The Storm God

Chapter 4039 Makeover! (Please subscribe!)

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei looked at Dr. Zola with a flattering smile in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, you made the right choice and you didn't disappoint me..."


Then he said to T'Challa the Panther, "Bring the body of Vision here."


Mr. Black Panther was taken aback.

Immediately, I understood what someone meant, and I was shocked and said: "Mr. Bai, your consciousness, you want to give that to him?"

Not only him.

The other onlookers were also stunned.


For Bai Xiaofei's decision, everyone was very surprised and didn't understand. Is there any difference between Dr. Zola's current body and Vision's body?

Why is it so troublesome to fix it?


That is the body of Zhenjin.

Although there is no infinite gem, it is also very powerful and terrifying. You just gave it to a Hydra guy so easily? Are you not afraid of his betrayal?

After all, this guy has a criminal record.


Of course Bai Xiaofei knew what everyone was worried about.

But these are nothing to him at all, but he still simply said to everyone: "Don't worry, those who know current affairs are brilliant, I believe that Dr. Zola knows what to do and what not to do... "

"do you think so?"

The latter sentence was naturally addressed to Dr. Zola.


Dr. Zola is no fool.

Whether he can live now depends entirely on Bai Xiaofei, so he didn't dare to think carefully at that time, and he acted respectfully and humblely.

In fact.

Even without these reasons.

Dr. Zola will not betray Bai Xiaofei, because now Dr. Zola is no longer the former him. After mastering Ultron's body, Dr. Zola also learned some things beyond his knowledge from Ultron's data. s things.

Just like the multiverse.

so far.

It was only then that Dr. Zola realized that the vision and structure of his former self, including Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., were too small, even naive.

To the universe, an earth is as insignificant as a grain of sand. As a result, there are existences in the world that are larger than the universe, and that is the existence of the multiverse world.

It's ridiculous that Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. actually fought to the death for the small one-acre land of the earth...

Compared to what Ultron did...


It is limited to the strategy of multiverse, and does not include destruction and destruction... Whether it is Hydra or S.H.I.E.L.D., it is too childish.

After seeing the wider and vast world, Dr. Zola will naturally not go back and continue to play with a group of "little kids".

Hanging around with a super boss like Bai Xiaofei, that's what a normal smart person should do, only a fool would choose to betray.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei killed Ultron.

Although part of the credit is also due to him, Dr. Zola doesn't think that Bai Xiaofei doesn't have a similar relationship...

That is.

If he didn't obey, he might really die. And if he chooses to betray, his fate will be more terrible than death.

Of course, Dr. Zola would not joke about his own life, especially after he has seen the vastness of the multiverse, he will cherish his own life even more.

However, that being said.

To be honest, regarding Bai Xiaofei's behavior, Dr. Zola also felt a little puzzled and puzzled, just like Black Panther and others, it seems that the body of Vision is no different from Ultron's body, right?

Oh, right.

If you really want to say something different, it is probably the soul gem.

Is it because of this?

It shouldn't be.

In short.

No matter what others think, anyway, Dr. Zola believes that there must be some deeper intentions for Bai Xiaofei to do this.

It's just that everyone didn't see it.

Closer to home.

For Bai Xiaofei's order.

Although Hei Bao and the others were puzzled, they did not dare to delay, and soon people brought over the vibrating gold body after the vision shifted their consciousness.

At this time, the vibrating gold body and the soul gem on the forehead had already been taken away by Bai Xiaofei, but it was not empty, but was inlaid with a special yellow energy crystal as the power of this body. source of.

As for the effect...

At least it won't be worse than Vision's original performance.

The only fly in the ointment is that it is just a body now, without any soul or consciousness inside.

And at this moment.

This vibrating gold body was regarded as Dr. Zola's reward.


The two bodies were lying on the operating table where the consciousness was transferred. On the left was the vibrating body of the Ultron version, and on the right was the transformed version of the vibrating body.

After a wave of skilled operations.

Dr. Zola successfully completed the transfer of household registration, and since then officially replaced Vision, and has his own new body, while Ultron's body has become Bai Xiaofei's private collection and has other uses.

Faced with this situation, Vision and Wanda felt a little complicated.

after all……

Although the consciousness is Dr. Zola's.

But the body and face still looked like a phantom.

Looking at the former self (lover), now standing in front of me again as a stranger, I am afraid that everyone will feel uncomfortable.

"It's easy!"

Bai Xiaofei said that these are nothing serious.

If you don't want to do this, then simply change Dr. Zola's face again. Anyway, with Bai Xiaofei's technology, it's not impossible.

To this.

Dr. Zola didn't object either.

Obviously, he also has his own pursuit of physical appearance.

The upgraded version of the regeneration cradle was activated, and within a short time, Dr. Zola's face was completely rewritten. It was no longer a hallucination, but another face.

On the whole, it looks somewhat similar to Dr. Zola.

But handsomer and younger.


Dr. Zola is short.

With the appearance of a standard scientist, he doesn't seem to be handsome at all. The first impression he gives is that he is a tech nerd.

And now.

Dr. Zola, who has completed a complete transformation of his image, can be described as a standard peak template, with a body of muscles, long legs, high strength, and good looks.

The key treatment is also very good.


It couldn't have been better.

In short, regardless of what others think, Dr. Zola is 10,000 satisfied anyway.


He looked at Bai Xiaofei.

Facing his new boss, his parents, Dr. Zola did not dare to neglect in the slightest, with a respectful tone and a humble attitude, fully interpreting the role of his younger brother.


"Is there anything I can do for you? Although I dare not say that I am the most powerful scientist in the world, I am still very good at certain things..."

"If you want information on Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., I can also..."


In order to show their sincerity.

Dr. Zola immediately started submitting the application form, and was going to hand over all the information he had to Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei curled his lips, and said speechlessly: "Forget it, I'm not interested in those things at all, and you don't have to worry, I have nothing to do, because I have already thought about your whereabouts and arrangements..."


It doesn't matter how everyone reacts.

With a big wave of Bai Xiaofei's hand, Dr. Zola disappeared, and was taken to his own small world to receive pre-work study and training.

after all……

Although this Dr. Zola is quite powerful.

But compared to the level of technology that Bai Xiaofei has mastered, it's not enough at all, just like a primary school student who is suddenly put in a university.

If you don't study hard, Bai Xiaofei will be unable to handle many tasks at hand with Dr. Zola's current level.

Because even if you randomly pick out a mass-produced Sentinel Hunter, its abilities in some aspects can beat Dr. Zola by several blocks.

at the same time.

Ultron's body.

It was also taken into the small world by Bai Xiaofei, and used for other purposes.


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