The Storm God

Chapter 4038 Zola surrenders! (Please subscribe!)

Zombie Marvel Universe.

Black Panther T'Challa, Vision, Wanda, and little spider Parker and others were sitting together at the moment, staring at the data in their hands with ugly expressions.

It was a practical report on the zombie antidote developed by Vision.

And the result...

Obviously, not ideal.


Black Panther T'Challa was very puzzled. Obviously, the antidote for the illusion was effective when he was in the Caspian Sea camp in New Jersey. Otherwise, he and the second-generation Ant-Man Lang would not have survived until now.

Why is the antidote not working when it comes to Wakanda?

Could it be that something went wrong?


Vision shook his head firmly.

He frowned and analyzed: "My job is impossible to make mistakes. Even if I change my body, I still have most of the previous abilities..."

"Furthermore, all these equipment and data were prepared before I changed my body, so there is no possibility of mistakes. The only possibility is..."

"Soul Gem!"

Finally, Vision thought of a possible core key.

Although the sub-frequency was developed to imitate a certain wave frequency of the Mind Stone, this does not mean that they have copied it perfectly.

There may be some higher-level things in it that they haven't discovered, which led to the failure of the zombie antidote.

And this guess was immediately approved by everyone.

But alas.

Knowing and guessing are useless.

Because, the soul stone is not here, and they want to conduct another experiment, it is completely impossible for a clever woman to cook without rice, at this moment, they can only stare and worry.


Although the zombie virus treatment program produced by Vision cannot completely eradicate the virus in the zombie body, it can also suppress it to a certain extent.

This has caused many zombies around the world to drastically reduce their attack capabilities.

Allowing more survivors to breathe.


It doesn't work if you let it go.

After all, it is better to be blocked than to be sparse. The longer it is blocked, the more powerful it will be once it erupts. Even if there is a real antidote, it may not have much effect.


At the end of the meeting, Black Panther T'Challa sighed helplessly: "It seems that we can only wait for Mr. Bai to come back, only he can solve all these troubles..."


The crowd was about to adjourn.


The figures of Bai Xiaofei and Thor suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Black Panther T'Challa: "..."

Several other people also: "..."


Is it such a coincidence?

After being dazed, great joy followed.

"Mr. Bai..."

Black Panther T'Challa immediately came to Bai Xiaofei, excitedly said: "You are finally back, how is it? Has the matter been resolved?"

"Are you all okay?"


Bai Xiaofei didn't speak yet.

Thor, the god of thunder, has already started to raise his neck and brag.

What multiverse, infinite Ultron, the dark version of the supreme mage, the star-lord version of T'Challa, and the observer...

He said it all in one go.


This guy isn't stupid either.

Like about the second Thor (unintelligible), and the scene where he was beaten up, but he didn't mention it at all. The focus is on how awesome and powerful Ultron with six infinite gems is, and he can do it in one bite. Shatter the entire galaxy or something.


He also cleverly used Ultron's disastrous defeat to set off Bai Xiaofei's awesomeness, hoping to seal Bai Xiaofei's "truth" from telling the truth...

Otherwise, the image of Thor will be completely finished.

"You guys are..."

Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to care about that.

He noticed a piece of data on the conference table with keen eyes, picked it up and looked at it, and was slightly taken aback: "The antidote failed?"


Black Panther T'Challa and Vision nodded.

The latter even explained his own point of view, thinking that the key to everything lies in the soul gem. If the soul gem is used as the source of power to drive the launch of the device, it should not fail.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei also held a positive attitude.


no need.

Because, the current Bai Xiaofei has two sets of infinite gems.

Whether it's the set in his own body or the one that was captured just now, any of them can use the power of the universe to make a wish.

There is no need to worry about a mere zombie virus.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei didn't play tricks with everyone either.

Directly released the Ultron (phantom body) possessed by Dr. Zola.


Seeing the familiar "Vision", Black Panther and the others immediately widened their eyes. Although they had heard Thor say it just now, they couldn't help being amazed by what they saw with their own eyes.

Multiverses, parallel worlds, there really is a second, or even multiple, existences, and the one in front of me is undoubtedly a vision.


In another world, he is not Vision, but Ultron.

But the body is the same.

To this.

Vision has the most complicated mood.

Because according to Thor, in another parallel universe, he was never born or existed at all...


It wouldn't feel good for anyone, would it?

Fortunately, the current illusion is no longer the illusion of the past, but a real human illusion, so I just sighed and didn't take this matter to heart.

after all.

You are yourself.

Things in another universe have nothing to do with me.

The more you think about it, the more stupid you are!

"Winter Soldier!"

And Dr. Zola, who controlled Ultron's body, quickly recognized the Winter Soldier among the crowd, and couldn't help but blurted out.

"Who are you……"

Looking at the familiar big head, the Winter Soldier asked with a complicated expression, "Dr. Zola?"

Speaking up.

The relationship between the Winter Soldier and Dr. Zola of Hydra is really deep.

From the beginning of US Team 1, the two sides have had contact. Later, the Winter Soldier fell off a cliff, was controlled by Hydra, and became the Winter Soldier. During this period, he also had contact with Dr. Zola.


At this time, Dr. Zola was already an employee of S.H.I.E.L.D. in name.

But in fact, this guy has always been a staunch supporter of Hydra, otherwise there would be no later insight plan.

During this period, the poor Winter Soldier Bucky was often used by Hydra and did a lot of bad things. Not long ago, with the help of the US team and others, Bucky got out of control and became a free man. man of.


The zombie virus broke out.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Bucky the Winter Soldier actually saw Dr. Zola from another universe. Bucky could only smile helplessly at this.

What a sinful fate!


The onlookers seemed to have thought of this too, so they looked at the Winter Soldier with sympathy and sighs, this man is really miserable.

"Dr. Zola..."

Bai Xiaofei doesn't care what other people think.

He let Dr. Zola out, not to show off, but to completely subdue this guy, and then let Dr. Zola work for him.

Just like the previous Dr. Zola.

Although Bai Xiaofei doesn't have a second main god space for Dr. Zola to manage, but in this world, it seems that it is not impossible to build an alternative version of "Hydra".

As for the body?

Bai Xiaofei has already helped Dr. Zola think about it.

It is the body that is left after the illusion transfers consciousness. Ultron's body, which is almost identical to Vision, has other uses for Bai Xiaofei.

Naturally, Dr. Zola will not be cheap in vain.

"Now you have two choices..."

For this special doctor of transformational data, Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly set out his own conditions: "Either die, or submit to me..."

"I'll give you ten seconds to think about it, start the timer now..."

"10, 9, 8, 7..."


Dr. Zola was taken aback when he heard this.

After hearing Bai Xiaofei's countdown, he was very unscrupulous and immediately chose the second choice, and said bluntly: "Boss, I choose the second!"

Onlookers: "..."

Depend on!

Do you dare to be more shameless?


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