The Storm God

Chapter 4042 Magic exchange! (Please subscribe!)


Hei Qi heard this, shook his head with a wry smile, and didn't say much, because he knew that it was useless to say anything now, his girlfriend was gone, and the universe was destroyed.

No matter how much you say, you are just selling miserably.

Except sympathy.

The rest yields nothing.


Hei Qi changed the subject and said, "Could it be that you came to me this time just to hear my story? Or maybe you want to settle accounts with me..."

He remembers it clearly.

Last time, in order to deal with Infinity Ultron, I summoned a large number of zombies, and even summoned Bai Xiaofei by accident.

More importantly, he also used the other party.

And the other party...

Obviously a small-minded person.

If it wasn't for the timing at that time, I'm afraid I would have been retaliated by the other party long ago.

Now that the Infinity Ultron crisis has been resolved, it is clear at a glance why the other party came to visit him this time.

To this.

Hei Qi was also mentally prepared.

Although he knew that he was not Bai Xiaofei's opponent, he also understood that the other party could not kill him, and even if he wanted to, someone would not agree.

That person is the observer.


The Ultron incident has made the observers owe Hei Qi a favor.

If Heiqi is really in danger, observers cannot remain indifferent, and there is a high probability that they will suddenly appear to help Heiqi deal with the guy who wants to kill him.

And it is true.

Just after traveling through Heiqi's singularity dimension, Bai Xiaofei felt the long-lost feeling of spying, obviously the observers had noticed his movements.


Bai Xiaofei just didn't care.

Because he didn't have any intention of killing Heiqi at all, he came here not only to learn from each other, but also to discuss the attainments of magic with him.

after all.

Bai Xiaofei also practiced in Karma Taj.

And the attainments are not low.

Although Hei Qi's magical ability originated from Karma Taj, his subsequent growth obviously did not belong to Karma Taj, so Bai Xiaofei was very curious.

I hope that through Heiqi, I can learn from each other's strengths and make up for my weaknesses, so as to further my magic attainments.


The spell that devours and absorbs.

In Bai Xiaofei's view, there is no distinction between righteousness and evil in all spells, the key still depends on who uses them, for example, Mage Gu Yi.

It also absorbed the power of the dark dimension, but they used it to maintain world peace. As for Casillas and others, they were all thinking about their own interests...

Compete with each other.

The same is true for Hei Qi in front of him.

Although his structure is a little smaller than that of the ancient one mage, but looking at his follow-up, he did not do any bad things.


You say destroy the world?

It's because he didn't know the consequences would be good. When he knew, didn't he regret it and wanted to try his best to save it?

This alone is enough to prove that Hei Qi still has a bright heart.

Otherwise, he would not respond to the observer's call to form a multiverse version of the reunion, and deal with Infinity Ultron with others.

If there is no Hei Qi, the observers may not be able to find a suitable strong man to prevent Ultron from destroying the infinite multiverse...

It is no exaggeration to say that the best MVP in this reunion is none other than Heiqi.

Bai Xiaofei just happened to enter the meeting randomly, and accidentally took some credit. Even without his appearance, it is estimated that Ultron will be defeated.

This point is not difficult to guess.


Compared with the current result, without Bai Xiaofei's intrusion, the process of Hei Qi and others' victory may be more difficult and the price will be higher.

Closer to home.

Hearing Hei Qi talk about the business, Bai Xiaofei smiled and did not hide anything, and directly explained to Hei Qi the reason for his visit:

"Settling accounts or something, just by the way."

"Actually, my real purpose is to discuss and exchange the mysteries of magic with you. To be honest, my magic foundation is also based on Kama Taj..."

"Believe it, you should feel it too."


Heiqi nodded.

Before, he felt that Bai Xiaofei's power was very strange, and he also suspected that Bai Xiaofei might have practiced magic in Karma Taj...

It's a pity that Bai Xiaofei's power has been reborn, and the essence of magic has been completely changed, so it's hard for Hei Qi to be sure.

Hearing what Bai Xiaofei said now, it suddenly dawned on me: "Sure enough, I felt right at the time, then you later..."


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He explained: "Later, I learned and practiced other spells, and then combined what I had learned, summarized them, extracted the essence and removed the miscellaneous, and created my own magic path. I guess you are the same, right?"

Heiqi's magical power is not very pure.

But compared to Bai Xiaofei, Heiqi's Karma Taj features are quite obvious. Bai Xiaofei guessed that this might have something to do with his other half becoming the supreme mage.

As for the other half, Bai Xiaofei didn't understand at all.

This is also the main purpose of coming here.


Hei Qi remained silent.

At this moment, he almost knew the purpose of Bai Xiaofei's coming here.

However, Heiqi did not hide his magical ability, and said bluntly: "Yes, when I was separated by the ancient one, I went to the lost library of Cagliostro, and then I got the magic power there. More types of magical knowledge..."

"However, the other half of my magical power is obtained by absorbing other creatures. To be honest, this feeling is not good..."

"I've suffered a lot for this, even now!"


The voice just fell.

Bai Xiaofei saw that Hei Qi's body suddenly underwent a huge change, and the characteristics and magic power of various monsters suddenly burst out from his body, as if he was about to break free from the cage and gain freedom.

But alas, they did not succeed.

As a result, the human-shaped Heiqi directly turned into a strange beast with many monster characteristics, and its magic power exuded an extremely evil and terrifying aura.

have to say.

The alien beast version of Heiqi is very powerful, not weaker than Infinite Ultron at all. This is the result of Hei Qi's efforts to suppress it.

If it erupts with all its strength, it will only be more terrifying.

after all……

Those creatures that were devoured and absorbed by Heiqi were not all fuel-efficient lamps, and some of them were not weaker than Dormammu's terrifying existence at all.

Even worse than that.

There are so many terrifying existences, all in one body, its power can be imagined.

Even the current Bai Xiaofei, with six infinite gems in his body, can faintly feel the vigilance from the soul...

This shows that Hei Qi in front of him can pose a certain threat to Bai Xiaofei.


Facing the terrifying appearance and terrifying magical power displayed by the alien beast version of Heiqi, Bai Xiaofei was slightly startled at first, and then smiled: "It seems that I didn't come in vain this time..."

The voice did not fall.

The many monster characteristics on the alien beast version of Heiqi began to quickly dissipate.


Hei Qi returned to his human form.

Panting heavily, he looked at Bai Xiaofei who was not frightened at all, but was more interested, and said with a wry smile: "You have also seen the situation just now, as time goes by, my suppression of those creatures is getting stronger and stronger. Weak, sooner or later, they will completely occupy my body..."

"Even so, do you want to explore?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded without hesitation, and said with a smile: "Of course, power is neither good nor bad, as long as it is used reasonably, it is a good thing..."

Heiqi: "..."

That's all!

Seeing that persuasion was fruitless, Bai Xiaofei was determined to see the secret of magic.

He could only share with Bai Xiaofei the knowledge of the Cagliostro magic that he had mastered, including the knowledge of absorbing spells.

"I hope you won't regret it."

While sharing, Hei Qi said to Bai Xiaofei sincerely.


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