The Storm God

Chapter 4049 Dragon star falls! (Please subscribe!)

There are sects of magic.

Some magics have a lot of forward movement, such as the Karma Taj system, ranging from super-level magic to some miniature magic, which may require some gestures or the cooperation of spells.

If both are restricted, magic may not be able to be used.

Avengers 3 movie.

Doctor Strange vs Ebony Maw.

The former completely lost to the latter, not because of how powerful Ebony Throat's "spells" were, but because the disadvantage was that the forward swing was too much.

On the other hand, Ebony Throat doesn't need anything, and can realize all kinds of tricks with just one thought. This alone is much better than Doctor Strange.

Maybe Doctor Strange is still moving forward.


Others' attacks have already taken shape.

The speed advantage is too obvious, and Doctor Strange naturally can't take advantage of it.

Of course, Doctor Strange knew about this, so after becoming the supreme mage, his learning focus was on overcoming such weaknesses.

Although there is no obvious huge improvement, but in some spells, he has basically achieved the level of canceling the forward movement.

Such as local teleportation.

the same way.

Doctor Strange believes that the magic that Wanda learns may also require certain preconditions, so he said such words.

Because if the environment restricts the other party's magic, then this discussion will lose its due meaning, but he obviously thinks too much.

Wanda's magic, learned from the goblin.

The magic type of the goblin comes from the reincarnation space. As a member of the reincarnation space, he has to go to the heavens and worlds to do missions and fight.


No matter what the type of magic is, there is one key point - universal!

in short.

That is, without any restrictions as much as possible.

They themselves are the greatest mixture of magic power and magic, and they can cast the magic they have practiced in almost any environment.


It's a different matter if there is something like the forbidden magic field.

In short, Wanda has also inherited this excellent characteristic, and she has little dependence on the environment. Even because she has the power of chaotic magic, Wanda's ability to cast magic is, to a certain extent, stronger than that of fairies. horrible.


Some magic, no need for spells, specific gestures, etc., Wanda can easily get it, just like exercising her own superpowers, it can be released easily.

"I am very satisfied with the environment here!"

Wanda understood what Doctor Strange meant, smiled and said, "My magical ability will not be restricted here..."

In other words, we can start directly.


Doctor Strange was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then said with a smile: "In that case, let's start."

The words fell.

He accumulated the magic for a moment, and then released it immediately.


Several magical circles of light flashed in succession.

They are like formations, and they surround Strange at the same time. The circles correspond to different scenes, and they are obviously connected to different azimuth coordinates.

Wanda's red magic light bullet, no matter what type of magic it represents, was directly transferred to other places by the formation formed by the magic circle.

This one move is enough to make Strange invincible.


Wanda can destroy this formation.

But this is obviously difficult. Even though this magic is almost an entry-level spell for people of the Karma Taj family, it is of the space family after all.

Its growth space and power depend entirely on the level and strength of the mage.

Ordinary mages may only be used as a convenient shuttle door, and the distance is limited to a certain range within the earth, but some powerful mages can directly break through the limitations of the interstellar and even dimensions, and use it to reach any place they want. Places to go.

Just like Heqi.

With a simple trick of the magic aperture, you can summon things from other parallel universes to help you achieve certain goals.

That's the difference!

And at this moment.

Although the range of the magic aperture cast by Doctor Strange is limited to the mirror space, its sturdiness is terrifying.

Even though Wanda used many different magical powers, she couldn't destroy it.

Those magic circles of light are like black holes, but if they get close, they will be swallowed and absorbed, and then transferred to other places in an instant.

It is really difficult to accurately hit the edge of the magic circle. Even if it succeeds, if the power is not enough, it will be useless.

Doctor Strange is hiding behind these magical apertures.

While maintaining the operation of the spell, he secretly accumulated magic power, and then cast other magic to launch various harassment and attacks on Wanda, so that the other party could not continue to suppress him with firepower.


The goblin and others who were on the sidelines burst into wry smiles when they saw this scene.

Haotian even grinned and said: "Fairy, no, it seems that your apprentice is strong enough, but your knowledge of magic is obviously not enough."

He has seen it.

Wanda's magic is only proficient in five or six departments now.

That is to say, different elemental magics such as wind, fire, water, earth, light and darkness, and special magics such as space, which have not yet been formally contacted and learned.


It is impossible for Doctor Strange's space aperture circle to be so domineering and immovable as a mountain. So far, this one move has easily resolved Wanda's magic.

It's not that Doctor Strange is so powerful, it's purely the characteristics of space magic, which has a natural advantage, unless it uses the same type or stronger magic.

Otherwise, it is really difficult to gain the upper hand.

To this.

The goblin was also speechless.

After all, the main reason is that Wanda started too late.

It's not that the goblin is unwilling to teach, but it's just that it hasn't had time yet, but seeing that Wanda can already master and use the magic she taught, the goblin is still very satisfied.

As for whether he can defeat Doctor Strange, it doesn't matter.

after all……

The other party is not vegetarian either.

Although Doctor Strange's magic seems to have too much forward movement, it looks a bit gimmicky, and the power is not very powerful, but it is extremely practical.

And the entry standard doesn't seem to be very difficult. If you can learn from it, you might be able to gain something.

Don't say anything else.

Take the space magic in front of you as an example. As long as it is used well, countless attack and defense sequences can be combined.

With that in mind.

The goblin's eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

And the center of the scene.

The magic competition between Doctor Strange and Wanda is getting more and more intense. All kinds of earth-shattering super powerful magics also began to be shot frequently.

Especially Wanda.

With the power of chaos magic in her body, ordinary magic can have the power comparable to high-level magic, and the power of high-level magic is even more terrifying when released.

Although she couldn't break through Doctor Strange's array of space apertures, she could directly use super-scale large-scale magic to completely bombard the area where she was located.

And this move did not disappoint Wanda.

As the ground collapsed and shattered, Doctor Strange had to use the ability of the cloak to fly, and during this gap, the area under him was not protected by the magic aperture.

This gave Wanda an opportunity to take advantage of.


Wanda used [Shadow Puppet], and immediately summoned a magic assassin from Strange's shadow, and launched a melee attack on him.

The sudden assassin immediately put Doctor Strange in a hurry.

Although he successfully blocked the shadow assassin's attack, because of distraction, the magic halos around his body failed one after another and gradually disappeared.

Once the formation is empty, Wanda's opportunity has come.

"Dragon star falls!"

Seeing Wanda raise her hands.

With the release of terrifying magic power, countless clusters of dragon stars quickly condensed in the sky, and then, like falling meteors, with unparalleled momentum, they launched a carpet bombing towards Doctor Strange.

Although Strange opened his magic shield in time, he obviously underestimated the power of this move [Dragon Star Fall]. His several layers of magic shield didn't last even a second, and he completely It was smashed into pieces all over the sky.

If it weren't for the magic cloak on his body, which possesses independent intelligence and took him away from the spot in time when he saw something bad, Strange might be in trouble.


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