The Storm God

Chapter 4050 Exchange Conference! (Please subscribe!)

After a while.


The goblin suddenly came to the scene and prevented the magic contest between Doctor Strange and Wanda, because there was no need to compete.


The entire plain has completely changed.

There are pitted craters everywhere, or raging fires, or the scarred and blackened lightning strikes, or the frost that exudes awe-inspiring freezing air...

These are all caused by the fight between the two.

In the entire mirror space world, except for the stands, the rest of the area was almost all affected by the battle between the two, and there was no good land!

And the results of the two sides' sparring were equally divided, with neither winner nor loser.

On spells.

Of course, Doctor Strange is better.

After all, he is a contemporary supreme mage, and he still has something in his stomach. Compared with Wanda, who became a monk halfway, all kinds of magic emerge in endlessly, and he has firmly gained the upper hand.


If it is about the power of magic.

Then it depends on Wanda. Although she has just learned magic, who makes her possess the power of chaos magic.

A group of born cattle!


In the movie, Wanda, who didn't learn any magic, can almost tear Thanos apart, let alone an upgraded version of Wanda who learned a lot of reincarnation and space magic from the goblin.

During the competition, Strange was once overwhelmed with no strength to resist.


This is just a sparring.

If it's not like this, it's a real fight.

Then the person who wins is likely to be Wanda, not Doctor Strange who is the supreme mage, because the former has a huge advantage in terms of casting speed.


That's not to say Strange is bad.

Both sides have advantages and disadvantages of each other, but the emphasis is different.

As the supreme mage, Strange's greatest strength is that he has all the magic books and knowledge of the entire Karma Taj system.

But this does not mean that he has completely mastered all the magic.

One is that the magic power is limited, and the other is not so energetic.


The mages of the Karma Taj family only learn some basic spells, and then use magic tools to deal with various troubles.

It is more inclined to the type of specific treatment of specific problems.

The magic that Wanda practiced is even more versatile. After all, she was born in the reincarnation space, and God knows what kind of enemy she will face in the next mission, so there is always only one main requirement, which is practical and powerful.

No bells and whistles, just what works.

Coupled with Wanda's chaotic magic power, even if Wanda's learning time is still short, as the battle time goes by, her progress has never stopped.

If there is a real fight, with Wanda's current potential, he must be able to kill Doctor Strange, just like Ebony Maw can suppress Strange.


Only the goblin will come forward to stop the two of them from sparring.

It's not necessary anymore.

At the very least, the exercise effect Wanda needs has been exceeded. As for whether Doctor Strange has benefited from it, only he knows.


Strange heaved a long sigh of relief.

At this moment, he looked at Wanda with eyes full of shock and envy. Obviously, Doctor Strange also saw Wanda's great potential.


Such a good seedling has been preempted by others.

Otherwise, maybe Wanda could be recruited into Karma Taj and trained as a future supreme mage. She definitely has the qualifications and ability.


Wanda first expressed her thanks to Strange, and then stood obediently behind the goblin, with a faint glint in her eyes. Obviously, after the battle just now, she gained a lot, and she is slowly digesting it now.


The goblin made no secret of her admiration, and praised: "You did a good job. It seems that you have listened to all my teachings during this period, and you have thoroughly integrated their comprehension. I think you can speed up the teaching later. ..."

Wanda's performance made him very satisfied, even unexpected.

at the same time.

Doctor Strange's magic also caught the goblin's eyes, and a lot of inspiration burst out in his mind, especially in terms of space.


He immediately extended an invitation to Doctor Strange.


Strange was silent for a moment, and then readily agreed: "Yes, the inheritance of our Karma Taj family does not have too many school rules and the like, and you are welcome to come and learn at any time And exchange magic knowledge..."

This moment.

It is time for the Holy of Holies to need strong helpers.

The idea of ​​communication proposed by the goblin can be said to integrate Strange's mind, and at the same time, it can also benefit him a lot.

after all.

Wanda's magic just now opened his eyes.

If they can learn some powerful magic from the goblins, they will be more confident when facing the invasion of evil creatures in the future.

And what they paid was just to share their magical knowledge with the goblins, and there was almost no cost, so it could be said that they made a lot of money.


A promise is a promise.

But for the specific operation process, Strange still needs to go back to the Holy of Holies, communicate with Wang and other mages to confirm, so as to avoid any misunderstandings in the middle, which will be troublesome.


The goblin expressed her understanding: "Then you should go back and prepare first, and we will look for you tomorrow."


The two parties agreed.

Strange got up and said goodbye and left.

Return with a rewarding experience.


Holy of Holies.

Just when Strange came back, he met the Mage King with a sad face.


Wang sighed, "What's the situation on your side? My side is not ideal. There are at most a hundred mages who meet the psychological expectations, and the rest are useless..."

"The number of mages like this is simply not enough to deal with those demons..."


Speaking of which.

Wang paused slightly, and then continued: "Also, we have encountered some difficulties in terms of magic weapons. According to the characteristics of the detected demons, a special magic material is needed to deal with their magic tools, and we The current reserves are simply not enough..."

"However, time is still so tight, even if we dig and purchase in other dimensions as quickly as possible, it is too late..."

"You should pay attention!"


The more he talked, the more sad he became.

A face was almost wrinkled, full of worry.

On the other hand, Strange's expression was unprecedentedly indifferent and relaxed, as if the things Wang said had nothing to do with him.

The root cause of all this was his trip to Wakanda.


Wang soon discovered the anomaly of Doctor Strange.

He was taken aback for a moment, then widened his eyes, and said full of curiosity: "Strange, there is something wrong with your expression, I've said so much, but you don't have any worries or worries at all... Could it be that, Wa The one over at Kanda has agreed to return the Time Stone to you?"

"not at all!"

Upon hearing this, Doctor Strange shook his head with a smile, and explained: "Actually, when I was in Wakanda, I didn't see Mr. Bai at all. I just met a few people under his command..."


As soon as Wang heard this, he was even more puzzled: "Didn't see that one? Just saw a few of his subordinates? Then what's the matter with your confident expression?"

"Could it be that they said they would help?"


Strange nodded.

He smiled and said: "That's right, not only did they say they would help, but they would also come over to hold a magic exchange meeting with Kama Taj tomorrow..."


Wang's eyes widened, completely stupefied.

Xin said, when is this, you still have the mind to hold some kind of magic exchange conference, you are not sick, why did you go to Wakanda, and the whole person went crazy?

He had serious doubts, and Strange's head twitched.

How else could it be so.

To know.

Those are more than a dozen powerful demons.

Without the blessing of the Time Stone, based on their current level of magic, let alone a dozen or so demons, even just one would be enough.

At such a juncture, Strange actually wants to hold Lao Shizi's magic exchange meeting...

What an interstellar joke!


Absolutely not!

One of the patriarchs of the Holy of Holies.

Wang said that he is obliged to correct the mistakes of the current supreme mage Strange, and even replace him if necessary.

This is all for the safety of billions of people on the planet.

Not for myself!


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