The Storm God

Chapter 4047 Wanda's progress! (Please subscribe!)

Wakanda Palace.

Wanda is learning magic from the goblin.

The current Wanda has completely recovered, and even the remaining zombie virus has disappeared without a trace because of Bai Xiaofei's snapping of fingers.

Nothing to do.

Wanda was not only with Vision, but also came to learn magic from the goblin. Her intuition told herself that her abilities should be more than that.

And it is true.

In just a day or two, Wanda's magic level has been astonishingly improved under the guidance of the goblin. After all, her own chaotic magic power is very advanced.

It's just that Wanda has never been exposed to magic before, and has been using the lowest-end operation methods. Now that he has systematic learning and practice, his actual combat ability will naturally increase.

And the speed of her progress made the goblin and others amazed.

Think about your past self...

In order to enhance the magic power, all kinds of desperate efforts.

It turned out that Wanda was lucky, she was born with a huge magical power beyond imagination, and as long as she supplemented some systematic magic knowledge, everything would come to fruition.

What does it mean to compare people to others, and to compare goods with one another?

This Nima is it!

In short.

A group of people were hit hard.

Especially the fairy who is a teacher, even though his current ability is quite good, but after seeing Wanda's improvement, he still couldn't help being shocked.

And also gave Wanda a very high evaluation: "In time, your magic strength will definitely surpass me and go further!"

To know.

Most of the abilities of goblins come from blood.

The potential of the bloodline has its upper limit. If you want to go further, in addition to improving the bloodline, you must also break your own various shackles.

This difficulty is undoubtedly quite terrifying.

But Wanda was different.

Her abilities come from the Infinity Stones.

The degree of mutation is very suitable for the power of chaos magic, and the potential is extremely huge. As long as Wanda does not relax, her future has almost no upper limit!

This made the goblin and others extremely envious.


Potential is potential.

Now is now.

In front of the goblin and others, Wanda's magic level is still equivalent to that of a primary school student. Even with the addition of chaos magic power, it is difficult to win.

after all……

At this moment, the goblin and the others, under the cultivation of Bai Xiaofei's large resources, have completely stepped into the peak level of the God Emperor Realm, they have all realized their own way, and have gone a long way.

Wanda is different.

She is still learning so far, and she is still very confused about her way.

Most of all battles are derived from instinctive tendencies, which makes it difficult to exert the power of chaos magic.

That is to say, the singularity of this ability is high enough, otherwise, if you encounter a slightly tricky guy, you will suffer a lot and be easily restrained to death.

And it is true.

in the movie.

Wanda's abilities are very unstable.

If it is awesome, it is really awesome, as strong as Vision and Thanos, and it can be easily crushed; but when it is stretched, it is also extremely stretched.

Don't say anything else.

Let's talk about mind control and illusion operations.

It can be cracked by hitting the head or something, and it will also produce a certain resistance. You know, Wanda was facing Hawkeye Clint at that time.

The latter is just an ordinary person.

Even a mortal can't handle the illusion created by the majestic power of chaotic magic...

It's just over the top.

Not now.

With the goblin's careful teaching, Wanda, who has initially mastered a certain foundation of magic, can already achieve a stable output of her own combat power.

If it's super long play, Thanos and his ilk are not a problem at all.

Even Thor, the God of Thunder at this moment, dare not provoke Wanda easily, because most of the results of the two sparring is that God of Thunder is beaten.

no way.

Who made Thor, the god of thunder, a super straight man?

His body is full of muscles, and his attack methods are also simple and rude. Wanda is the worst at dealing with skilled opponents like Wanda who possess various magical abilities.

A mere Loki can play around with Thor, let alone Wanda who has learned magic, it is normal to be abused.

Of course, the goblin would not let go of such an outstanding talent, because she really taught and cultivated Wanda as her own successor.

He even gave Wanda a few pieces of magical equipment that he treasured to make the latter's strength further and more stable.


The magic that the goblin wants to teach Wanda is related to space.

Wanda has almost mastered other elemental magics, and some high-level compound magics can be mastered by themselves in time.

But the space system is different.

This kind of magic involves many aspects, and the difficulty is surprisingly high.

Even a goblin doesn't dare to say how powerful she is, so now she can only spread some basic knowledge of the space system to Wanda, and then her own cultivation experience.

One of them is teaching, the other is learning, and they are putting themselves into it.

At this moment.

Haotian sent him a message: "Thunder God Thor is here, and he also brought a mage from the earth, saying he is here for help..."


Hearing this, the goblin was stunned.

Mage of Earth?


He ignored him at first, but immediately changed his mind, and then took Wanda to end the lecture, and went to meet Thor and Strange Doctor Strange together.


Uncle Locke and others have already met with Doctor Strange.

It's just that the attitudes are a little cold. If it weren't for Thor, the God of Thunder, to set off the atmosphere, the scene would probably have completely froze.

no way.

It's not that Uncle Locke and others are cold and ignoring Doctor Strange.

The main thing is that the two parties are not familiar with each other, and they are not in the same industry, and there is no common language. What do you ask them to talk to a stranger you just met?

Reincarnation space?

But the goblin is different, he and Doctor Strange are colleagues, they are born with a common language, so at the first sight of meeting, the eyes between the two immediately burst into bright flames.

I checked my eyes, you are the right person...


"So strong!"

Just for a moment.

The two saw each other's extraordinary.

Especially Doctor Strange, the moment he saw the goblin, he had the feeling that he didn't know anything at the beginning and met the ancient one.

In front of the other party, he was as small as a drop in the ocean.

Besides Ancient One, the other person who made him feel this way was the ruler of the dark dimension—Dormammu!

That is.

The person in front of him is definitely stronger than himself!

And the strength is not just a little bit, if the two sides fight, there is a high probability that he will be killed instantly, just like Dormammu killed himself in the dark dimension back then!


He glanced at the others in the room.

Doctor Strange couldn't help but sighed wryly: "I heard from Thor that these people seem to be a group team under Bai Xiaofei's command. Doesn't that mean that they are all about the same level of strength?"


"Just one is so awesome, but there are five of them!"

"And this is only under Bai Xiaofei's command, so based on this kind of strength, what kind of level should Bai Xiaofei be?"

"If you add six more infinite gems..."


Good guy.

After calculating this wave of accounts, Doctor Strange was immediately frightened.


He felt it instantly.

The evil creatures detected in the sanctuary don't seem to be too much of a threat.


more specifically.

It should be the sheep entering the tiger's mouth!

The opponent is a sheep, and the earth is a tiger. Those evil creatures come to the earth, purely looking for death!

Not to mention Bai Xiaofei, I am afraid that the few people in front of him are enough to easily wipe out the other party, and then directly start Barbie Q barbecue...


These are all just Doctor Strange's own conjectures and guesses. Whether this is the case will require some consideration before he can give an accurate answer.

But one thing is for sure.

That is……

Strange's heart was hanging.

After seeing Wanda, who had greatly improved and changed both the goblin and her strength and temperament, she immediately put it down, and was no longer as worried and uneasy as before.


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