The Storm God

Chapter 4048 Magic sparring! (Please subscribe!)

Regardless of what Strange thought.


After seeing Doctor Strange, the goblin was also shocked, and secretly said: "This world is really possible. I never thought that besides Wanda, there are people who are as talented as her. It's a pity..."

With his attainments.

Naturally, it is not difficult to see that Doctor Strange already has a mentor.

After all, the opponent's magical aura is a self-contained, integrated body, and its strength is also extremely strong. If there is no teacher to teach and pass it on, it is impossible to have this level.

Think here.

Yao Jing couldn't help sighing, quite regretful, it would be great if he met earlier, so that he could recruit another disciple...

what a pity!


He withdrew his gaze, looked at Doctor Strange, and said curiously, "I heard that you want to ask us for help? For everyone's sake, let's talk, we will never refuse to help..."

to be honest.

Doctor Strange's magical power, although in the eyes of the goblin, is a bit off.

But the combat power is not low.

Even the other party finds it difficult and must find someone to help.

It can be seen that there is really trouble.

They are all peers.

Then help out.

Just right.

These people have been a little idle recently, and they don't mind finding some people to practice their skills. They are too low to look down upon. Doctor Strange's so-called troubles can be said to be exactly what they want.

"Is such that……"

Upon hearing this, Strange was overjoyed.

Immediately, he didn't keep it secret, and quickly told the goblin about the detection of the demons in the Holy of Holies, and finally said: "According to my prediction, they will arrive on the earth in about half a month. By then ..."

The latter words were not spoken.

But everyone understands the meaning: "At that time, I have to ask all the experts to help."

"no problem!"

The goblin immediately became interested after hearing it.

He directly agreed: "It's just some demons from the dark dimension. It just so happens that we also want to find opponents to practice with. They just came..."

"You can rest assured."

"With us here, we will definitely not let those guys cause any damage to the earth. After all, this is the place that Mr. Wang likes..."

"Wanda, you should also play at that time."


Later words.

Naturally, it was directed at Wanda.

Wanda's magical strength has improved rapidly, and her achievements are amazing.

But as the saying goes, theory without practice is not enough. Since there is a training partner who comes to the door, the goblin will naturally not be polite to the other party.

Just use the other party to help Wanda consolidate and sharpen her own foundation.


Naturally, Wanda would not refuse.

She said that she would listen to the teacher. At the same time, she also wanted to see what level she had in terms of magic power and actual combat level.

For the future war, the moment is full of anticipation.


Doctor Strange was taken aback when he heard that.

Looking at Wanda curiously, he suddenly discovered that this member of the Avengers also exudes a strong and powerful magic aura.


He was stunned, what's the matter?

Wanda is also a magician?


Doctor Strange was shocked.

As far as he knew, Wanda seemed to be just a mutant with special abilities before, why did she suddenly become a magician now?

And this strength...


I'm almost catching up with myself, why don't I be so perverted!

this moment.

Doctor Strange's mentality is a bit broken.

To know.

He is the supreme mage.

To achieve today's achievements, I don't know how much effort I have put in.

It turned out that Wanda was lucky, it’s been a long time since I saw her, she was able to catch up with her with all her magical strength, this kind of promotion speed is even more perverted than her original self!

"Could it be..."

After recovering.

Doctor Strange soon discovered the key.

Wanda seems to have a lot of respect for goblins, and she looks forward to it.

As a result, Strange immediately understood everything, and suddenly realized: "So that's the case, no wonder Wanda can have such a state, the feeling is because he worshiped this big guy as his teacher..."

In this way, it can be explained.

after all.

The profession of a magician is extraordinary.

It requires a lot of magical knowledge as a foundation. If there is no teacher, it will be very difficult to learn and practice on your own, and the speed of improvement is extremely slow.

But if there is a famous teacher to guide, coupled with a lot of resources and key training, then it will get twice the result with half the effort, like riding a rocket, and rise to the top.

Just like Strange back then.

One is that his talent is already very high, coupled with the training of the supreme mage Gu Yi, and the resources of the entire magic world of Kama Taj all in one's pocket...

Doctor Strange can naturally reach a level and realm that would take more than ten years, or even decades, to reach in a very short period of time.

the same way.

So is Wanda.

Even, compared to Doctor Strange, Wanda's aptitude and potential are even greater. In addition, goblins come from the space of reincarnation, and the magic system is not inferior to Kama Taj...


It is really not an exaggeration that Wanda can achieve this in a short period of time.

It can only be said to be a normal basic operation.


This is the so-called basic exercise.

That also scores people, such as Strange, then it's okay.

But if the target object is replaced by other ordinary people, then the latter will have no way of life at all. Comparing the two phases, the latter will definitely be thrown out of tens of thousands of streets, or even completely autistic, giving up the way of magic in despair .


The Goblin seems to see the difference in Doctor Strange.

So he coughed lightly and explained: "I forgot to tell you just now, Wanda is now my disciple and is still studying, but she is extremely talented. Although she has not practiced for a long time, her progress is amazing. To deal with the invasion of demons, it will definitely help..."

"If you don't believe me, you can learn from Wanda to see her magic strength and level. It just so happens that Wanda also needs some practice to hone herself..."


This is clearly inviting.

After all, Doctor Strange is also very strong. Although the magic system is a bit off track, and it seems a little out of order in the eyes of the goblin, it is still no problem to use it as a training partner for Wanda.

If you don't catch the young men who come to your door, you won't catch them.


Strange was silent for a moment.

He is not stupid.

Naturally, he could also see the goblin's intentions. At the same time, he himself was very curious. What kind of state had Wanda reached in such a short period of time with his magic power improving so rapidly?


Doctor Strange didn't refuse.

After thinking about it for a while, he nodded and agreed: "It happens that I don't have anything important right now, so let's have a discussion with Wanda."

To avoid damage to Wakanda's environment.

Doctor Strange also used the mirror space magic very thoughtfully. When the spell was activated, a large-scale special scene space was created immediately.


"This seems to be a very special kind of space magic. It can simulate everything in reality in an instant, and re-project it into another dimension..."

"It seems that this mage really has something!"


As soon as the mirror space comes out.

The goblin, Uncle Locke and the others immediately widened their eyes, obviously shocked by Doctor Strange's technique, and they all marveled and praised it.


A group of people walked in curiously.

And in the mirror space, according to Strange's consciousness, it has been changed and created into a special environment at this moment.

caught the eye.

It is a huge plain.

The grass, majesty, earth, water flow, and sunlight, everything here is extremely true to restore everything in the real world.

And in the sky, there are a few luxurious seats suspended, apparently specially prepared by Doctor Strange for the goblin and other judges.

On the huge plain, Doctor Strange and Wanda stood opposite each other.


Doctor Strange said to Wanda while casting his standard spell posture: "What do you think of the environment here? If you think something is not good, just mention it, and you will be satisfied with the safekeeping!"


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