The Storm God

Chapter 4052 There is always a way! (Please subscribe!)


next moment.

The king was hit by the power of Chaser.

Without any dodge, he was hit directly. Although there was no explosion effect on a large scale, the power was enough to shock Strange.


He sees it clearly.

The magic shield in Wang's left hand seemed to be made of paper, and was torn into countless pieces by the power of the Chaser explosion on the spot.

on the contrary.

The magic spear held by the king's right hand, and the magic power released from it, firmly protected the king's half body, preventing him from fully bearing the power of the Chaser.


Half of his body was normal, and half of his body was scorched black, as if he had been struck by lightning, and the king, with white smoke coming out of his mouth, appeared in front of Strange.


Looking at the miserable Wang, Strange couldn't help feeling a little worried: "You, are you okay?"

While asking, I couldn't help thinking in my heart: "Fortunately, I was careful at the time and didn't release all the power of the Chaser, otherwise..."

All the colleagues in the Holy of Holies are probably about to have a feast.


Wang don't look very miserable.

But in reality, that's just the appearance, in fact he's not that bad.

after all.

Wang is the elder of the mage world.

During the five years after Doctor Strange was turned into ashes by snapping his fingers, he took over the seat of the supreme mage and successfully protected the earth N times.

Just the power of a light attribute chaser is not enough to injure the king.


The power and characteristics of Chasers.

But Wang clearly realized one thing: Karma Taj's magic doesn't seem to have much effect on this thing.

At least the magic shield he released just now is useless.


After recovering.

Wang also didn't care about his own image, and immediately said to Strange: "I'm fine, continue, this time I'll use another spell..."


He is going to use Karma Taj's spells to test the power of combat magic.

As the saying goes, know yourself and know each other.


Strange didn't refuse either.

Now that Wang Du said so, he naturally had to cooperate with all his strength. After the king condensed his magic again, he immediately released a dark attribute Chaser Power.




half an hour later.

Poor Wang, there is no good meat left in his body.

Some were hacked by the light attribute, some were corroded by the dark attribute, some were burned by the fire attribute, and some were frozen by the ice attribute... After all, the power of the chaser of the four attributes made Wang alone bear all the pain in silence. power.

Results prove.

This battle-type magic from other worlds seems to be the nemesis of Karma Taj-type magic, capable of almost countless and most spells.

This made Wang very painful and sad.


If we encounter this type of enemy in the future, wouldn't it mean that all members of our department will be hanged and beaten by the enemy?

This is not allowed!

Just thinking about that kind of scene makes Wang feel desperate.

Fortunately, not all magic is immune to parry, such as space magic, Weishandi's guardian spell and other spells are still very effective.

Even certain spells can counteract the power of Chaser in reverse.

This discovery reassured Wang a lot, and he continued to comfort himself: "It seems that what happened before was just a coincidence, let me just say, how could there be an existence in the world that specifically restrains us..."

Strange ignored the somewhat nervous Wang, but became more interested in studying combat magic.

His intuition told himself that the development potential of this Chaser power is extremely huge.

Those just now are just some basic applications, and they have already forced a mage like Wang to use some high-level magic to defend.

What if he used the power of Chaser more proficiently?


Their enemies are not their own.

It's the extraterrestrial demons who want to invade the earth, but the reason is the same. The enemy's understanding of them is the same as the understanding of the demons in the Holy of Holies.

If Strange and the others suddenly switched to other spells during the battle, it was conceivable that the demons on the opposite side would be confused.


If it erupts at a critical moment, maybe a few more people will die.

One thought here.

Strange couldn't help but feel his heart tremble, and he became more diligent and enthusiastic in studying the power of Chasers.

Not only him.

Wang is no exception. Obviously he also thought of this aspect, but the styles of the two are different, and the type of combat magic they choose is not the same way.

Strange's hands are useless, and because of the car accident, he couldn't use too much power, so his spells are more inclined to long-range attacks.

It is a relatively standard spell type.


Not bad at melee either.

The addition of magical power can also make up for some of Strange's physical defects, such as magic whip, out of body, mirror space and other magic, whether it is melee or long-distance, it can exert unexpected effects.

But Wang is different.

Compared with Strange, his spell style is more inclined to the ancient one.

Think about it too.

Before Strange arrived.

Wang has been in Karma Taj, and his studies will naturally be influenced by the first-class ancient mages, but the first-class ancients all follow the path of battle mages.


Even with high-level magic nearby.

People like Wang still prefer to arm themselves with magic, and then choose to play close combat with the enemy and defeat the enemy with fighting.

For the king, the combat magic brought by the goblin can be said to be even more powerful. If he learns it, he can develop his original style and methods to become more powerful and profound.

it's not...

It was only half a day.

The king was already able to play with the magic spear in his hand.

at the same time.

His magic power can also change attributes freely, and even condense into Chaser power to cast some special combat magic.

And his favorite battle magic is [Huanglong Yanyue Slash].

Once this trick is activated, the gathered chaser power will endow the magic spear with terrifying power, turning it into a domineering Qinglong Yanyue knife.

The king holding the Qinglong Yanyue Saber will then be like a god of war, possessing terrifying power beyond imagination, and smashing the void with the knife is just like playing.


This trick is still a growth skill.

As the king's strength continues to increase, the power of the Qinglong Yanyue Saber will also increase dramatically. Even at this stage, it has become the most powerful one among the many magics mastered by the king, not one of them!

And this is just the beginning.

There is still some time before the demons invade.

Wang believes that with his unremitting efforts, his strength will definitely rise to a few more floors when the war comes.

At that time, when it explodes with all its strength, it will definitely be invincible. It will make those extraterrestrial demons cry for their father and mother, and then come to invade the earth.

And Strange.

He also learned and mastered a lot of usages of Chaser power.

His own strength has also improved a lot. With the help of the magic wand and the power of Chaser, and some magic of the Karma Taj system, he is even confident that he can deal with one or two extraterritorial demons without defeat.

If you want to put it in the past, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

It can be seen from this.

How much did the combat magic brought by the goblin help and improve Strange?

If it is fully popularized, it will definitely improve the overall strength of the Karma Taj mages by several levels.


This is only theoretical.

Through in-depth research and learning of combat magic, Strange and Wang also discovered that this kind of magic cannot be learned and mastered by just anyone.

The first is the level of magic, which must meet certain requirements.


It is the physical aspect.

Those who meet the requirements can naturally choose magic that is biased towards melee combat; if they have certain flaws like Strange, they can only choose the power of Chaser, which is more biased towards long-range combat.

And no matter what kind it is, it must have enough magic power and a strong body as the foundation, otherwise it will not take a few moves, and I am afraid that it will collapse completely because it cannot support the load of the power of the Chaser, or even suffer backlash .

In terms of magic power, Strange was not worried.

Because the magic of the Kama Taj system uses the power of other dimensions to act as one's own magic power to cast spells, so as long as the mental power is sufficient, magic power is not a problem.

The key is the physical aspect.

Wanting to temper the body with magic power to make it as strong as a warrior is not what they are good at, even if Kama Taj's mages like to play close combat.

Usually, they still use magic tools to balance their physical deficiencies.

The combat magic is different.

"There is always a way!"

Strange's eyes were burning, and he couldn't help thinking of some scientific methods in his mind to increase the strength of his body.

Like super serum.

Or, special enhancement potions developed by alchemists.


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