The Storm God

Chapter 4041 Absolute time! (Please subscribe!)

"what happened?"

Bai Xiaofei was very curious, how could the universe become like this? What the hell did this dark version of Doctor Strange do?

Last time.

He had had the opportunity to hear about Hei Qi's background.



At that time Ultron came.

Afterwards, after a great battle, observers appeared, and the people who had gained a lot parted ways. After Bai Xiaofei dealt with some things, he followed the coordinates left on Hei Qi's body and took a photo.

But I didn't expect that there would be such a scene here.

It really opened my eyes.


Heiqi sighed.

Afterwards, he began to tell Bai Xiaofei his own story...

After a while.

Bai Xiaofei finally understood the truth.

It turned out that the fundamental reason why Heiqi in this world became the supreme mage was not that he mutilated his hands in a car accident, but that his favorite woman, Christine Palmer, died in a car accident.

Hei Qi, who has returned from his studies and has mastered Dr. Time, uses his ability without hesitation to save his girlfriend.


The tragedy happened.

Heiqi found painfully that no matter how hard he tried, his girlfriend Christine would always die that day for various reasons.


The former Supreme Master Gu Yi also told him that this is an absolute point in time.

It is impossible and cannot be modified.


The consequences could be disastrous.

It's just that Heiqi would not listen to this, and stubbornly believed that his spells must be not strong enough, so he couldn't save his girlfriend Christine.

to this end.

He even did not hesitate to fight with Gu Yi, but later, Hei Qi was split into two by Gu Yi with a special spell, and he started a different life from then on.

Doctor Strange at one point in time is bright and righteous.

Although he couldn't let go of his girlfriend Christine, he also knew that there were some things in this world that were far more important than those.

in short.

The bright Doctor Strange has become a qualified supreme mage.

As in other worlds.


He at another point in time, that is, Heiqi, has completely embarked on a dark and extremely evil path.

By absorbing and summoning magic, Heiqi continues to devour all kinds of monsters in the multiverse to enhance his strength day by day.

till the end.

After Heiqi devoured and absorbed some of the most powerful monsters in the multiverse, and there were no more powerful monsters for him to absorb, Heiqi felt that the heat should be almost ready.


After leaving the customs, he realized that he was only half of the deity, and strictly speaking, he was not a complete existence.

If he wanted to completely achieve perfection, he had to swallow and absorb the other self that was separated by Gu Yi in the first place, in order to make himself the strongest.

For Christine, Heiqi didn't hesitate at all.

Immediately found Guangqi.

After a fierce battle.

Heiqi successfully swallowed and absorbed Guangqi, completely fused into one, and turned into a perfect and strongest body, and then began to use his power to save his girlfriend Christine...

have to say.

At this time, Heiqi is really strong.

Although he successfully rescued his girlfriend Christine, it was only temporarily, and the impact and damage caused by this move were extremely terrifying and abyssal.

Because of Heiqi's powerful intervention, the absolute point of time was completely shattered, and the entire universe was also collapsed and destroyed, and eventually died.

That is what Bai Xiaofei sees now.

There is nothing in it.

Except darkness.

It is nothingness.

Although Hei Qi was able to leave with his own strength, he didn't do so. Instead, he drew the ground as a prison and imprisoned himself here, as if to atone for his sin.

Until the Observer showed up and asked Heqi for help.


After listening to Heiqi's experience.

Bai Xiaofei was silent for a long time, amazed at Hei Qi's persistence, but also puzzled by the so-called absolute time point, because this setting and concept did not seem to exist in other Marvel universes.


This is not difficult to understand.

It's like the infinite version of Ultron, with six infinite gems, but it can exert extremely terrifying power and sweep across the multiverse directly.

Every world has its special points of existence.

It is precisely because of this point that the infinite possibilities of the multiverse are created, otherwise they are all exactly the same, and there is no need for multiverse.

And obviously.

The so-called absolute point of time in the universe where Heiqi lives is the key point in the core. Once it is broken, everything will completely collapse due to the lack of this core.

in short.

The absolute point in time is like the foundation.

It's just that, on this foundation, what is built is not a building, but countless more important events and existences related to and coexisting with it.

For example, Hei Qi traveled all over the world to seek magic to save his girlfriend Christine, and then in the process of learning, he was involved in various major events...

Etc., etc.

Everything is because of this point.

If there was no such point at the beginning, there would not be many subsequent existences, including Heiqi, who became the supreme mage.


It is a paradox that Heiqi wants to travel through the past and reverse the absolute point of time.

Just like someone travels through time and space and goes back to the past, it is impossible to kill his ancestors. Without the existence of ancestors, how can he come from behind?


The time-travel setting rules of this world are completely different from what Bai Xiaofei knew about the filmed version of the Marvel Universe, and they are extremely strict in line with the "butterfly effect" law.

The latter is different.

The space-time shuttle of the movie version of the Marvel Universe is set to allow the current people to travel back to the past, then... from the moment the shuttle is successful, the past becomes the future of the present...

That is.

Even if some events in the past are changed, it will not affect what has happened in the past. It sounds more like traveling to another parallel universe...

Bai Xiaofei guessed.

According to such a setting, it might be possible to accomplish such a thing that future generations travel through the past and kill their ancestors.

At least……

The American team in the movie just beat himself up, and said that he admired his "buttocks" with emotion, and revealed to himself in advance that Bucky was still alive.

What's more, because of some accidents, Loki escaped with the Rubik's Cube.

All of this has obviously changed the so-called "past" long ago, but as a result, their future world has not been affected in any way...


Except for the attack of the Thanos army.

That's the fault of another group of people, and it has nothing to do with Captain America and Iron Man.

And the Marvel universe where Heiqi lives is obviously not like this. No matter how many times Heiqi travels back, there is only one him.

And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't change some established results.

Like the death of girlfriend Christine.

The difference is that.

The manner of dying is different.

And if this result is reversed a little, it will cause a series of terrible consequences, just like the foundation of the building is destroyed, no matter how strong the building is, it will collapse and close down.

not to mention……

This also involves the fundamentals of the universe, such as time and space and other deeper mysteries.

According to such a setting, it is not difficult to understand why after Heiqi rescued his girlfriend Christine, the entire universe would collapse and be destroyed.

Because Heiqi's girlfriend, Christine, is equivalent to one of the many core foundations that support the development and operation of the entire universe.

Once destroyed, the entire universe will completely collapse and return to the state of singularity.


Other people and things may also be this so-called "foundation", but the key issue is that the absolute time point when others are not destroyed.

Heiqi just did it.


There will be subsequent destruction.

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being full of sympathy for Hei Qi, and comforted him: "I'm sorry to bring up your sad things again, but what I want to say is that what you did was not wrong, what was wrong is this world, it treats you It's too cruel!"


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