The Storm God

Chapter 4044 Candidate for firepower! (Please subscribe!)

in a particular dimensional space.


Observers who watched the play well, at a certain moment, their faces suddenly became dignified and serious, and the reason for this was what Bai Xiaofei said about opening up the universe!


What is he trying to do?

At this moment, the observer said that he was shocked.

To be honest, it's not like he hasn't seen it before. After all, in this infinite multiverse, there are some awesome super bosses.

It's just that most of them are hidden and never revealed to the world.

Don't say anything else.

Take the observer himself.

His strength and level, that is, the existence of a proper universe-level player. Even if it is Infinite Ultron, it cannot be easily defeated.

The results of it.

The observer is watching the show.

Usually don't care about anything, almost never meddling in other people's affairs.

Just like humans occasionally observe ants moving and foraging, but they will not easily intervene and interfere with their actions.

The difference is that.

Humans do this only occasionally when they seem bored.

The observers are different, they are professionals, and their usual work is to quietly spy on the development and changes of the multiverse, and they never feel tired.

Don't say anything else.

Just this tireless perseverance and psychological quality is definitely not something that ordinary people can possess, let alone that they still have enough strength.

It can be said that it is not strong!

Fortunately, observers don't like to intervene in the affairs of people, otherwise I am afraid that the entire multiverse will not be the current development and situation.


Nor are they absolutely hands-off.

For example, in this Infinity Ultron crisis, the observers broke the principles they set up and chose to prevent the disaster from happening.

And this moment.

Because Bai Xiaofei proposed to Heiqi to open up a new universe, and it was a custom-made one, the observers couldn't help feeling a strong sense of crisis again.

The observer's intuition told himself that Bai Xiaofei's move probably had some deep meaning.

Must pay close attention at all times!

after all……

Heiqi itself is not a small problem.

Now we have encountered Bai Xiaofei, an extremely unstable factor, and he is opening up the universe, and he is snapping his fingers to change the world...

Observers are really afraid that they are playing bigger and bigger, threatening the entire multiverse.


So far.

Those are still just the imagination of the observer.

After all, Bai Xiaofei is just proposing a theory with Hei Qi now, and Hei Qi's own strength has not yet reached that level.


Observers did not act rashly.

Instead, he forced himself to calm down, and put a label on Hei Qi and Bai Xiaofei to focus on. Then, he immediately turned his eyes and began to investigate Bai Xiaofei's origin.

According to what Bai Xiaofei said in Zombie Universe, he came from a parallel universe...

That is.

Bai Xiaofei is also a member of the multiverse world.

If these are all true, then the relevant information and identity about Bai Xiaofei will definitely be found from other parallel universes.


The idea of ​​the observer is very simple.

It is to find out the clues of Bai Xiaofei from the infinite multiverse, so as to judge and analyze the possible future development and threat of this person more accurately...

no way.

He knows too little about Bai Xiaofei now.

And the strength of the opponent is ridiculously strong, and with the help of infinite gems, the strength is completely above the observer, what do you call the observer?


Forcibly come forward to stop?


Isn't that just looking for abuse!

The Observer is not a fool. On the contrary, he has a super big head and is very smart. Otherwise, it would be impossible to calculate Infinity Ultron to death.

His rationality told himself that it is the kingly way to wait and see what happens, develop insignificantly, and act in a low-key manner.

Anyway, the other party is just putting forward an idea now.

It's still far from the real hands-on.

I still have time.

Not urgent!

The two sides are almost infinite, and in the special crystal wall space without up and down and long-term boundaries, the figure of the observer can be seen, flying back and forth up and down, left and right.

Everywhere he goes, certain events and pictures that happened in a parallel universe will be reflected on the crystal wall, allowing observers to have a glimpse.

for a moment.

Observers can view no fewer than thousands of parallel universes.

But it's a pity that this speed is still not fast, because there are too many multiverse worlds, just like the vast and infinite universe, trying to find out the world where Bai Xiaofei once existed is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

In short.

Observers are in for a treat.


Regardless of what happens on the observer's side.


The world where Heiqi lives.

To be precise, it is the interior of the singularity formed by the collapse, collapse and contraction of the universe.

As the supreme sorcerer, Hei Qi, although he has never seen the jade slip in Bai Xiaofei's hand, and doesn't know what it is, but this does not prevent him from understanding how to use it.

after all.

The Supreme Master is not called for nothing.

When the level reaches a certain height, you can understand by analogy, easily analyze and know the principles and usage methods of new things.

Just like the jade slip in front of me.


Hei Qi succeeded in obtaining the theoretical concept of three-element normalization injected by Bai Xiaofei in the jade slips, and he was shocked immediately, calling it a genius idea.

Bai Xiaofei smiled modestly, and said: "It's nothing, as long as it can help you, it seems that it is of some use to you..."


Heiqi nodded.

Excitedly said: "According to the theory of ternary normalization, I can completely divide the power of those creatures that I devoured and absorbed before into three different types..."

"Then use the concept of three elements to one, and gradually refine it, and finally three elements to one, to make it a complete power!"

"According to the theoretical description, once I succeed in tertiary conversion, not only will I be able to fully grasp the power of the creatures I devoured and absorbed, but it will even cause my power to undergo further qualitative changes..."

"Mr. Bai, this gift of yours has really helped me a lot!"


Heiqi's face was full of excitement.

His gratitude to Bai Xiaofei was beyond words, and the light of hope in his eyes was even brighter than before.


If Bai Xiaofei wasn't still around, I'm afraid he could start the three-element-to-one practice on the spot.

Bai Xiaofei just smiled slightly and didn't say much. All of this was within his expectations, whether it was Heiqi's decision, or the effect of ternary normalization...


He's not Madonna either.

Bai Xiaofei also had his own purpose in helping Hei Qi in this way. And one of them is to verify that in this Marvel universe, will someone intervene or stop such a big move as opening up the universe?

after all……

The multiverse is out.

It seems reasonable to pop up some more awesome super bosses.

Although Bai Xiaofei has the infinite gems and his strength has improved a lot, he still feels that it is not safe. To be on the safe side, it is better to find a tool person to attract firepower.

And Hei Qi was undoubtedly the best candidate.


cruel enough.

have goal.

Easy Raiders.

High potential.


Comparing the various advantages, there is simply no more suitable role than him.

What Bai Xiaofei paid was only the theoretical concept of a kung fu technique, and a little follow-up help, in exchange for a powerful master of magic to help out...

No matter how you calculate this deal is extremely cost-effective.

As for the observer?

All right!

Someone in Bai said that he never took the other party to heart.

After all, even Unlimited Ultron can make a big head stumble, and he has to be helped by some people of destiny, let alone a difficult opponent like him?

In the eyes of observers, Bai Xiaofei's threat level is really not high.

Compared to those unknown bosses, the big head is at most an elite monster, and it is still a low-level monster, the kind that can be easily crushed and beaten...

Naturally, there is no need to pay special attention.


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