The Storm God

Chapter 4046 Evil strikes! (Please subscribe!)

New York.

Holy of Holies.

Strange Doctor Strange, who had been resurrected from the dead, and mages such as Wang, had complex and dignified expressions at the moment, as if they had encountered some serious problem.

that's the truth.


The Time Stone is gone.

Although Doctor Strange in this time period has resisted the title of Supreme Sorcerer, his strength is actually not that great, and half of it is due to the power of the Time Stone.

after all.

He didn't have much time in total.

All kinds of evil creatures in other dimensions did not dare to mess around because they were afraid of the power of the time gem. Even Dormammu, the monarch of the dark dimension, was annoyed by Doctor Strange.

Those guys who are not as confident in strength as Dormammu naturally dare not jump out and stab.


Without the Time Stone...

That situation needs to be discussed separately. At least now, Doctor Strange and others have detected no less than a dozen evil guys, who seem to be attacking the earth.

Although the earth has the magical defenses erected by the three sanctuaries, which can almost resist most of the evil attacks, but always doing this is not a long-term solution.

They had to find a way, once and for all, so that those evil creatures would not dare to covet, or even fear the earth.

And the only way is to demonstrate enough force.

But alas.

Without the time gem, these mages alone, at least in a short period of time, cannot quickly increase their own strength.

Unless you take a shortcut!

Just like the Ancient One mage back then, he borrowed the power of the dark dimension to make himself immortal and enhance his strength.

But the consequences of this approach are also very dire.

If you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss of darkness and become completely blackened, so you were immediately opposed by everyone.


Wang Xiao looked at Dr. Strange and suggested, "You go to Wakanda to see? If you can get help from that person, these problems should be easy to solve..."


Doctor Strange was silent.

Of course he knew who the one Wang was talking about was Bai Xiaofei, a visitor from another world.


Why do people help you?

Doctor Strange doesn't think he has much face.

The two sides don't know each other, and they don't have any friendship at all. The six infinite gems that were collected with great difficulty, you will give them if you want them?

Even if you don't want gems, if you ask the other party for help, you will have to pay some price, right?

after all.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

If it were me, suddenly someone came over and asked me to help save the world...

I still have to think about it.


This method is not impossible.

Doctor Strange thought: "First of all, the other party has already saved the earth once, so it can be seen that Bai Xiaofei is not an evil person, there must be someone who is bright in his heart, as long as he acts with emotion and reason, it should not be difficult to persuade the other party to take action ..."

"If the other party asks for a reward..."


Think here.

Doctor Strange couldn't help finding out bitterly that he was really poor.

There is no good thing that can be used as a reward at all, to pay Bai Xiaofei as the price of making a move. If we have to talk about wealth, it is probably the magical knowledge of Kama Taj.

But the problem is.

With six infinity gems in his body, he can grant almost all his wishes with a snap of his fingers. These so-called magic knowledge are completely dispensable to him, right?

The more Doctor Strange thought about it, the more depressed he became.

at last……

He shook his head.

I still decided to go to Wakanda to see the specific situation.

Evil creatures are attacking menacingly, and there is no need to wait. Staying in the Holy of Holies and waiting is not the solution. At least there is a glimmer of hope in Wakanda.

that's all.

Doctor Strange also left for Wakanda.



The little spider Parker and others were sitting together, discussing something.


A magic halo flashes.

When everyone saw this, they were overjoyed, thinking it was Bai Xiaofei who had returned, and immediately stood up one by one, standing respectfully and excitedly, waiting for Bai Xiaofei to appear.


The next second, a strange man in a red cloak walked out of it.


Everyone was stunned.

this person...

It looks so familiar!

"It's you!"

Among the crowd, only a limited number of people, such as Thor, the God of Thunder, are more familiar with Doctor Strange, such as the little spider Parker, who have only heard of it, but have not seen it with their own eyes.

Even if I have seen it, it is still a zombified version, and I am not familiar with the deity.


When everyone saw that the person walking out of the magic circle was not Bai Xiaofei, but Doctor Strange, their expressions became complicated.

And more, no doubt still disappointed.


Doctor Strange looked at everyone's expressions, not to mention how depressed he was, what's going on? Could it be that I came at the wrong time, so I'll go?

"Ha ha……"

Thor seems to be aware of Doctor Strange's confusion.

He laughed loudly, and then began to introduce the origin of Doctor Strange to everyone. After hearing what he said, everyone suddenly realized.

Depend on!

Feelings are also a big brother.


next moment.

There were a few people who immediately showed due respect, even flattery, like Agent Sharon who had a special mission.


Regarding the ulterior motives of these people, Doctor Strange also sees through them without revealing them.

After some courtesy.

Doctor Strange called Thor aside, and asked, "I came here because I needed Mr. Bai Xiaofei's help. Do you know where he is now?"


Thorton, the god of thunder, suddenly became interested, and asked without answering: "What's the matter? I just have nothing to do right now, so I can help you..."


Doctor Strange gave Thor a blank look.

to be honest.

This person's strength is still quite strong.

After all, he is the current Lord of Asgard, holding a storm battle ax and possessing combat power, that is pretty good...


Only in melee combat.

If you compare spells and other aspects, it's a different matter.

But unfortunately, those evil creatures who are eyeing the earth are the types who are better at weird spells...


Doctor Strange can only appreciate Thor's kindness. It's not that they look down on the other party, but that in the future war, Thor, the god of thunder, really can't help...


Doctor Strange paused suddenly.

This is the Lord of Asgard. Although he is not good at spells, others can.

As long as this person is willing to help, at least the earth can attract a group of Asgardian mage troops to help deal with evil creatures.

Although it may not be very helpful, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.


I heard that Asgard also has many treasures, if they can be drawn to help, even if Bai Xiaofei refuses to make a move, their chances of winning will be greatly improved.

Think here.

Doctor Strange's expression suddenly changed.

Then he looked at Thor seriously, and said, "According to our detection, a large wave of evil creatures are on their way to Earth..."

"so serious?"

Thor, the God of Thunder, heard the words, and his face immediately became dignified.

He is still very clear about how powerful Doctor Strange is. He is stronger than his younger brother. Asgard has the god of tricks, and Loki, who plays magic in Rogue 6, has almost no power to fight back in front of the opponent.

If even he finds it difficult and asks for help, that is enough to show the seriousness of the problem, otherwise the other party will not come here to look for Bai Xiaofei.

With that in mind.

He couldn't help shaking his head, and said: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei is not in Wakanda now, no one knows where he went, but a few of his subordinates stayed in Wakanda, maybe you can find them to try... "


"These people are also very strong, not inferior to me at all. Before Mr. Bai Xiaofei comes back, maybe we can ask them for help."

"I can help you introduce them, and I have become familiar with them during this time."

"Go, I'll take you to find them."


After speaking, he pulled Doctor Strange and walked out.


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