The Storm God

Chapter 4043 Open up the universe! (Please subscribe!)

For Hei Qi's kind reminder, Bai Xiaofei didn't take it to heart, after all, the environments and dimensions of the two parties are different, and their vision and future pattern are even more different.

It is naturally impossible for Bai Xiaofei to give up other more "luxuriant" forests just because of a small magical power.


People are also kind.

Even if Bai Xiaofei didn't take it seriously, he still wanted to give a face and respond.

at the same time……

He also had some curious questions about Heiqi.

For example, if this universe is destroyed, do you just stay in this small ball like this, end up alone, tormenting yourself forever?

If it were Bai Xiaofei, he would never do this.

No matter how bleak the hope is, they will try their best to reverse the situation, so what if the universe is destroyed? Can't it be recreated/

To know.

Whether it's Marvel or DC next door.

The restart of the universe is not a difficult task. Hei Qi, as a supreme mage, and you are also a dark version with more abilities than ordinary supreme mages, you have never thought about working hard to create your own universe?


Facing Bai Xiaofei's question, Hei Qi was stunned.


He hadn't thought about such a thing.

It's not that Heiqi doesn't know this, but simply thinks that it's impossible, because even in the magic books, there is only a mention, but there is no record of any successful ones.

In addition, after Heiqi experienced the collapse of the universe, his mentality completely exploded.

Naturally, I will not think about anything else.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was speechless.


He first shook his head with a wry smile, and then said to Hei Qi: "Forget it! I don't care about those before, let's talk about it now!"


Bai Xiaofei pointed around.

He said to himself: "This special dimensional space is spherical as a whole, surrounded by endless darkness and chaos, which is equivalent to before the birth of the universe..."

"in short."

"This is a singularity. According to the theory of the Big Bang, as long as you have enough power to break it, you should be able to create a new universe in theory..."

"It is even possible to add various customized rules to it at the moment of explosion, so that it can develop and grow according to its own wishes..."

"Is there anything wrong with what I said?"


Hei Qi suddenly widened his eyes.

At this moment, he was completely overwhelmed by Bai Xiaofei's bold idea, and after a long while, he nodded in a daze, and said: "Theoretically... it should be possible, but whichever step you want to achieve, absolutely Very very difficult..."

"of course!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't deny it, nodded in agreement and said, "After all, this is the creation of a universe, and it's also a custom-made one. It's impossible without difficulty."

"But as long as you have enough strength, everything is achievable."

"Including resurrecting your girlfriend Christine!"


As soon as this statement came out.

Heiqi was completely stunned for a moment.

Because, his girlfriend Christine is his weakness, even if she is dead, she is still Heiqi's reverse scale, there is no one.


Bai Xiaofei said that there is a way to revive him.

How could Hei Qi not be surprised?


"How is it possible? Is everything you said true?"

"What am I going to do?"


There is no doubt about it.

Hei Qi believed Bai Xiaofei's words almost instantly.

In fact, it is not right to say that it is believed, rather than believing, it is better to say that Hei Qi rekindled the flame of hope that was extinguished before.

Even if he is deceiving himself and others, Hei Qi has to make a move.

just like before.

Master Gu Yi warned Hei Qi.

Modifying the absolute time point will lead to the collapse of the entire universe. In theory, Hei Qi, as a mage with high levels of strength and ability, should be aware of this possibility and consequences.

The results of it.

For his girlfriend Christine, Heiqi chose to ignore it.

Is he really not aware?

not necessarily!

as now.

Doesn't Hei Qi know that, as Bai Xiaofei said, ideals are greater than theory, and the final result may be complete failure, or even more terrible consequences are brewing?


He definitely knew it in his heart.

But at this moment, Hei Qi didn't care anymore.

There is only one thing he cares about most now, and that is to improve his strength, create a new universe, and then try his best to revive his girlfriend Christine!

The rest are completely out of Hei Qi's consideration.


Seeing that Hei Qi finally got his spirits up again, Bai Xiaofei smiled with satisfaction and said, "Because I have done similar things in other worlds, even though the situation is different from yours. It’s different, but the principle is the same!”

"As for what you want to do, I don't actually need to tell you this. With your magical attainment and level, you should know something about what you can do, right?"


Hei Qi was taken aback when he heard this.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei's serious eyes, he quickly regained his composure, then nodded with a wry smile, and said, "That's right! I have indeed seen descriptions of related aspects in some magic books, but I didn't pay much attention to it at the time... ..."

The implication is, sorry! I was careless.

Even if you know a little, there is really only a little. Compared with a senior practitioner like you, it is far worse.


Please don't be a secret, tell me quickly!


This time it was Bai Xiaofei's turn to smile wryly.

He swears that he really didn't mean to be a secret, but he didn't expect that Hei Qi really didn't know much. If so, then he can only be a good person to the end.

after all.

People also share their magical knowledge with themselves.

Just treat it as a courtesy.


Bai Xiaofei straightened his throat to cover up the awkwardness in the atmosphere, and then said seriously: "Okay, since you don't know much, then I'll share with you some of my experiences and insights..."


"You have to be strong enough. This is the basis of all actions. As the saying goes, 'A clever woman can't cook without rice'. In the same way, if you have theories without power, everything is empty talk."

"At your current level..."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei paused for a moment, as if to measure Hei Qi's realm, whether it is the minimum standard to create the universe.


He shook his head with a wry smile.

Reluctantly said: "Sorry! Although your magic attainments are indeed very strong, and your strength is also very powerful, but you are still a bit short of reaching the lowest standard..."

"At the very least, those powers in your body have not been fully fused, that is to say, those powers are not yours for the time being, and may get out of control at any time..."

"That is."

"If you really want to open up the universe and create your own world, then the first step you have to do now is to perfectly integrate the power in your body, so that you can become their complete master, not just a 'landlord' ..."

"Afterwards, refine it as much as possible, improve it, and further strengthen yourself, so that you can surpass the minimum standard required and leap towards a higher level..."

"Other aspects, it's useless to talk about it now."


In the end.

Bai Xiaofei also made a suggestion to Hei Qi: "I have another set of theory and concept of exercises, which I developed and created based on a certain secret book, called Three Elements Guiyi."

"Perhaps, it can help you complete the unification and fusion of the strength in your body as soon as possible. After you finish, we will discuss the follow-up operation."


The voice did not fall.

An extra piece of jade slip appeared in Bai Xiaofei's hand, and he handed it directly to Hei Qi, then said with a smile: "This is the reward for sharing your magic knowledge with me, take it!"


Heiqi was immediately moved.

Without any hypocrisy or hesitation, after thanking him, he immediately brought the jade slip over.


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