The Storm God

Chapter 4045 Reactions from all parties! (Please subscribe!)

that's all.

Bai Xiaofei stayed in Heiqi's "world".

The magic knowledge that Hei Qi taught him was huge and complicated. Even with Bai Xiaofei's ability, it would take a certain amount of time to fully master it.


He wants to study hard here.


Bai Xiaofei's three elements return to one.

Hei Qi also needs to study hard to master it perfectly. Bai Xiaofei is here, if there is anything he doesn't understand, he can always ask for advice.

Otherwise, if he is alone, if something happens accidentally, it will be a tragedy.

after all.

Heiqi's situation is very special.

Even if Bai Xiaofei's three-element normalization has a very powerful and terrifying effect, it needs to be dealt with in different ways for different people.

In this way, the two started their study in a corner, forgetting to sleep and eat, having a great time.

Time passed slowly on them, but it never left any traces.


In the world of Singularity.

There is no concept of time at all.

But the outside world is different.


zombie universe.

Bai Xiaofei left after snapping his fingers.

As for Black Panther and the others, they encountered a lot of troubles and incidents directly.

that day.

Then all the major forces came to visit.

The most famous of them is undoubtedly SHIELD. Although the S.H.I.E.L.D. at this time had been disbanded in name because of the civil war, the camel that died was bigger than the horse.

The group headed by Braised Dantou is still very energetic when they work together.

They move fast.

Even the first wave found T'Challa the Black Panther and asked about the ins and outs of the matter.

Of course, that's a good way to say it, and it's not a good way to say it, that is, they came here to ask for benefits. After all, the alien space battleship floating here in Wakanda has too big a goal.

The meaning, wealth and value it represents are self-evident.

Not just S.H.I.E.L.D.

I am afraid that other countries will sharpen their heads and come over to get a share of the pie, because this means that the earth may enter the interstellar era from now on.

Whoever can become the first person to eat crabs will definitely get benefits beyond imagination. Such things as wealth and fame are trivial matters, and the most attractive big head is the longevity.

And with Mi Di's urgency in doing things, it is naturally impossible for others to take the lead.

But unfortunately...

They miscalculated a bit.

Although in name, it was the Black Panther who had the final say, but in reality, it was not Techara, but Bai Xiaofei, who was really in charge of these things.

Even if Bai Xiaofei didn't express any subjective opinions, just because of Bai Xiaofei's identity and origin as a Chinese, it was impossible for Black Panther T'Challa to bend his ass.


When receiving the various forces.

T'Challa, the Black Panther, blatantly gave extremely special treatment to the Eastern Powers, which aroused envy and hatred from a wave of people.

Especially Midi.

After being ignored by all kinds of suppression, he immediately lost his temper.


Seeing that he rose up in anger, spraying dung with his mouth full, and dared to threaten a certain general of the Black Panther in Wakanda, his one-eyed eyes did not hide his contempt.

Because that person is pure evil!

as expected.

next moment.

Black Panther said nothing.

Just by winking at his own royal guard, those high-ranking officials in Mi Di were ruthlessly expelled.

The latter's face suddenly became even uglier.

When he was invited out, he threatened all the way to make Wakanda look good and so on.

Others saw that Wakanda was so tough, and some guys who wanted to use this as an excuse to make trouble suddenly chose to be silent very sincerely.

no way.

Even a dominant country like Lao Mi was ignored by the Black Panther.

Not to mention these small countries.

make trouble?


Keep it on the spot and sweep you out.

Let alone wanting to study that huge alien spaceship in the future, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get a little bit of relevant technical information.

Circumstances are stronger than people.

what can they do I could only swallow my anger and gritted my teeth to accept it.

In short.

Let's take the benefits first.

To this.

The choice of marinated eggs is quite stubborn. First, don't need technology, and second, don't participate in these major international events. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is no longer what it used to be, and must act low-key.


The United States, as well as the United Nations, will inevitably impose more severe sanctions on them.

Nick Fury said that he wanted to meet the real savior.

That is, the visitor from another world——

Bai Xiaofei!


Black Panther was a little helpless.

No need to guess where Nick Fury got the news, it must have been leaked by Agent Sharon, after all, the latter was originally from S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the face of inquiries from the old boss, it is impossible to keep silent. What's more... Bai Xiaofei never asked everyone not to divulge his information.


This is difficult for the Panthers.

Everyone only thought that T'Challa the Black Panther was the representative promoted by Bai Xiaofei, but they didn't know that the Black Panther himself was in a daze, and had no idea where Bai Xiaofei was at all.

It is even more unclear what Bai Xiaofei's purpose is.


Facing the inquiry of the black stewed egg.

T'Challa the Black Panther could only shake his head, expressing that he had nothing to comment.

And such an answer obviously couldn't satisfy the black stewed egg, but he couldn't show it too much on the surface, so he felt like investigating secretly.

It's always okay to find out by yourself, right?

As for the candidates?


Isn't this readily available?

Agent Sharon, Winter Soldier, these are all people who have been in contact with Bai Xiaofei before, there is no one more suitable than them.

What they have to do is also very simple, just stay in Wakanda.

The black stewed egg couldn't believe it.

Can Bai Xiaofei, the black hand behind the scenes, never show up?

All right.

This possibility is not ruled out.

Black Braised Egg's plan is to observe for a while, and if Bai Xiaofei doesn't show up for a long time, then he has to think about doing something to attract Bai Xiaofei to show up.

And the reason why he dared to do this, the biggest source of confidence is not the support behind the United States, but a certain Chaoying lady in the interstellar.

Black stewed egg firmly believes.

There is nothing that the lady can't solve.

Before the zombie virus broke out, the main reason was that the infection was too fast, and everyone was completely infected before they could react.

Therefore, the lady was not able to be called to the rescue.


Viruses are special.

Even for that lady, there is probably no good solution for the black marinated egg. The only hope is to develop an antidote to the zombie virus based on alien technology.


Those things in the past are not important anymore. The most critical issue now is the person behind the scenes. As long as it is a living person, it is easy to talk about.

As for the purpose of the black stewed egg, apart from figuring out Bai Xiaofei's identity, origin, and purpose, the other is to see if he can be recruited into his organization.

after all.

The future interstellar journey will inevitably not be smooth sailing.

As the head of one of the largest organizations on Earth, Black Braised Egg naturally wanted to collect as many useful trump cards as possible for emergencies.

And Bai Xiaofei is undoubtedly one of the strongest players among them.

Others such as Thor, Vision, Wanda, etc., the black marinated egg is not too worried, because they are one of the members of the Avengers.

He doesn't need to worry about it at all, Tony, Captain America and others will naturally win them over, especially after going through this world.

it's not...

Very arrogant Iron Man Tony.

After learning that he was actually killed by the virus, and then hacked to death by Bai Xiaofei, he felt extremely upset.

At the same time, he was full of curiosity and desire to find out about Vision's new body, Bai Xiaofei's consciousness transfer device, and the alien spaceship.

So I came to Wakanda immediately.

For Tony.

Naturally, Black Panther would not refuse.

Regardless of the identity of his former teammate or the opponent's technological strength, Tony is qualified enough to be introduced into the research team to help everyone research and utilize alien technology.

This wave of operations also made the United States even more furious.

One of the well-known generals even proposed a plan to send troops to Wakanda to use force to make the opponent submit.

As a result, he was strongly opposed by the rest of the people on the spot, and he himself was sprayed with blood. He was nothing and made a fool of himself.


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