The Storm God

Chapter 4053 Tough measures! (Please subscribe!)


Wanda is learning magic.

Vision, who is her boyfriend, is also not idle.

He was left in Wakanda and served as a scientific consultant and network defense administrator, because in the recent short period of time, hackers from all over the world have come to Wakanda for trouble.

no way.

Who made it impossible to ignore the alien spaceship here.

Anyone who is not stupid will want to get a piece of the action. Since the obvious is not enough, then the only way to do it is to be dark. To put it bluntly, it is a hacker who cannot be seen by a hacker.


Vision doesn't want to care about these messy things.

He just wants to live a good life with his girlfriend Wanda, but unfortunately, his girlfriend is not good enough, and she is actually obsessed with magic...


Vision can only be forced to stay.

If you stay here, you don't want to eat and live for free, do nothing, right?

Coupled with the warm invitation from T'Challa the Panther, Vision could only compromise and agree. After all, he had done that to the Panther before.

Whether it's out of guilt or something else, it's impossible for Vision to refuse.

And with the help of Vision's ability.

Wakanda's network defense is also impenetrable, and it has successfully prevented countless intrusions and Trojan horse viruses from all over the world.


two days later.

Thor leaves Wakanda.

According to the original timeline and plot development, Asgard should have been destroyed by the flame lord Surtur at this time.

His people were also massacred by Thanos.


Bai Xiaofei's snapping of fingers saved everything. Not only the dead clansmen were rescued, even Asgard was restored.

It's certainly not someone's Holy Mother, bent on doing good.

But another purpose.

To know.

Asgard is the lord of the nine worlds.

Its existence is of great significance. Without Asgard, the Nine Realms will be in chaos.

Before the Rainbow Bridge broke, chaos broke out in the Nine Realms, and it was finally suppressed by Thor and others after going through a lot of hardships.

If the rest of the Eight Realms knew about it, Asgard would be gone...

The result can be imagined.


Whether it's chaotic or not, Bai Xiaofei doesn't care.

The reason why he restored Asgard to its original state was mainly to gain more benefits from it, such as the Uru metal that is well compatible with magical power...


With Thor, the new king, Bai Xiaofei can save a lot of energy and get the resources he needs from the other eight realms.

Just like the dwarf king.

Although the little devil is a bit ugly, but the forging process is quite good.

Bai Xiaofei has countless precious materials in his hands, some weapons and equipment that he donated to his younger brothers, and it shouldn't be a problem for the little devil dwarf king to forge them.

But if there is no such relationship as Thor, it will probably be more troublesome.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't hide anything either.

He directly explained his intentions to Thor, the god of thunder, and the latter agreed without any hesitation.


Earth has recovered.

Thor, the god of thunder, is naturally going back to Asgard to deal with his own affairs.

after all.

Odin is gone.

He, the new king, has just ascended the throne, and not long before Hela, Ragnarok, and Thanos and the Tu Clan happened, and other major events...

There are still many troublesome things that Asgard has to solve, and the one that worries him the most is undoubtedly that arrogant and cunning younger brother - Loki.

Thor, the god of thunder, was really afraid that if he went back a little late, Loki would cause some trouble again.

And when leaving.

He also kindly invited Xingjue and others to visit Asgard.

To this.

Xingjue lost interest, because Bai Xiaofei snapped his fingers and did not revive Gamora, which made him very sad and desperate.

However, the little raccoon was full of interest.

He kept pushing the resurrected Destroyer, the Mantis Girl, and the tree figure Groot to follow him to Asgard.


The minority obeys the majority.

The members of the Guardians of the Galaxy still went to Asgard with Thor.

With their departure, the number of superhero fighters on Wakanda's side has been reduced by more than half in an instant. At one time, many people with ulterior motives thought that their chance had finally come.

Think about it too.

The little spider Parker is a student who lives in Queens, New York.

After snapping their fingers, everyone was resurrected, and they had already gone home to reunite with their aunts, helped neighbors in the neighborhood, and continued to be their superheroes and attend classes.

Hope, the Wasp, will naturally not stay in Wakanda.

Because she still has a father and mother.


And his boyfriend, the second-generation Ant-Man Lang.

In the wish of snapping his fingers, Bai Xiaofei also helped him restore his original healthy body instead of a solitary head.

There are not many members of the doomsday survival team.

Harpy didn't need to use much. Naturally, he returned to Iron Man Tony and continued to act as his driver. It was impossible for Agent Sharon to give up his job.

Also Winter Soldier Bucky, because of his previous work experience with Hydra, his identity is more sensitive, so he stayed in Wakanda, where he didn't mind his past.

The reward is a new enhanced version of the vibration gold arm.


Bai Xiaofei didn't help him recover.

Because someone thinks that Bucky without a metal arm cannot be referred to as the Winter Soldier, just like Captain America without a shield cannot be called Captain America.

Maybe people like it.

In short.

Wakanda on the bright side.

There aren't many superheroes here anymore, but secretly, there are definitely a lot of strong people stationed here.

Black Panther himself, Vision, Wanda, Bai Xiaofei's fantasy team...

They are not to be trifled with.


Except for Thor and other people who have stayed here, the outside world is not very clear about these situations, otherwise they would not be so confident that they would be able to force Wakanda to share alien technology with strong means such as force.

Among these people, especially the Midi forces are the most arrogant.

no way.

Who made it the strongest country at that time.

I used to be arrogant and domineering before, but now I see a small Wakanda occupying such a huge wealth, but refuses to share it with me...

That was naturally extremely unpleasant.


Arak, find out about Iraq.

They didn't just think about it. After going through layers of meeting decisions and repeated failed negotiations, Midi finally took practical actions.

Directly on the grounds that Wakanda might be bewitched by aliens, a large number of troops were dispatched to the African savannah.

Not just Midi.

Some other countries that are closely related to Midi are no exception.

after all.

We are all old friends.

The eldest brother eats meat, and they drink soup with him. This is already a silent tradition.

Especially in Wakanda, no one shares technology, but only a certain big country in the east. This move has even involved some people's nerves.


This happened now.

A large number of Midi soldiers gathered outside the protective cover of Wakanda, staring at them, and the leader was in charge, holding a loudspeaker, yelling something non-stop.

Wakanda, on the other hand, did not take these people seriously.

A protective shield completely sent the opponent away.

no way.

People are so awesome.

Don't keep beeping there, if you have the ability to smash our protective shield first.

Mi Di felt that he had been insulted, so he stopped being polite to Wakanda. Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, he opened fire directly.

But the result was bitter.

They bombarded for a long time, but they couldn't even make a slight ripple from Wakanda's protective shield...

It's very worrying.

To know.

Now Wakanda's protective shield has been specially strengthened by Uncle Locke of the Dream Team. Let alone Midi, even if the Thanos army strikes again, it is purely for nothing!


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