The Storm God

Chapter 4037 Eric was arrested! (Please subscribe!)


Black Widow Natasha was completely shocked.

Staring wide-eyed, looking at the doomsday scene around him in disbelief, he quickly recovered, especially the people who had died, appearing out of thin air like magic...

Tears of excitement flowed down immediately.


She saw Hawkeye.

This man who accompanies him to the end, protects himself with his own life.


Hawkeye Clint was still a little confused.

As a result, Natasha, the black widow, hugged her tightly: "Great, we succeeded, Ultron was defeated, and the world was restored..."

"Everyone is alive!"


Clint was dumbfounded.

But his mind is not stupid. Although Natasha only said a few words, Clint quickly summed up the core points, as well as his guesses and possibilities from this limited information.

Natasha made it!

Ultron has been defeated!

Although I don't know exactly what happened, it seems that Natasha not only did that, but also used some means to restore the doomsday world to its former prosperity.

Especially those who died, are also resurrected.

Just like myself!

With that in mind.

Clint suddenly laughed too.

Then he reached out and patted Natasha, and said excitedly, "Xiaona, thank you for your hard work, you are the real savior, I..."

That's all for now.

He paused suddenly, because Clint was surprised to find that his right hand had also returned to its former appearance, instead of a cold mechanical arm.

Immediately, he was even more moved. He knew that this must be due to Natasha.

In fact.

All of this was done by Bai Xiaofei.

after all……

his wish.

It is based on some of Natasha's memories and materials.

It is no exaggeration to say that Hawkeye Clint is completely in Natasha's favor, if there is no reason for this, Bai Xiaofei would not care whether he has a broken arm or not.

Bai Xiaofei was kind enough to revive them.


Watching the two embrace each other excitedly.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help coughing lightly, reminding Natasha, please be more careful, I'm still here.

Although I know that the two are not lovers, they are men and women after all.

Hugging each other so affectionately...

Not dog food!

But it's better than dog food!


Natasha is brilliant.

As soon as he heard Bai Xiaofei's light cough, he immediately understood his intention.

Quickly separated from Hawkeye, wiped away the tears on his face, then smiled and said to Hawkeye: "Let me introduce you, this is Mr. Bai Xiaofeibai..."


Clint was stunned for a moment.

Firstly, he didn't know Bai Xiaofei at all, so he was very confused; secondly, in the apocalyptic world at that time, there were no other survivors at all, so where did this Bai Xiaofei come from?

it seems...

after his own death.

Xiaona seems to have experienced many special things again.

And to see what she meant, the reason why Ultron was defeated, the world can be restored, and the dead can be resurrected is thanks to this person's help.

So here comes the problem.

Who is this man? What is his identity? What's the purpose of the other party helping so much? Is it just out of kindness?

All right!

It's not that Clint has any opinion on Bai Xiaofei, he doubted him when he first met, but as the top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hawkeye always subconsciously judges unfamiliar characters with the thinking mode of an agent other side.

no way.

After working as an agent for so many years, I have long been used to it.

It's really not that he targeted it on purpose.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care at all.

A mere agent of the Snake Shield Bureau, in front of Bai Xiaofei at this moment, counts as a ball. To put it bluntly, Clint is not even as good as an ant...

As strong as Thanos, facing Bai Xiaofei, he only has a little bit of ability.

Is it possible that his Hawkeye is more slick than Thanos?


Bai Xiaofei ignored Hawkeye's special eyes.

Said directly to the black widow Natasha: "I have already fulfilled my wish for you. As for how to explain it to Nick Fury and others, that is your business..."

"If there is any need in the future, I will contact you again."


The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei's figure began to blur, and finally disappeared completely.

Clint: "???"

What about people?

Why is it gone?



at a loss...

At this moment, Hawkeye's mind was full of question marks.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Natasha, asking without any concealment. Natasha didn't hide anything, and immediately told Hawkeye what happened before in a concise manner.

Finally said: "That's the way it is. I don't know exactly what happened to the previous multiverse versions of the reunion..."


"Mr. Bai tried his best to turn the tide, finally wiped out Ultron, and saved the world and all the dead people. I saw it before my eyes..."

"So, we may have to pay some price..."


Natasha the Black Widow is not stupid.

She naturally also knows that there is no free lunch in the world, and Bai Xiaofei is not a holy mother. Since the other party made a move to help her realize her wish, then she...

Even everyone in this world may pay some price for it.


Even so, she admitted it.

Because no matter how you calculate it, they earn more, even if Bai Xiaofei looks easy and easy, it's the same. After all, to others, they are basically dispensable.


She also understands.

I think so, but other people may not be like this, such as Director Nick Fury, or some hawkish high-level decision-makers in the United States, etc...

It's not good or bad, it's just human nature.

And these...

It will be her own problem, and she must solve it, otherwise, if Bai Xiaofei takes action, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Think here.

Natasha couldn't help laughing bitterly.

The same is true for Clint. After all, they are all colleagues, and the people and things they come into contact with are similar. He also knows no less than Natasha about the peeing of some guys.

"Xiao Na..."

"You don't have to worry too much. I will be responsible for solving this matter with you. In a word, the world has recovered and people have been resurrected. This is a good thing, isn't it?"

"Maybe that little Bai...cough cough, Mr. Bai's request is not too much."

"Let's not scare ourselves."


Hawkeye comforted with a smile.

"hope so!"

Natasha also smiled, and facing the rising sun, she saw from a distance that a familiar station plane was flying towards them.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Quinjet fighter.


at the same time.

A certain parallel universe world.

Eric the Leopard was surrounded by a large group of people very hard, and was arrested.

And the head of the Ultron body he carried in his hand was taken away as a trophy by high-level personnel of the US military.

To this.

Wakanda did not stop and refuse.

After all, they have given Wakanda the authority to dispose of Eric the Leopard. The other party just wants a mechanical head. Is this too much?


It's embarrassing for Wakanda.

However, as a technological genius in Wakanda, Suri vaguely felt that there might be something tricky hidden in the robotic head on Eric.

But alas.

Given the situation at the time, it was not easy for her to ask the US = military for it.

But she didn't give up because of this, but decided to pay attention secretly. If she found out that this thing was really dangerous, or if it involved some conspiracy, then she would take action to stop it no matter what.

As everyone knows.

By the time she realized something was wrong, it was too late.

That is the Ultron body!


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