The Storm God

Chapter 4040 Nothingness world! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei actually lost Ultron's body inlaid with the soul gem, Black Panther T'Challa and others were even more confused.

Then he couldn't help asking: "Mr. Bai, this..."

All right.

He means.

The zombies on our side also need the mind stone as a source of power for healing.

You suddenly took away the two vibrating bodies, together with the soul gem, so how should we proceed with the next work?


In view of Bai Xiaofei's awesomeness.

Of course, Hei Bao and others dare not say these words clearly. If they are misunderstood by Bai Xiaofei, they are blaming him, and if there is any misunderstanding, it will be troublesome.


They can only express it vaguely.

As for whether Bai Xiaofei would talk to them or not, that was another matter.

no way.

Who makes people awesome.

Didn't you hear Thor, the God of Thunder, even Ultron, who possessed six infinite gems, was so awesome and terrifying, was killed by Bai Xiaofei.

What are they?

Even if you lend them 10,000 guts, they wouldn't dare to act presumptuously in front of Bai Xiaofei.

"I already know about the zombie antidote."

Of course Bai Xiaofei knew what Black Panther was worried about. Hearing this, he smiled slightly, then raised his right hand, snapped his fingers lightly, and said, "Here, everything is settled now..."


Black Panther and the others were momentarily stunned.

What's the meaning?

You can solve it with a snap of your fingers...


Could it be that the snapping of fingers just now is!

In just a split second, everyone thought of a certain possibility, and then they stared at each other, their eyes full of disbelief.

Black Panther's younger sister Suri reacted the fastest.


She turned on the technology system on the bracelet, quickly investigated part of the surveillance images of the global satellites, and was shocked to find that the countless densely packed zombies had disappeared.

Those city buildings destroyed due to chaos and the end of the world, as well as vehicles, etc., have all returned to their former prosperous appearance.


The most important thing is people.

The zombies are gone, but a large number of people have sprung up in every corner of the city.


And still healthy.

That is.

The snap of Bai Xiaofei's fingers just now has actually used the power of the infinite gemstone to reverse all the impact and damage caused by the zombie virus, and even the dead people, all reversed and recovered.


Seeing all the scenes on the surveillance screen, Su Rui was completely stunned.

In fact, not only her, but also the surrounding Black Panther T'Challa, as well as Vision, and all other people also saw some pictures to some extent.

Then a group of people were also stunned.

Buy cakes!

The doomsday crisis caused by the zombie virus was easily resolved like this?

This is too easy, right?

It's almost like a dream, which makes people feel so unreal.

Although everyone has already had a very intuitive understanding and cognition of the power of the Infinity Gems through Thor's narration just now...

But when they saw it with their own eyes, they couldn't help being shocked and afraid.

With just a snap of the fingers, everything can be changed at will.


Such power is really terrifying!

Those so-called gods and gods in legends all over the world are probably like this, right? Some may even be worse than this!

Think here.

While everyone was shocked, they couldn't help but feel a burst of rejoicing: "Fortunately, such power is in the hands of Mr. Bai. If it is in the hands of Thanos, or a lunatic like Ultron..."


That was simply the doomsday of the doomsday.

Black Panther and others don't know what will happen if Thanos gets the Infinity Stones, but Thor, the God of Thunder, explained to everyone what Ultron did in other parallel universes.

Leaving aside other things for the time being, the release of nuclear warheads around the world on the earth alone is enough to trigger the end of the world and kill about 99% of the living things on the earth.

Not to mention the Ultron after getting six infinite gems... That kind of scene, just thinking about it, everyone feels terrified.

After recovering.

Hei Bao and the others looked at Bai Xiaofei with infinite gratitude.


Bai Xiaofei had a calm expression on his face.

He didn't take these matters to heart at all, and waved his hands and said: "Now the zombie virus has been completely resolved, and the next aftermath will be handled by you. I still have some things, so I won't stay here gone."

The voice did not fall.

The whole person has disappeared.

Only Black Panther T'Challa and others were left in place, looking at each other and smiling wryly.


The world recovers like this.

This is indeed something to celebrate.

But there will be a lot of troubles that will follow. For example, the top executives of various countries and the guys from S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely use various means to break the casserole and ask the bottom line how it all turned around.

Such a terrifying, peerless power beyond imagination, there must be some crazy guys who want to take it into their pockets and dominate the world or something.

Wakanda is a closed country.

The only existence that can retain relatively complete power in the zombie virus apocalypse, no doubt, will definitely be targeted by all countries in the first place.

Although Wakanda is not necessarily afraid, it is always a troublesome thing.

With that in mind.

Black Panther T'Challa's expression suddenly became even more helpless.

Then he didn't care about anything else, and after a brief exchange with his sister Su Rui, he left the meeting room and started his work as a king.

And as expected.

Just a few minutes after Black Panther T'Challa left, he received a call from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, saying that the department was about to be blown up by countries all over the world.

at the same time.

The satellites of various countries in the low-earth orbit of the earth also quickly resumed contact and use, and then turned their attention to Wakanda.

follow closely.

The bigwigs from all over the world were shocked to find that there was a huge Wupeng alien warship docked within the border of Wakanda.

Not only that.

In the outer plains of Wakanda towns, there are countless alien corpses.

Obviously, during the period when the world was almost extinct, although Wakanda was not infected and confused by zombies, it also suffered other big troubles.

Don't say anything else.

Just the countless aliens, monster-like corpses.

And that huge alien battleship is enough to make the positions of countries in the world change, and then they can't help but think of the Battle of New York that year.

The alien corpses in Wakanda seem to have many similarities with the alien guys at that time. It is very likely that the two waves of aliens are the same group.


The pressure and invasion that Wakanda is facing this time is much more terrifying and frightening than during the Battle of New York. It is impossible for other ordinary small countries, even developed countries, to completely resist it.


Wakanda doesn't seem to have suffered much damage.

This is very unreasonable.

Coupled with the sudden disappearance of the zombie virus, the destroyed cities, as well as the dead people, suddenly all recovered...

The key to this series of things seems to be Wakanda. The importance that countries attach to Wakanda was immediately raised to the top position.

Especially here in the United States.


The reason why, everyone who understands understands, and if you don’t understand, go to Baidu.

In short.

With the recovery of the zombie universe world.

The eyes of almost all countries and human beings on the entire earth immediately focused on Wakanda, which immediately made T'Challa the Black Panther feel stressed and exhausted.

"Mr. Bai, you really gave me a big problem!" Facing one international call after another, Black Panther T'Challa smiled wryly.

And at this time.

Bai Xiaofei, the hands-off shopkeeper, has already crossed the barrier of the cosmic dimension and came to the special space where Hei Qi is.

"This is your home?"

Looking at the star space body that was almost completely dark, with nothing but space and loneliness, Bai Xiaofei was full of surprise and surprise.

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong in an instant.

His complexion changed again: "Damn!"

"This is……"


Hei Qi nodded, and said with a wry smile: "That's right, this narrow special space is the cosmic world I live in, a void world that completely collapses and destroys!"

Bai Xiaofei: "..."


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