Depend on!

Still in such a hurry.

It's like escaping for your life...

Has he misunderstood something? What the hell is it? It's obviously a good intention of me...

never mind!

Just go and go.

At worst, I'll ask him to explain in detail later, but for now, let's deal with Bai Xiaofei and Natasha, who is the only one left in the world.


Seeing the observer looking at her, Natasha was stunned for a moment, and said in amazement: "What are you looking at me for? I am a person from this world..."

When he said this, his expression was sad and painful.

after all……

People all over the world are dead.

Except her!

In this situation, ordinary people would have collapsed long ago. Although the black widow Natasha is strong, she is still a human being, and a human being has its limits.

before that.

The only reason to support Natasha's persistence in living is to find a way to kill Ultron. Now that her wish has finally come true, she naturally lost her motivation.

What followed was endless emptiness, loneliness, sadness, and despair...

The observer seemed to have seen Natasha's heart long ago. Seeing this situation, he directly explained his intentional arrangement: "I can send you to a world where Natasha, the black widow, is lost, as long as you are willing..."

To know.

In the battle to annihilate Ultron, Natasha also contributed a lot.

As a hero, he deserves an award.


It is the only gift the observer can give.

"Other worlds?"

Natasha's body trembled when she heard the words. Obviously, she didn't expect that the observers would have such an arrangement. To be honest, if she didn't move her heart, the precipice was fake, after all, she knew the situation on her side.

One is to die alone in despair, or can't bear it, and finally commits suicide; the other is to go to another world and start again.

How to choose, it is estimated that a fool knows.

But at this moment.

Bai Xiaofei, who had watched the play for a long time, suddenly spoke, interrupting Natasha's thoughts and choices, and said with a smile: "I don't think it's that troublesome..."


Natasha, who heard this, couldn't help showing a stunned expression again, apparently not understanding what someone meant.


The observer understands it instantly.

Then his face changed, and he frowned and said, "No, if you do this, you are seriously interfering with the movement and orbit of the universe's own development..."

He didn't finish his sentence.

Bai Xiaofei interrupted with a sneer: "None of my business!"

Observer: "..."

Natasha: "???"


Can we not play charades?


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