The Storm God

Chapter 4036 Change the world! (Please subscribe!)

Natasha looked at the Big Head Observer.

The observer remained silent, obviously not planning to tell her everything. In desperation, Natasha could only look at Bai Xiaofei again.

this time.

She finally made it.

Bai Xiaofei looked at his big head with a sneer: "Observer, you have your own principles and ethics, I can understand, and I quite support and agree, because most of the time, you need these to ensure the operation of the world..."


"You use your own principles and ethics to ask others to be like you. This is a bit too much, because others are not you. If you impose your own requirements on others, isn't this a kind of interference?"

"Also, when you are anxious about these people coming to stop Ultron, you have already violated your own principles and ethics. Since you have already broken the precept, why bother with this world?"


Those words left the observer stunned in place, speechless.

And Natasha also understood some of the meanings from these words, for example, the principle of the observer may be to ignore everything that happens and never interfere.


Ultron's threat is too great.

Therefore, the observer broke his own principles, worried Captain Carter and others, formed a multiverse version of the reunion, and finally succeeded in destroying Ultron.

And now.

Bai Xiaofei seems to want to use the power of the infinite gem to completely reverse and change the tragedy that has happened in his world...

But observers disagree.


Bai Xiaofei's behavior is completely contrary to the observer's principle.

Whether it's due to a matter of principle or some other reason, observers don't seem to want Bai Xiaofei to intervene in his own affairs.

Think here.

Natasha's impression of the observer immediately dropped a lot, and she stood decisively on Bai Xiaofei's side, glaring at the observer and asking, "Is what he said true?"


The observer opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end.

Still he fell silent.

Because observers know that it is useless to say anything now, Natasha has already determined that Bai Xiaofei is helping her, and she is the villain who is stopping her.

No matter what she said, Natasha would not listen.

Even if the arrangement plan she provided was the best choice, Natasha would not take it at the moment, because those people in the other world were the most familiar strangers to Natasha, not people you really know.

Take Captain Carter, for example.

In this world, in Natasha's cognition, the black widow, Carter is an agent. Although the relationship with her is quite familiar, it is not good enough to become a best friend and best friend.

As a result, there is another parallel universe world.

But it developed like this.


There will be countless different versions and trends.

The Observer intends to arrange Natasha to live in another parallel universe, replacing the dead Black Widow Natasha...

If it wasn't for Bai Xiaofei's intervention, Natasha might not feel that there was anything wrong with it, she would only think that such an arrangement is quite good.


Reality has no ifs.

After Bai Xiaofei made such a fuss, Natasha thought more.

For example, you are yourself, even if you go to a world that is almost 100% the same as your own world, it is not your own world, and those people are not familiar with yourself...

What is unnatural in the heart will produce a kind of rejection.

not to mention.

Bai Xiaofei also offered her another choice.

If it is really possible to use the power of the Infinity Gem to reverse all these doomsday endgames, then why does the Black Widow have to go far away and go to another parallel universe to live instead of others?

Isn't he nice living in his own world with his relatives and friends?

And the fact is indeed as the observer expected, Natasha has completely distrusted the observer at this moment.

It's fine if there is no solution, but obviously there is a better solution, but because of his so-called principles, the observer let himself leave his hometown...

I'm afraid no one can accept this, right?


Natasha can't!

"Feel sorry!"

"I appreciate your kindness, but you can go back and forth wherever you go. I don't need to worry about what my world will end up like."

"The destruction of Ultron, I thank you!"


She directly chose to refuse.

The attitude is extremely firm.


The observer sighed helplessly, and after taking a deep look at Bai Xiaofei and Natasha, he turned and left in frustration with a complicated expression.

Before leaving.

He also left a meaningful sentence for Bai Xiaofei and Natasha: "I hope you will not regret today's decision..."


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback, but he didn't take these words to heart.

Not to mention Natasha.

After the observer leaves.

She immediately looked at Bai Xiaofei, and asked anxiously and worriedly: "That...Mr. Bai, right? You, are you really willing to help me change my world and bring back all the dead people?"

"Is this really possible?"

"What do I need to do?"


It seems that Bai Xiaofei has been regarded as the last straw.

Bai Xiaofei smiled, nodded and said: "Well, it's all true, the power of the Infinity Gem is beyond your imagination, you can understand it as the legendary Aladdin's magic lamp, almost any wish you want to come true, It can help you achieve…”

"Even if it is changing the world, reversing time and space, and resurrecting the dead, it is absolutely no problem, not to mention that it is only a change within the scope of the earth..."

"It's nothing to me at all."


Bai Xiaofei said with certainty.


He is not some sort of Holy Mother, and the reason why he chose to help Natasha restore the earth in this world naturally has its own calculations.

Like the Xandar planet or something, Bai Xiaofei doesn't bother to take care of other universe civilization planets, if they are destroyed, they will be destroyed.

In this way, the earth can be made the center of the universe. In this way, there is no need to worry about the lack of resources in the entire universe.

it's here.

Bai Xiaofei is the only true god!

No matter what he wants to do, he will not be hindered in any way.

Except for outsiders!

Speaking of this, Bai Xiaofei has to thank Ultron, because if it weren't for it, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't have taken advantage of the big one for nothing.

If Bai Xiaofei really wanted to slaughter the universe, he really couldn't do it.

How good it is now, all the bad things have been done by Ultron, but in the end, all the fruits of the harvest have fallen into Bai Xiaofei's hands...

Ultron good man!

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei didn't drag the ink.

In front of Natasha, he snapped his fingers directly, and the six infinity gems worked together to mobilize the power of the entire universe in an instant to help him realize what he wanted.

at the same time.

This doomsday earth, full of the wreckage of the nuclear winter and devoid of any living creatures, also began to reverse rapidly in a blink of an eye, transforming into the scene before the apocalypse.

Those humans and creatures who died because of this were no exception, and all of them were restored to their original state in Bai Xiaofei's wish.


Some of the more troublesome guys are not included.

Just like the remnants of Hydra, certain villains who will have greater influence and damage in the future, Bai Xiaofei doesn't want these guys to cause trouble for his "back garden", so when making a wish, he directly vetoed it their existence.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei tried his best to "build" this world into the familiar Marvel appearance in his ideal, which also referred to Natasha's memory and some destiny trends that the world should have.


If it is changed too much, it will not be the world Natasha is familiar with, and it will be no different from her going to another parallel universe.

Although Natasha is just a mortal, she is the child of destiny in this world, and her usefulness and value in the future are still quite great.

While Bai Xiaofei was realizing his own small plan, he naturally had to take care of the other person's feelings, otherwise, how could he be willing and loyal to work for him.


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